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Butler, Maid, and Ninja/Shinobi Promotions

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So we know that we're getting these classes, but what will they promote into? (RIP Great Butler ;~;) Butler will probably promote into Steward, but Maid is a bit trickier, but I'm thinking Governess (Nobleman's daughter that for some reason had to resort to servitude to support herself) or Housekeeper. Ninjas could just promote into Assassins, but I have a theory that they might have the option to promote into Swordmasters, too. Saizou and Suzake seem to be the Cain and Abel archetypes in the Hoshido game, and Ryouma is a Trueblade, or Swordmaster. He could potentially be an Oifey. The trend among Jeigans and Oifeys seems to be that Cain and Abel are an unpromoted variation of said Jeigan's or Oifey's class, but I don't know. Thoughts?

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Maybe Ninja/Shinobi can become Swordmasters and some sort of other Japanese themed class (Maybe Samurai or something.)

I think Butlers and Maids will become Stewards and Stewardesses respectively, possibly with access to tomes, as I've heard some people say that Felicia says something about magic, but that could easily be talking about staves.

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I kinda think maids and butlers won't promote and will get extra levels to compensate. Ninjas, it's mentioned in Kagerou's bio that it's her starting class, which makes me think they will promote, probably to a new class. If there's branching promotions then swordmaster as well.

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I'm thinking that Ninja will have Dread Fighter as a shared promotion with Oni. Take the mask motif of Oni, the clothing of Ninja, and you end up with something that looks remarkably similar to Dread Fighter. With how Awakening had shared promotions take visual cues from both base classes it just lines up too perfectly for me.

I'm of the opinion that Butlers and Maids are special 30 level classes.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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I think Maids and Butlers are already promoted.

Except Cavaliers and maybe one or two other classes, classes that have access to two weapon types are usually promoted. Plus Felicia has two Troubadour skills as a Level 1 Maid, suggesting she promoted from a Troubadour (or Rod Knight or some other Troubadour replacement).

You also have the high stats, +1 movement and promoted Pair Up stats.

As for Ninjas, I couldn't guess right now.

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I assume something along the lines of an assassin. I mean, the ninja's overworld sprite is exactly the same as awakening's assassins. They will most likely get to use bows or katanas in addition to their throwing knives.

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Most of the evidence points to Maids/Butlers either being prepromotes or classes that don't promote. I like the idea of Shinobi promoting to Assassins and Dread Fighter. So I guess that would mean:

Assassin: Bow and Hidden Weapon

Dread Fighter: Axe, Sword, Hidden weapon?

In that case, Dread Fighters would be hitting all parts of the weapon triangle, neat.

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Most of the evidence points to Maids/Butlers either being prepromotes or classes that don't promote. I like the idea of Shinobi promoting to Assassins and Dread Fighter. So I guess that would mean:

Assassin: Bow and Hidden Weapon

Dread Fighter: Axe, Sword, Hidden weapon?

In that case, Dread Fighters would be hitting all parts of the weapon triangle, neat.

Agreed on most of this. When I suggested that Ninja would promote to Dread Fighter I was actually thinking the class would lose swords in favor of hidden weapons. Normally I wouldn't think that an entirely physical unit would suddenly gain tomes, but if you actually look at the Oni* growth screen they have surprisingly high res. and magic. In fact the Oni's whole design makes me think at least something will be mystical about them.

*If Dread Fighter does come back I believe it'll be a shared promotion between Oni, and Ninja.

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Agreed on most of this. When I suggested that Ninja would promote to Dread Fighter I was actually thinking the class would lose swords in favor of hidden weapons. Normally I wouldn't think that an entirely physical unit would suddenly gain tomes, but if you actually look at the Oni* growth screen they have surprisingly high res. and magic. In fact the Oni's whole design makes me think at least something will be mystical about them.

*If Dread Fighter does come back I believe it'll be a shared promotion between Oni, and Ninja.

Dread Fighter with axes, tomes, and hidden weapons sounds amazing and incredibly OP. Powerful physical weapons (axes), magical tomes that can span a wide range of hit and mt, and accurate debuffing options, all while still having entire weapon control and probably reasonably tanky in both def/res :O

I agree about the oni thing. I think the only fully physical class in Awakening that had a non-negligible amount of Mag/Res and didn't have access to staves or something was Swordmaster?

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Agreed on most of this. When I suggested that Ninja would promote to Dread Fighter I was actually thinking the class would lose swords in favor of hidden weapons. Normally I wouldn't think that an entirely physical unit would suddenly gain tomes, but if you actually look at the Oni* growth screen they have surprisingly high res. and magic. In fact the Oni's whole design makes me think at least something will be mystical about them.

*If Dread Fighter does come back I believe it'll be a shared promotion between Oni, and Ninja.

