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Fears for If?

Mr. Myrmidon

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Hmm my main fear that isnt about some of the "true fans"...

Enh my only real fear is if the characters are unnamed soulless expendable characters, which is obviously not true in this game. Or fe 11 substitute characters, or FE 10 supports and having characters that i would actually let die cause they have almost no lines or character. But neither of those seem likley either. Nearly Anything else i think would be fine for me. The fact that it is a fire emblem game is all that really matters to me.

Edited by goodperson707
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Well, I fear that Hoshido will be too similar to Awakening. I know that there's the whole world map and shit, but I don't want it to be almost exactly like Awakening. I also fear that no one will buy Hoshido simply because Nohr has "dark and evil" looking people.

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My two biggest fears are that the game becomes too depresing and that the Hoshido route becomes Awakening 2.0. I would also like marriage to return (even if it`s exlusive to the Avatar), but it seems unlikely unfortunetly.

I also hope that the story and (if they return) supports are writen well so that I can connect with the characters. I liked the supports in Awakening, but some of them were pretty stupid (female Avatar and Chrom, Guis and Sumia and Tharja and Virion to name a few).

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I'm afraid Hoshido will be Awakening 2.0, like a lot of people have already said. With Nohr I'm more concerned about the story being overly dark and edgy, since the revolution is one of the main reasons I want to start on that route. In general I am really hoping that there will be meaningful choices that affect the story, but I'm honestly not expecting much. I'm also wary of how many new features IS is putting in the game. Individually they all look interesting, but when stacked together I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it.

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I'm worried that the 3rd route will be in development so long that it'll get massively hyped up in the community and not be as good as we thought.

Other than that I'm feeling pretty good about the new game, nothing seems that bad at the moment.

Edited by Bandit
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I'm worried that the 3rd route will be in development so long that it'll get massively hyped up in the community and not be as good as we thought.

Other than that I'm feeling pretty good about the new game, nothing seems that bad at the moment.

It's being released simultaneously iirc?

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My biggest fears? Well, aside that some may already have been said, here they are:

- I just read that there will be more characters in (both?) the Hoshido as well as in the Nohr route. I think this means we'll get more quantity instead of quality.

Which in turn means we'll probably get more bland characters. Especially on this part I hope I'm wrong, but I think I can assume this is correct information.

- A poorly written story.

- Horrible, cheesy, bland and generic support conversations. (Yeah, all this in one)

These are my main fears :(.

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My biggest fear is that this game's true antagonist and final boss will be another monster of some kind with lame excuses to fight like conquer the world/I loved Zephiel and you killed him so now I'm mad/whatever Grima wanted to do because I've never understood it. A human or even human-like(like Ashera) could really make the plot better IMO. FE4/9/10's final bosses actually all had good reasons and a good backstory to make the fight much more enjoable than "We'll show you that humans are worth something!" and "We defeated him, now we can all return to our happy happy lives!"

I also fear that supports will be bland like in FE10/13. Since their introduction, supports mainly served as an extension of a unit's personality. That way a player could discover hidden traits and backstories. While this was present in Awakening too, a unit's personality always reamins the same. Lon'qu is always scared of girls, Miriel is always studying everything, Gaius is always a candy lover, Olivia is always the quintessence of moe, and the list goes on. The units are static, they never change. And I fear that this will be the same in this game.

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- The game being too easy

- The formula being changed radically

- Being forced to kill off characters of opposite side

- Bad/shallow major characters

- Becoming FE:RD 2.0 (aka great, ambitious ideas, ...not so great execution, resulting an unsatisfying game) but hopefully still enjoyable

- The games' sales not performing well =[

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Messing up the story too much. The fastest way to do that would be to make Aqua completely uninteresting yet omnipresent, like Athena Cykes in Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies.

Most of my concerns are strictly story related, but that's one of the more specific fears I've got.

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Messing up the story too much. The fastest way to do that would be to make Aqua completely uninteresting yet omnipresent, like Athena Cykes in Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies.

and i thought i was the only one who found athena super boring

My huge interest for Aqua has rapidly diminished every time a new update comes out, and I really hope they don't screw up there since she has great potential. I'm going to be disappointed if we don't have the option to kill off all of our siblings from the enemy side, because what's a Fire Emblem game without emotional character death?

