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Regarding Avatar's age...


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So Kamuii/Avatar is suspected to be taken to Nohr as an infant. And that man shot by a ton of arrows in that one trailer followed by Garon taking you, he's generally accepted to be the Avatar's dad, correct.

If that's the accepted theory (I accept it as well) then that means he(the father) was killed that night you were taken to Hoshiido. But... You have younger siblings.

I mean if the Avatar was like 1 or 2 when taken then that would excuse Takumi. But Sakura looks much younger then you, probably 4-5 years at best. The father had to have been around to have had them too (unless mom remarried).

My point is, if that man is really the dad of the Avatar, then how old would the Avatar have to be when he gets taken in order for Takumi and Sakura to be possible..?

I don't know this just popped into mind and I thought it was weird.

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I originally thought that the avatar was the second youngest at approximately 18 years old, while Sakura was 15-16. Since it's now confirmed that Takumi is younger than the avatar, I'm putting the avatar at around 18-20 (because I don't think he looks older than than that), Takumi at around 17-18, and Sakura would still be 15-16.

If the guy who got shot full of arrows was really the Hoshido siblings' father, all that means is that Sakura had to be conceived before he got shot. So if my age estimates are anywhere near accurate, Kamui would've probably been anywhere between 3-5 when he was taken, I think.

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I can't even remember the last time I played a Japanese game aside from Ace Attorney where the main character(s) at least didn't start their journey as teenagers. So I'm going to say 18, just because it's a nice, high school age which seems to be the setting for every other anime.

Edited by Thane
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I'd say Kamui is younger, around 14-15, Takumi and Leon being about the same age as Kamui, Elise and Sakura being 12ish, 13 tops, and the older sibs being 17-20ish.

Ryouma, Marx, and Camilla definitely don't look 17-20 to me. Camilla and Ryouma look like they're in their mid-twenties, and Marx looks like he's in his late-to-mid twenties. While Elise does look like she could be in the 12-14 range, Sakura looks older than her, and I don't think the two younger brothers or either default Kamui look that young …

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Since it's now confirmed that Takumi is younger than the avatar, I'm putting the avatar at around 18-20 (because I don't think he looks older than than that), Takumi at around 17-18, and Sakura would still be 15-16.

I was thinking similar to this, just the ages a bit younger.

I'd say that Kamui looks 18-19, Takumi at around 15-16, and then Sakura at 12-13. Takumi and Sakura look very young to me, so I would have just brought their ages down a bit. Of course, there's still the actual game to find out, if they even tell us.

To me, Female Kamui looks younger than Male Kamui, but they probably are just the same age. It'd be weird to change the age just because of gender, to me at least.

As for the Nohr sibling counterparts, I'd say Leon looks about 16-17 (like Takumi, though a bit older), and Elise at 11-13. Elise looks younger than Sakura, maybe by a year, but I feel like 11 years old would be pushing it, which is why I made her maximum age 13, like Sakura.

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I was thinking similar to this, just the ages a bit younger.

I'd say that Kamui looks 18-19, Takumi at around 15-16, and then Sakura at 12-13. Takumi and Sakura look very young to me, so I would have just brought their ages down a bit. Of course, there's still the actual game to find out, if they even tell us.

To me, Female Kamui looks younger than Male Kamui, but they probably are just the same age. It'd be weird to change the age just because of gender, to me at least.

As for the Nohr sibling counterparts, I'd say Leon looks about 16-17 (like Takumi, though a bit older), and Elise at 11-13. Elise looks younger than Sakura, maybe by a year, but I feel like 11 years old would be pushing it, which is why I made her maximum age 13, like Sakura.

Really? I think it's the other way around; I think male Kamui looks like a little kid who's been dressed by his mother and is super uncomfortable, but that's perhaps partially because of his stupid face.

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Hmm, maybe I unconsciously raise everyone's ages up a bit because now that I'm older it's requires more suspension of disbelief for me to imagine younger characters doing some of the things they do in games and animes and stuff. Then again, it is anime-style art so maybe I'm just really bad at telling ages in general. Still, unless official sources prove me wrong, I'm going to have a hard time seeing the characters as younger than I've pegged them for @_@

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I believe that Kamui will be the same age as all the other previous lords, around 16-17.

Edited by ChocolaChao
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Kamui looks a lot younger than most people are placing him at. I'd peg him at 15-16 which would require Leon/Takumi to be around 14-15 and Sakura/Elise to be around 12-13. Papa Hoshido had a "productive" 3 years. Camilla looks a good deal older, looking to be 19-24. I'd say Hinoka looks 19-20 and Ryoma/Marx to be mid to late twenties.

