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Does it bother anybody else that Male!Kamui is getting much more coverage?

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first of all- love how everyone replying to my first post is ignoring the part where i mentioned f!kamui was getting more attention fanbase wise.

Maybe because that's completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

like, seriously. this is mountain out of molehill.

For the love of

Can we fucking stop saying this? No one is making a huge deal out of it. Some people are annoyed. That's all. No one is treating it like some crime against humanity. Deal with it.

I also don't see how Hoshido is being pushed more. They seem to be getting equal treatment in my eyes, and if anything, Nohr seems to be getting hyped up more what with Phoenix being added probably for it specifically.

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i'm also agreeing w/ Awakener_ here, as well- another reason, i would say, would be the duality side of things with aqua and kamui, with their hoshido/nohr things. they're pushing that, and the duality theme is pushed further by having m!kamui rather than f!kamui.

A funny thing about this idea, from the Dengeki scans:


The one screenshot in here where female Kamui is used (which is one of two in all the scans) is the one where Kamui is talking to Aqua.

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I think you summed it up nicely. Well at least what the PR team of IS thinks (and most other big game companies in the world).

If I remember well Mass Effect's PR featured mainly Male Shepard and only one trailer features FemShepard

This is probably because there was an actual celebrity-based design for male shepherd's default appearance, IIRC. According to wikipedia they put some more effort into fem shep's default face for ME3 with a poll to see which of a few designs was most favored.

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Yes, it bothers me a bit, but like I've stated numerous times, my biggest complaints are about her stupid armor and pose when compared to her male counterpart. It just seems so unnecessary; why not just show both protagonists kicking ass? Why does one of them have to be sexy? There are plenty of other characters in the game that can be used for fan service and sex appeal.

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From experience, usually men/women create characters of their respective sexes to represent them, in games that allow such feature. If the pictures are taken from testers, and if the majority of these testers are men, then it provides another answer as to why m!Kamui is given more coverage.

Mamui seems to have pointier ears than Femui

Now, this is a clear sign that IS is sexist and promoting male dominance by giving m!Kamui pointier ears than f!Kamui. (before someone makes the mistake, I'm not implying the member meant that)

I wonder which other social justice warrior whining we're going to see about If.

No one is making a huge deal out of it. Some people are annoyed.

This is self contradictory. If some people are annoyed, then some people are making a huge deal out of it... Which is unreasonable. That's the point of saying some people are making a mountain out of molehill.

Edited by Rapier
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Have you seen the second trailer?

Yeah I have. I can see where people might get the impression that M Kamui has been covered more especially in that trailer where they use him in the screens of the game but I think its more of a placeholder for MU. Especially since it looks like they use the default Male one.

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Now, this is a clear sign that IS is sexist and promoting male dominance by giving m!Kamui pointier ears than f!Kamui. (before someone makes the mistake, I'm not implying the member meant that)

I wonder which other social justice warrior whining we're going to see about If..

Yes, being annoyed by something you don't give a fuck about automatically makes someone a SJW. How nice to know.

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Yes, it bothers me a bit, but like I've stated numerous times, my biggest complaints are about her stupid armor and pose when compared to her male counterpart. It just seems so unnecessary; why not just show both protagonists kicking ass? Why does one of them have to be sexy? There are plenty of other characters in the game that can be used for fan service and sex appeal.

what i'm more amazed about is that this isn't something being complained about more, because its actually something not equal.

EDIT: trust me i've never been a fan of the "broken spine to show off tits and ass" pose

but instead we gotta focus on advertisements because...well they do bring in alot of sales so i can see where this is going, but femui's offical art is awful.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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This is self contradictory. If some people are annoyed, then some people are making a huge deal out of it... Which is unreasonable. That's the point of saying some people are making a mountain out of molehill.

Um, no. There are levels here. Being annoyed doesn't mean we're taking it personally, or thinking it's something extremely awful, or actually making a huge deal out of it..