It could go either way, Tome or Sword but when I think about Ogres or Ninja, I generally don't picture them holding spell books. The promotion system I had in my head was:

Berserker << Oni >> Dread Fighter << Shinobi >> Assassin << Thieves >> insertnewclass

Oni still strike me (ouch!) as being physical monsters.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Dread Fighter with axes, tomes, and hidden weapons sounds amazing and incredibly OP. Powerful physical weapons (axes), magical tomes that can span a wide range of hit and mt, and accurate debuffing options, all while still having entire weapon control and probably reasonably tanky in both def/res :O

I agree about the oni thing. I think the only fully physical class in Awakening that had a non-negligible amount of Mag/Res and didn't have access to staves or something was Swordmaster?

Oh crap, you're right. That is...that's...that would be a huge issue with that weapon set up. Part of that though is just that hidden weapons sound incredibly broken at the moment. I think their balancing factor is that they have super low might. A while ago I remember someone pointing out that most weapons have higher might now. Hidden weapons have low might by Awakening standards, so it could be that they'll consistently be blocked from doing any damage.

It could go either way, Tome or Sword but when I think about Ogres or Ninja, I generally don't picture them holding spell books. The promotion system I had in my head was:

Berserker << Oni >> Dread Fighter << Shinobi >> Assassin << Thieves >> insertnewclass

Oni still strike me (ouch!) as being physical monsters.

I totally agree that Oni are physical monsters (have you seen their strength and defence? It's really good for a tier 1) but their design generally has things that make me think they're mystical. Large prayer bead things around their neck, their demony looking mask, Rinka has been shown wielding a fire mace, and the before mentioned high mystical stats. Oni are more than just ogres, they seem to be people with the strength of one, and to me that's mystical in and of itself.

As a side note that's the exact same promotion system I had in my head. Great minds think alike, huh?

Edited by Honey Bunny
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I share the belief that Maid/Butler does not promote. Demon Fighter for Shinobi sounds plausible, but I don't think it would get tomes. 3 weapons, one of them magic was fine for a DLC class, but feels too OP for a standard unit unless it comes with some drawback.

As for Shinobi-->Assassin, the problem is that it would leave Thieves high and dry. I haven't seen it mentioned too much, but by all appearances the game has taken pains to split all classes between Nohr and Hoshido. It's why we're seeing so many name changes like "Pegasus Warrior" and "Brave Hero" even though the classes themselves appear unchanged; in previous games whether a class name was English or Japanese didn't matter, but for this game Nohr classes are in English and Hoshido classes Japanese, and they've renamed classes that have been around since FE1 just to accomodate that. With that in mind I can't see Thief and Shinobi sharing a promotion, and between Thief losing Assassin or Shinobi promoting to something else I find the latter more likely.

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Dread Fighter with axes, tomes, and hidden weapons sounds amazing and incredibly OP. Powerful physical weapons (axes), magical tomes that can span a wide range of hit and mt, and accurate debuffing options, all while still having entire weapon control and probably reasonably tanky in both def/res :O

I agree about the oni thing. I think the only fully physical class in Awakening that had a non-negligible amount of Mag/Res and didn't have access to staves or something was Swordmaster?

Well the only un-promoted class to have a non Zero res and mag base stat that also had more than 20 mag that did not have access to staves or magic are myrms and pegs. So one promotes to 2 magic using classes and the other either loses the magic as an assassian or goes to sword master. So yes sword master is the only promoted class to have above 30 magic that doesn't have access to magic/staves, but 1 pegs are the only weapon only class that has above20 magic that promotes to a magic using class. And 2 the most likey reason that swordmasters have above 30 magic is because sword masters are the only promoted sword locked class, which only ranged weapon that is not A ranked is the levin sword. Also dancers have a base stat in magic as well and though dancers only have 30 magic they only have 30 strengh as well, and they are also sword locked.

So in my opinion either this means that oni promotes to a magic using class and a staff using class, which is possible, but pegs had more magic and res than 1 so its unlikely to me. 2 oni promotes to a magic using class and a non magic using class possible but awakening does not hold precedent for this. 3 oni promotes to a mace only using class, and maces main ranged weapon/s use the magic stat, i see this as the most likely as it has precedent,I don't see you throwing a mace and we have already seen a magic mace i believe.

Edited by goodperson707
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Agreed on most of this. When I suggested that Ninja would promote to Dread Fighter I was actually thinking the class would lose swords in favor of hidden weapons. Normally I wouldn't think that an entirely physical unit would suddenly gain tomes, but if you actually look at the Oni* growth screen they have surprisingly high res. and magic. In fact the Oni's whole design makes me think at least something will be mystical about them.

