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It seems like quite a bit of people are going to spoil themselves... If this game came out...

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I don't mind being spoiled because watching others play is enough of an experience for me (I'll just treat it like watching a movie lol). I'm also really curious about a lot of things and I want to see with my own eyes how they'll work out.

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Supposedly the game should disappear from my mind the instant it's out in Japan. The annoying part is that I legitimately have been hyping myself up for nothing during the past month and half.

And to that I say:


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Hey saying eh is my thing lol

Yeah thats one of the reasons i find hype overrated.

I wouldn't go that far. Hype has made this a very enjoyable ride, it'll just hit a little bit harder when it stops. Honestly the way I see it, since I'm really liking where the game is going, trying to repress my enthusiasm would be the sad thing to do. Plus if I absolutely don't want spoilers, since most people on this site will get the game before me, there won't really be any other time. No regrets.

Now give us some more in-game footage already.

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I wasn't an active member of any Fire Emblem community until recently so I've been blessed so far with not getting any spoilers. I'm a big story guy so avoiding spoilers is a priority. I'll still look up info on classes and skills but I'd like to experience the story on my own. Even with spoiler tags, I'm sure people will be dropping spoiler bombs left and right here so I'll be bidding you fine people adieu after the Japanese release. It with be a hard 6+ months.

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If the game came out in Europe a month after it dose in Japan, I would wait. Seeing as that`s not the case, I`ll spoil the game for myself (though only myself, as to not ruin it for other people). I did the same thing with Awakening and I still loved the game so I have no problem with doing the same for this one.

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The times were I was foolish enough to have positive expectations of something carrying the Fire Emblem brand are over, so there is no way that I'm going to spend money on this game without sufficient information beforehand. If this is actually turning out to be a game that can be spoiled, then I will just have to live with that wasted opportunity.

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Here's how my timeline will go: - Game is released. For the first few days, I will ignore the internet entirely. -Day 4 or 5: I will end up going on SF to look up something for an older game and may see the news feed. - Day 9: I will decide to just check out some weapon stats and whatnot about if. -Same day: I'll begin to stray out of the non spoiler content and will be spoiled about something (probably pretty minor). -Day 10: I'll say "screw it" and look up all information about the spoiled topic, and will undoubtedly spoil something else. At this point I will tear my face away from the screen and go try to read a book or something. -Day 11: The cycle will begin again.

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For me, I had forgotten about the franchise between the point of playing Sacred Stones and Awakening, so when I picked up Awakening everything was absolutely a surprise. Really fun experience.
However, I'm an impatient person and if I wasn't picking up the game on the release day I guarantee I'd have spoilered myself to infinity and beyond. While it kind of ruins the emotional impact of scenes, the games are still fun.

I actually opened up a tumblr blog entirely dedicated to spoilers for anyone who wants to follow me playing it there. Everything will be under read more labels and tagged with the post content, so people could just look at specific things, such as avatar customization, or classes, or characters.

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I'll spoil character designs and all the game mechanics as well. However, if I manage to stay away from this forum for several months and stay very far from Youtube I should be able to to keep plot spoilers at bay until the international release schedule begins.

Music and cutscene is my #1 concern though. Part of the reason I love Id~Purpose so much is because I never saw that piece coming. Made the final chapter an incredible experience. Awakening's cutscenes are still the best thing I've seen in a 3DS game. Thankfully its easy to avoid music and cutscene spoilers, but I just hope I have the discipline to do so for all those months.

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The only thing that I'll spoil for myself is avatar customization and game mechanics... Although I might accidentally spoil myself on characters and classes while I look for other info on the game.

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I will only try to spoil mechanics, such as the avatar.

Though, I have a feeling I'm going to get spoiled one way or another.

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I wasn't an active member of any Fire Emblem community until recently so I've been blessed so far with not getting any spoilers. I'm a big story guy so avoiding spoilers is a priority. I'll still look up info on classes and skills but I'd like to experience the story on my own. Even with spoiler tags, I'm sure people will be dropping spoiler bombs left and right here so I'll be bidding you fine people adieu after the Japanese release. It with be a hard 6+ months.

This, Although, I've had bad luck trying to google non-spoiler information and freaking Google suggestions ruins moments for me.

That being said, I have Serenes forest now, so I should be able to just wait a few weeks/months and go to FEif's skill and classes page and avoid 0 spoilers.

It'll be weird vanishing for 6 months after how hyped I am over this game.

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People should probably leave a week before the Japanese release. You really should come to expect that some people manage to get the game early and leak information like wildfire.

this is true remember x and y. i'd probably leave a couple weeks to be extra careful

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Part of the reason I liked Awakening was that I went into the game blind so all the game mechanics, character, and yes even story were fresh to me. So to answer your question no I would not spoil the game. As far as I'm concerned I know enough about it and when its released a month from now I'll put the blindfolds on reading the FE if section. Only other things I need to know are official date of release in the US and how it will be released (dual versions, special edition etc).

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