Like, what the hell is your (and anyone who says what you are) problem here? Why can't anyone be annoyed by this without "making a mountain out of a molehill"? That's ridiculous. Just because you're not bothered by it doesn't mean people who are are taking it too seriously. Get over yourself.

I am now much more annoyed at you people spouting this crap than I am about the actual issue we've been talking about.

Yeah I have. I can see where people might get the impression that M Kamui has been covered more especially in that trailer where they use him in the screens of the game but I think its more of a placeholder for MU. Especially since it looks like they use the default Male one.

Uh, yeah. That's kind of the entire issue this topic is about.

what i'm more amazed about is that this isn't something being complained about more, because its actually something not equal.

EDIT: trust me i've never been a fan of the "broken spine to show off tits and ass" pose

but instead we gotta focus on advertisements because...well they do bring in alot of sales so i can see where this is going, but femui's offical art is awful.

There have definitely been complaints about this. I don't even look at half the topics in this forum anymore and I've seen multiple people who don't like F!Kamui's design.

This topic probably exists specifically because it wasn't being mentioned elsewhere. No one needs to ask if someone people dislike Kamui's design because we already know.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Yes, being annoyed by something you don't give a fuck about automatically makes someone a SJW. How nice to know.

How dare they not advertise your female character as much as you'd like them to!! Yeah, I know.

And yes you become a SJW by implying it is sexist that f!Kamui is not as advertised as m!Kamui. There are thousands of reasons that answer why this is possibly happening, one of which being that they just don't need to make more pictures when they can reuse the ones they already have, since it is more practical. To make a social justice cause about a female videogame character not being as adversited as much as you want is being a SJW.

I mean, f!Kamui is right in the cover, both in the boxart and in the big jpg image, whereas m!Kamui appears in random pics from the game, how can you even claim she isn't getting as much attention as she deserves.

Like, what the hell is your (and anyone who says what you are) problem here? Why can't anyone be annoyed by this without "making a mountain out of a molehill"? That's ridiculous. Just because you're not bothered by it doesn't mean people who are are taking it too seriously. Get over yourself.

My problem's with how everything is becoming an issue right now. More male characters than female characters? Oh wow, social issues, male domination, sexism, women depreciation. More m!Kamui screenshots? Social issues again. If f!Kamui doesn't get into the demo? Male domination once more.

Can't we just enjoy playing videogames and be happy.

Also, from your own logic, if it is people's right to become annoyed with the gender ratios and pictures ratios, isn't it also my right to become annoyed with such a mess also.

I am now much more annoyed at you people spouting this crap than I am about the actual issue we've been talking about.

Same here, although for completely opposite reasons.

Edited by Rapier
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Uh, yeah. That's kind of the entire issue this topic is about.

I made a post earlier about it on my views on the whole thing. Quite frankly as long as the F Kamui remains playable in the same way the Male one is and the game is of good quality I don't really see an issue. But just my opinion.

I wasn't around the forums during the Awakening hype and I only got the game last fall which prompted me to join SF but I wonder if people had issues or brought this topic up with Robin/MU being introduced and used.

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How dare they not advertise your female character as much as you'd like them to!! Yeah, I know.

And yes you become a SJW by implying it is sexist that f!Kamui is not as advertised as m!Kamui. There are thousands of reasons that answer why this is possibly happening, one of which being that they just don't need to make more pictures when they can reuse the ones they already have, since it is more practical. To make a social justice cause about a female videogame character not being as adversited as much as you want is being a SJW.

I mean, f!Kamui is right in the cover, both in the boxart and in the big jpg image, whereas m!Kamui appears in random pics from the game, how can you even claim she isn't getting as much attention as she deserves.

My problem's with how everything is becoming an issue right now. More male characters than female characters? Oh wow, social issues, male domination, sexism, women depreciation. More m!Kamui screenshots? Social issues again. If f!Kamui doesn't get into the demo? Male domination once more.