*If Dread Fighter does come back I believe it'll be a shared promotion between Oni, and Ninja.

What? The class' magic and res are almost non-existent.

Edited by Ryo
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As for Shinobi-->Assassin, the problem is that it would leave Thieves high and dry. I haven't seen it mentioned too much, but by all appearances the game has taken pains to split all classes between Nohr and Hoshido. It's why we're seeing so many name changes like "Pegasus Warrior" and "Brave Hero" even though the classes themselves appear unchanged; in previous games whether a class name was English or Japanese didn't matter, but for this game Nohr classes are in English and Hoshido classes Japanese, and they've renamed classes that have been around since FE1 just to accomodate that. With that in mind I can't see Thief and Shinobi sharing a promotion, and between Thief losing Assassin or Shinobi promoting to something else I find the latter more likely.

Since thieves are unique in their utility, I imagine it would be one of the classes that show up in both countries in some capacity. Iirc the class name has even switched between the Japanese 盗賊 and the Engrish シーフ (the latter of which has been used for the Nohrian bow thief) throughout the series. So the Japanese version might still exist as a Hoshidan class that can promote to whatever the equivalent of the assassin is, and the Nohrian thief can promote to アサシン.

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What? The class' magic and res are almost non-existent.

Their magic is next to nonexistent, which is better than the Brave Hero's literally nonexistent magic, and only two points less than priestess. Resistance on the other hand is half the Brave Hero's, which sounds bad at first, until you factor in that the Oni's res. is 1 and the Brave Hero's is 2. That gets really embarrassing for the Brave Hero once you factor in the fact that they're tier 2, and still have such miserable res. Sure Oni's res. is nowhere near as high as the magical units, but they're mages, high res. is kind of their thing.


Well the only un-promoted class to have a non Zero res and mag base stat that also had more than 20 mag that did not have access to staves or magic are myrms and pegs. So one promotes to 2 magic using classes and the other either loses the magic as an assassian or goes to sword master. So yes sword master is the only promoted class to have above 30 magic that doesn't have access to magic/staves, but 1 pegs are the only weapon only class that has above20 magic that promotes to a magic using class. And 2 the most likey reason that swordmasters have above 30 magic is because sword masters are the only promoted sword locked class, which only ranged weapon that is not A ranked is the levin sword. Also dancers have a base stat in magic as well and though dancers only have 30 magic they only have 30 strengh as well, and they are also sword locked.

So in my opinion either this means that oni promotes to a magic using class and a staff using class, which is possible, but pegs had more magic and res than 1 so its unlikely to me. 2 oni promotes to a magic using class and a non magic using class possible but awakening does not hold precedent for this. 3 oni promotes to a mace only using class, and maces main ranged weapon/s use the magic stat, i see this as the most likely as it has precedent,I don't see you throwing a mace and we have already seen a magic mace i believe.

Interesting, I hadn't thought of that. It could be a combination of two and three. One mace-locked class that has a magic mace, and another magic user class which actually uses that magic once in a while. That doesn't seem too unreasonable to me. Comparing magic and res. bases the Oni's is identical to the Myrmidon's, so more fuel for 3.

Edit #2: Those bases are also identical to Dancer and Entombed. The link to Entombed is almost certainly nothing, but I thought it was interesting.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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^ actually braves heroes lack of magic makes me think that the Hoshido classes use magic weapons as their ranged weapon, while the Nohr classes either don't have magic weapons, or do but have less magic to make Hoshido classes better at using magic weapons. But one magic doesn't make me think they will promote to a magic user. Pegs had 2 and they were the only class that promoted to i using tomes that did not have magic/staves before.

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You get some odd exceptions once in a while. Mage and Dark Mage both don't make use of their strength stat at all, and yet those are the only paths that lead to the sword-using Dark Knight in Awakening. You also have really pathetic cases like Cavs actually losing speed upon promotion to Great Knight, same with Barbarian to Warrior.

TL;DR anything is possible

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Their magic is next to nonexistent, which is better than the Brave Hero's literally nonexistent magic, and only two points less than priestess. Resistance on the other hand is half the Brave Hero's, which sounds bad at first, until you factor in that the Oni's res. is 1 and the Brave Hero's is 2. That gets really embarrassing for the Brave Hero once you factor in the fact that they're tier 2, and still have such miserable res. Sure Oni's res. is nowhere near as high as the magical units, but they're mages, high res. is kind of their thing.

That still doesn't disprove my point that their res and mag are almost non-existent to be called good. We're also seeing diagrams here, not actual numbers, so the fact that its magic is "only two points less than priestess" (which actually isn't really that impressive either comparing to the other stats) may prove to be a drastic difference. Heroes have always had bad Mag and Res in general, so being slightly superior than them doesn't mean much.

Edited by Ryo
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