The biggest fear I have is probably the return of S supports (possible), children (high unlikely) and lousy supports similar to 10 and 13.

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Doesn't Takumi's quote on the character bio page mention not trusting the "two of you"? I'd imagine he's talking about Kamui and Aqua. If Aqua was captured around the same time as Kamui, that means she likely grew up with the Hoshido royal family, and since Takumi doesn't trust, I'd imagine she wasn't treated as family.

Takumi's been stated to be naturally suspicious of people; knowing that, I honestly don't believe that he is a reflection of most in Hoshido.

But my biggest fear, easily, has to do with the game's reception. I'm paranoid that due to something superficial the game gets panned - most likely either "there are no children/marriage" or "they are making me pay extra for a second playthrough" - and at worst relegates the series to something like it was in the DS era, where the future of the series and its localisations is in doubt.

I literally have not thought of this before, but as soon as I read this I started sharing in your paronia.

Anyway, my fears? Map design, big time. I honestly don't "fear" about the choices, because I always interpreted the "choices" as just being "Hoshido or Nohr", so I'll be pleasantly surprised if there are any more that actually have some real effect. And add me into the boatload that's saying S-supports.

Edited by Leon of Nohr
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I fear that the old fanbase will needlessly tear this game apart, despite how good it actually is. I also fear that the new fanbase will be scared off because this game is different.

Basically, I'm scared of people being dumb.

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I fear that they may get too conservative, but it seems that this isn't the case at all here. I may not like everything about if (the eastern themes and choices don't sit well with me), but that makes for something more interesting than an Awakening clone (I don't dislike the other way, though; I never complained about FE6 being too traditional, for instance). Anything wrong FE if commits can be corrected in later games.

I also fear that the Fire Emblem series overall might get too aggresive lately. It's farfetched, but I don't want to see what befell Compile (granted, I like Sega's Puyo far better anyway) happen here.

I fear that the old fanbase will needlessly tear this game apart, despite how good it actually is. I also fear that the new fanbase will be scared off because this game is different.

Basically, I'm scared of people being dumb.

We survived Awakening. I'm confident that we'll live through this one too.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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I'm worried that I'll have to deal with people incessantly blathering on about a game I don't care for just cause it's the newest one in the series.

PS This is not to say that I don't care for FE If, but it'd be somewhat off putting if that happened again.

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I'm worried that I'll have to deal with people incessantly blathering on about a game I don't care for just cause it's the newest one in the series.

PS This is not to say that I don't care for FE If, but it'd be somewhat off putting if that happened again.

I feel like that'd be pretty easy to avoid by simply staying out of the forum specifically talking about if? I mean I don't particularly care for fe10 but aside from this thread I've managed to avoid ever having to see anyone gush about something I found sub-par.

Unless you mean in real life because you know other FE fans. In which case yeah I guess it can be a bit annoying when a friend gets obsessive with a fandom thing you aren't into for a while.

Edited by Eveangaline
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Biggest fear is that they will release two seperate versions in the US release with no option of a single cart or special edition or that said special edition will not be stocked enough and be gone within the first five minutes of being online for preorder.

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honestly i can see this happening, i mean FE10 got panned, not for the issues it did actually have, but for stupid shit like "no mii support, nunchuck controls, and too hard even on easy".

i can definitely see some uninformed 'fans" that only played 13 and get booty blasted and disappointed when FE14 isn't awakening 2.0

note i'm talking about "professional reviewers" with this post, not the people of this fourm or any other place.

I was looking at a "best FEs" thing a while back on I can't remember what site, and RD was so low for exactly these reasons (and "bad graphics"). I mean there are some legit complaints to be made against the game but this is what you're focusing on?

I think now people who are planning to get if wouldn't care too much if websites did the same thing in their reviews, I think the real test will be if Youtubers start hating on it for stupid reasons.

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I was looking at a "best FEs" thing a while back on I can't remember what site, and RD was so low for exactly these reasons (and "bad graphics"). I mean there are some legit complaints to be made against the game but this is what you're focusing on?

I think now people who are planning to get if wouldn't care too much if websites did the same thing in their reviews, I think the real test will be if Youtubers start hating on it for stupid reasons.

I think RD's biggest problems in the eyes of the reviewers was that it was a Wii game that felt like it should have been a gamecube game.

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