Can't we just enjoy playing videogames and be happy.

Also, from your own logic, if it is people's right to become annoyed with the gender ratios and pictures ratios, isn't it also my right to become annoyed with such a mess also.

You're not making much sense. First of all, social justice warriors normally believe they're taking an active part in improving society somehow; most people here simply express their annoyance at how a character is being portrayed and gets less time in the spotlight. Secondly, you seem to be taking this awfully personal and you come across as more agitated than we who complain about female Kamui. Thirdly, we wouldn't be here if we didn't enjoy video games, or at the very least Fire Emblem, and this is a place to talk about everything related to the series, which most definitely includes characters.

If you have a different point of view and want to debate, then by all means go ahead, but right now you're coming across as a brat who resorts to what could almost be considered ad hominem arguments.

Edited by Thane
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I made a post earlier about it on my views on the whole thing. Quite frankly as long as the F Kamui remains playable in the same way the Male one is and the game is of good quality I don't really see an issue. But just my opinion.

Neither do I. It is not like women will be misrepresented in the game, f!Kamui is a thing, as much as a main character as m!Kamui. If anything, their position of equality should've been a good point of women representation.

First of all, social justice warriors normally believe they're taking an active part in improving society somehow; most people here simply express their annoyance at how a character is being portrayed and gets less time in the spotlight.

Ok, but there are people claiming gender inequality and issues from this, that's enough to be considered a SJW, since they advocate for social justice themes.

Secondly, you seem to be taking this awfully personal and you come across as more agitated than we who complain about female Kamui. Thirdly, we wouldn't be here if we didn't enjoy video games(...)

I don't understand. If it is their right to be annoyed about it, why is it also not my right to be annoyed at this also? Seems hypocritical.

Never said people don't enjoy videogames. I've actually asked why they can't enjoy a game without complaining that a female characters isn't as advertised as much as they want to be, and how this hinders these people's enjoyment.

If you have a different point of view and want to debate, then by all means go ahead

There isn't much room to debate, to be honest. It is a topic about discontentment regarding f!Kamui's less appearances than m!Kamui. Annoyance is an entirely subjective theme. I don't feel annoyed when x character appears as much as I wish them to be. Some people do. I think this isn't such a big issue. Some people think so. It amounts to that. And apparently asking how this is such a huge issue (because I want to understand why they're so angry) is insulting.

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How dare they not advertise your female character as much as you'd like them to!! Yeah, I know.

And yes you become a SJW by implying it is sexist that f!Kamui is not as advertised as m!Kamui. There are thousands of reasons that answer why this is possibly happening, one of which being that they just don't need to make more pictures when they can reuse the ones they already have, since it is more practical. To make a social justice cause about a female videogame character not being as adversited as much as you want is being a SJW.

I mean, f!Kamui is right in the cover, both in the boxart and in the big jpg image, whereas m!Kamui appears in random pics from the game, how can you even claim she isn't getting as much attention as she deserves.

Have a read. You need it, trust me.

There's really not much for me to say, you clearly have very little knowledge of social issues involving women. I'm not saying you should be bothered by the issue this topic addresses, you just lack understanding.

My problem's with how everything is becoming an issue right now. More male characters than female characters? Oh wow, social issues, male domination, sexism, women depreciation. More m!Kamui screenshots? Social issues again. If f!Kamui doesn't get into the demo? Male domination once more.

Can't we just enjoy playing videogames and be happy.

This is a cop-out. Further evidence to your lack of understanding.

Yes, I can play and enjoy video games. I can also be aware of the flaws in the industry while doing so.

Also, from your own logic, if it is people's right to become annoyed with the gender ratios and pictures ratios, isn't it also my right to become annoyed with such a mess also.

Sure. But that doesn't make it right to accuse people of something they aren't doing. If all you said was, "People getting annoyed by this annoys me," I would never have even responded to you.
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Have a read. You need it, trust me.

