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Fears for If?

Mr. Myrmidon

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I hope that, if they bring supports back, they do a few things with it.

Nerf it! This is one of my biggest gripes. Up until Awakening, it boosted your stats a bit but wasn't second world.

Make less people support each other. In Awakening, everyone can support everyone. But before that, you could only support a select few people.

And just write it better. With less people supporting, it should be easier.

Honestly, I just hope they don't bring back marriage or babies or any of that.

Awakening supports were OP, but having super limited supports just emphasized how shitty some characters were compared to others. At least in Awakening most every character was viable.

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I hope that, if they bring supports back, they do a few things with it.

Nerf it! This is one of my biggest gripes. Up until Awakening, it boosted your stats a bit but wasn't second world.

Make less people support each other. In Awakening, everyone can support everyone. But before that, you could only support a select few people.

And just write it better. With less people supporting, it should be easier.

Honestly, I just hope they don't bring back marriage or babies or any of that.

^ have you ever seen how good some supports could be in previous games?, the main thing overpowered about supports in 13 were the dual attacks which have been reworked anyway.
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I'm really worried about difficulties Awakening had a unbalanced ramp up between Hard and Lunatic, hard mode was playable lunatic almost encouraged grinding. Although in the new game grinding is supposedly hard on Nohr so maybe itll be close to FE10 hard mode. But hey there's pheonix mode so I'm doubtful of balance.

. Phoenix mode is optional, so the game's balance will probably be up to the player.
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^ have you ever seen how good some supports could be in previous games?, the main thing overpowered about supports in 13 were the dual attacks which have been reworked anyway.

For real, Oscar/Ike +30 avoid was stupid broken in FE9

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^ have you ever seen how good some supports could be in previous games?, the main thing overpowered about supports in 13 were the dual attacks which have been reworked anyway.

Not really. I didn't use them a whole bunch but I've seen a few videos on Youtube use them pretty well.

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Awakening supports were OP, but having super limited supports just emphasized how shitty some characters were compared to others. At least in Awakening most every character was viable.

I can use every character in every FE at end game. Does viable mean good? No. Awakening is no different from any other FE in this fact.

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I can use every character in every FE at end game. Does viable mean good? No. Awakening is no different from any other FE in this fact.

Awakening standardized support bonuses instead of automatically gimping characters with shitty affinities.

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I fear the maps in Hoshido will be simplistic and boring to cater to the increasingly casual target demographic.

I fear the characters will be too trope-y and their supports poorly written.

I fear the class selection will be limiting.

I fear the stories (for the first two routes at least) will be unambitious and full of plot holes.

I fear the dragon abilities will be poorly balanced and be too obvious for when and how to use them.

Edited by NekoKnight
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My fear? That the game will be an utter disaster in gameplay, balance, story and characters. Just because they have a new writer doesnt mean it wont be bad, just because some of the changes sound good on paper, doesnt mean it will be any fun.

That's not being toxic, just cautious.

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^^ i like this post.

Anyway i barely remember affinities i liked the flavour it added, but the boosts are forgettable for me, i knew they were good i just liked getting different supports with people who didn't fight well together

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I kinda fear the story will suck in Nohr, the plot in Nohr is the main reason I am buying day one with Hoshido as i'm currently tight on money. I hope my investment will be worth it. (I'm a broke ass college student)

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There a being pessimistic and there is being unrealistically pessimestic. You couldn't have been more over the top even if you had tried.

Do tell me how we can be realistically pessimistic about a game we know so little about.

I'd just rather not have high expectations, so that I don't become disappointed when I see the final results. This is how I roll.

That said, I think If will be a good game. Just not as good as the hype promotes it. I doubt the choices will be that important or significant (it will probably be something that changes chapter paths, recruitable chars here and there, this kind of thing), I doubt the moral conflict will be solved without another antagonist popping up (it is implied by Aqua's song that there's some evil lingering and that Kamui will be the one to end it, iirc), I doubt Nohr and Hoshido relations won't become good after endgame because suddenly they'll listen to the voices of reason and live happily after (if Marx inherits the throne, for example, I think their relationship will improve a lot).

I know but still. With the reports of a new writer and the focus being on choice. That type of negativity Rapier put out is incredibly toxic and should be relegated to jokes and not a serious discussion.

Please, not you too, Jedi. You can only be 'intoxicated' by my pessimism if you allow your own psyche to let it in. Also, my pessimism is not any less rational than optimistic hypes based on preconceptions of the game. We're just taking shots and guesses here.

That said, I'm impressed you are annoyed because of my pessimism.

Edited by Rapier
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I fear for the balancing of the weapon debuffs, and whether the debuffs to your units won't matter later, or are just so crippling that it would be preferable to just use iron weapons.

Also that the story/characters will completely flop. Here comes Saturday Morning Villain Garon!

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My biggest fear is that they will be too apprehensive of alienating the new fans and will try to pander too much to them instead of letting if be its own game. Not because I think the new fans are ruining the series or whatever, I just think that would be underestimating the new fans, I believe the majority of them would play and enjoy future FEs even if they didn't copy/paste Awakening, based on my own experience with the series.

Thankfully this fear grows smaller with most of the new info we learn.