Kamui was likely around 3 years old when he was captured. Aqua looks older than him so maybe she is around 18 years old. I wonder what age she was taken at.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Wow. I didint mean to start a topic about what his canon age is (though the title is misleading...) I meant how old would Kamuii be when taken to Nohr assuming Garon took him right after his Dad died.

I personally see Kamuii being 18 or 19 at best. Marx and Ryouma I see being around 25ish maybe 23 at lowest. Hinoka and Camilla probably 21. Leon and Takumi probably 17 or 16. Sakura and Elise are probably 14 or 13

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To answer the OP's original question Kamui was probably a baby, age 1 at max, given how he/she evidently remembers nothing about Hoshido.

I think Kamui is between 18 and 20. Leon and Takumi are probably between 16 and 18, while Elise and Sakura are between 13 and 15. Camilla and Hinoka are probably around 23, while Marx and Ryouma are probably around 27.

Also, why are people so convinced that Mr. Pincushion is Kamui's father? He looks like a generic swordmaster, likely a bodyguard trying to get Kamui to safety. Also, just because the scene of Garon picking Kamui up is placed right after Pincushion's death scene in the trailer doesn't mean they actually happen that way in the story. Maybe his death is the beginning of Nohr's assault on Hoshido.

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Hmm, personally, I see the Kamui's, from looks alone, to be 18-20. They look just about as old as I do, if not older, soooooo... (on top of that I get mistaken for being older than I am quite often)

Hm, I wonder... Neither Takumi nor Sakura seem to be extra familiar with them, so they probably barely remember him/her, that would make them quite young. Sakura nor Elise look like they're 9 months to a year younger than Leon or Takumi, so I assume they're younger by at least 2 years, they look considerably younger than Takumi/Leon. Going off of this, that would then make Takumi/Leon at the very least 2-3 years old when Kamui as taken. With the information that Kamui is older than the younger brothers, this age gap I could see being about 1 year apart, would then make Kamui at least 4 years old.

However, for all we know though, Sakura could have just been conceived or has already been born by the time Kamui had been taken. It could actually be a little hard to say but I would assume Takumi was no older than 5, and even that is stretching it, when Kamui was taken.

Long story short, I assume that Kamui was taken anywhere between the ages of 3-6.

However, this whole thing is assuming that pin cushion man is the siblings father. If he's dead, unless they're only half-brother's and sister, I don't see how he would have been able to help conceive Sakura and Takumi if Kamui was still only a baby when kidnapped.

Edited by NuggetofButt
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To answer the OP's original question Kamui was probably a baby, age 1 at max, given how he/she evidently remembers nothing about Hoshido.

I think Kamui is between 18 and 20. Leon and Takumi are probably between 16 and 18, while Elise and Sakura are between 13 and 15. Camilla and Hinoka are probably around 23, while Marx and Ryouma are probably around 27.

Also, why are people so convinced that Mr. Pincushion is Kamui's father? He looks like a generic swordmaster, likely a bodyguard trying to get Kamui to safety. Also, just because the scene of Garon picking Kamui up is placed right after Pincushion's death scene in the trailer doesn't mean they actually happen that way in the story. Maybe his death is the beginning of Nohr's assault on Hoshido.

1 at max really? My earliest concrete memory is from when i was 3ish.

Also what is with this apparent age obsession, we probably are not going to get anything concrete they might mention how old they were when Kaimui was kidnapped but i don't expect anything more and frankly i don't see how it matters. America would probably raise the ages anyway

it is interesting that Leon and Takumi are younger, though it is japan so the sibs after kaimui still could be very close in age despite their looks. So Kaimui could still be 2ish or maybe 3ish

Edited by goodperson707
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Also, why are people so convinced that Mr. Pincushion is Kamui's father? He looks like a generic swordmaster, likely a bodyguard trying to get Kamui to safety. Also, just because the scene of Garon picking Kamui up is placed right after Pincushion's death scene in the trailer doesn't mean they actually happen that way in the story. Maybe his death is the beginning of Nohr's assault on Hoshido.

Hoshidad has the same hair, outfit and sword as Ryoma.

It's possible that the scenes aren't connected but it would be a big coincidence because the locations look the same.

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But if we take the text about Hinoka literally, about training since the day Kamui got kidnapped and assuming that Hinako is about 2 years older than Kamui. What would be a age to start training every day? Then subtract 2 (or something) from that and you know the age at which Kamui was kidnapped

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Can someone give me a source about Leon and Takumi being the younger brother? I always thought them to be your older brother.

It was translated in Rangeki Nintendo. It might have been in Famitsu too, I don't remember.



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Here's what I'm guessing:

Marx and Ryouma: 27-30

Camilla: 25-27

Aqua: 20-24

Hinoka: 18-21

Kamui: 17-20

Leon and Takumi: 15-17

Elise and Sakura: 13-15

Aqua looks like she's a bit older than Kamui.

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