There's really not much for me to say, you clearly have very little knowledge of social issues involving women. I'm not saying you should be bothered by the issue this topic addresses, you just lack understanding.

Ok, a sincere question then: How is this topic's issue a matter of male dominance? There's also been presented possible answers as to why this happened, so no, it is not good to automatically jump to male dominance if it isn't the only answer to the issue.

It's not that I'm blind to women issues. I'm just warry of radical people, and they seem to be popping everywhere. And as I said before, isn't f!Kamui an actual sign of proper women representation? All I am seeing is that there is nothing wrong with f!Kamui or the way she's presented. I honestly can't see the issue. Can someone show me?

This is a cop-out. Further evidence to your lack of understanding.

I can see issues when women are marginalized, or shown under an abusive image, or when female characters are represented as slutty Ms. Fanservices, or when women are abused in the industry for supposedly not doing "women things" (as questionable as this may be). However, I can not see an issue when there are more male characters than female characters, as long as these female characters are not too marginalized (as in a 10x3 gender ratio). Nor when a female character is less shown than a male character, taking in account said female character is shown in the cover, boxart and magazine pages.

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The issue that's been brought up is that while you say F!Kamui is proper female representaton, the amount of screentime she actually gets compared to M!Kamui is drastically lower (I actually think non-existent, except for that one scene where F!Kamui was shown attacking someone?).

That's the problem as far as I can tell.

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Neither do I. It is not like women will be misrepresented in the game, f!Kamui is a thing, as much as a main character as m!Kamui. If anything, their position of equality should've been a good point of women representation.

Ok, but there are people claiming gender inequality and issues from this, that's enough to be considered a SJW, since they advocate for social justice themes.

I don't understand. If it is their right to be annoyed about it, why is it also not my right to be annoyed at this also? Seems hypocritical.

Never said people don't enjoy videogames. I've actually asked why they can't enjoy a game without complaining that a female characters isn't as advertised as much as they want to be, and how this hinders these people's enjoyment.

There isn't much room to debate, to be honest. It is a topic about discontentment regarding f!Kamui's less appearances than m!Kamui. Annoyance is an entirely subjective theme. I don't feel annoyed when x character appears as much as I wish them to be. Some people do. I think this isn't such a big issue. Some people think so. It amounts to that. And apparently asking how this is such a huge issue (because I want to understand why they're so angry) is insulting.

First off, stop putting words in my mouth. I've never said it was sexist. You're simply jumping to conclusions.

And if it bothers you so much that I'm annoyed by something that isn't really a big deal, why not try to, you know, move on with your life?

Some of these posts in this thread are quite astonishing.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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I've never said it was sexist. You're simply jumping to conclusions.

I didn't mean you said it was sexist, I meant that when one says it's sexist, they're bringing a social justice matter.

And if it bothers you so much that I'm annoyed by something that isn't really a big deal, why not try to, you know, move on with your life?

Couldn't that be also a question to people who are annoyed about f!Kamui's less appearances.

This topic is about f!Kamui's less appearances. Some think it is bad. Some think it isn't much of an issue. I think there's not much reason to find it an issue. I might've slipped on my wording, but that's the essence. We're giving subjective opinions about an issue in a topic where we're supposed to give subjective opinions about the issue.

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To the OP yes, it bugs me a lot. But unfortunately it's the kind of topic that will make a lot of people jump on you and throw fits about and shout it down until no one talks about it. I guess if you think it's worth the effort to talk about despite the shrieking of people who claim it's not a big deal but also can't shut up about how you care, good on you.

Honestly for most forums I just use threads like this to take a quick peek in and update my ignore list, but I don't even know if this forum has one.

Aaanyway, I won't be in this thread again but props to you OP.

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Honestly for most forums I just use threads like this to take a quick peek in and update my ignore list, but I don't even know if this forum has one.

It does, click on your username in the upper right corner to bring up the dropdown, then click "manage ignore prefs"
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