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I fear for the balancing of the weapon debuffs, and whether the debuffs to your units won't matter later, or are just so crippling that it would be preferable to just use iron weapons.

Also that the story/characters will completely flop. Here comes Saturday Morning Villain Garon!

Garon seems like an obviously evil character who does obviously evil things (poor guy who dies in the trailer) that are obviously evil to everyone (Marx questions his dad's morals in the trailer), but I get vibes that tell me he's competent at it.

(Rapier)If is getting a top notch writer, so I doubt that the story and choices will suck. Also, this game seems to be going for themes of symmetry and gray moralities. The endings will probably bloody, so I doubt the sides will be on any semblance of good terms.

I don't know him, so I can't say much, but it does seem he's experienced. Still, it is very hard to pull this kind of choices and consequences tricks in the story, and writers are used to linearity. That's why I think the choices and consequences thing won't be -that- significant, I'm betting on map changes, recruitment changes, objective changes and few dialogues changes that don't alter the flow of the plot (like FE8's branched parts).

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Garon seems like an obviously evil character who does obviously evil things (poor guy who dies in the trailer) that are obviously evil to everyone (Marx questions his dad's morals in the trailer), but I get vibes that tell me he's competent at it.

I don't know him, so I can't say much, but it does seem he's experienced. Still, it is very hard to pull this kind of choices and consequences tricks in the story, and writers are used to linearity. That's why I think the choices and consequences thing won't be -that- significant, I'm betting on map changes, recruitment changes, objective changes and few dialogues changes that don't alter the flow of the plot (like FE8's branched parts).

I just hope Garon isn't completely evil, but someone who gets carried away doing what he feels is best for his country. Also(correct me if I am wrong) I'm pretty sure the writer they got is the writer of Astro Boy, so he seems good.( that and they're hyping the hell out of the fact that they got him as writer)
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Call me when they hire Uroboshi Gen as the writer for FE15

Yeah, Garon looks so obviously evil that it does give me a feeling that there is much more to it. I'm even more anxious for the game, even if my pessimism shows otherwise, because I want to know how this is going to turn out.

I'm prepared to spam threads where FE14 (J) players tell us how the game is. I'll ask them about the plot, first and foremost, and if it is more mature or as deep as they promote it to be (of course, I don't expect something 2deep4life, and I wouldn't even like such a story, but it -seems- edgier than usual FEs).

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Do tell me how we can be realistically pessimistic about a game we know so little about.

I'd just rather not have high expectations, so that I don't become disappointed when I see the final results. This is how I roll.

That said, I think If will be a good game. Just not as good as the hype promotes it. I doubt the choices will be that important or significant (it will probably be something that changes chapter paths, recruitable chars here and there, this kind of thing), I doubt the moral conflict will be solved without another antagonist popping up (it is implied by Aqua's song that there's some evil lingering and that Kamui will be the one to end it, iirc), I doubt Nohr and Hoshido relations won't become good after endgame because suddenly they'll listen to the voices of reason and live happily after (if Marx inherits the throne, for example, I think their relationship will improve a lot).

Please, not you too, Jedi. You can only be 'intoxicated' by my pessimism if you allow your own psyche to let it in. Also, my pessimism is not any less rational than optimistic hypes based on preconceptions of the game. We're just taking shots and guesses here.

That said, I'm impressed you are annoyed because of my pessimism.

First of all, we know a fair bit compared to the press previous Fe's ever got alone.

Second you are complaining about things that Awakening did simply because you feel the game will be Awakening 2.0 in every single aspect.

Thirdly, annoyed? I'm just worried about the new fans coming in and seeing veterans complaining about insignicant trite that is likely not going to happen. It reminds me of the Sonic, Zelda, and Final Fantasy fan bases all at once and those three are not apt things to be like.

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I'm afraid that Garon will be completely evil with no good motivations other than "lol i'm evil let's pillage hoshido" and Hoshido will be portrayed as absolute saints.

Also I'm afraid that marriage will be back and they'll use the stupid "well you're not actually related" excuse to let you marry the Nohr royal family. They're the people I've lived with all my life, that's more of a family than Hoshido ever was.

Of course it could be even worse. They could use that excuse to let you marry Nohr, then over on the Hoshido side use the exact opposite ("You never lived with us I don't really see you as family bla bla bla") to let you marry your family in Hoshido.


EDIT: Oh also I'm fully expecting the only "choice" to be which game to buy and a few meaningless choices like Awakening had.

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I don't really have any fear.

Even if this game ends up being a complete failure, even if all the new decisions they made regarding the mechanics become completely unbalanced/broken or don't have any significant impact, it can still be a basis for future games to learn from. What I acknowledge from IS is their determination and efforts to improve, that's the important thing to me. I was actually worried that we'll be getting Awakening 2.0, 3.0... from now on because of its popularity, but that is apparently not the case. Not only did they try to fix/balance many issues from Awakening (including the story), but they also attempted to adjust some recurring problems in the series as well (like magic triangle being hardly relevant). Again, the outcome may turn out to be a complete disaster, but at least they admitted those mistakes and tried to improve, which is what I give them credits for.

Edited by Ryo
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