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Nintendo Direct 31st May: Possible FE if info?


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Seeing Kamui run around in a city like that reminded me of Shining Force really hard.

Okay, I think we're gonna get quite a few things out of this one. Glimpses of characters all over the place.

I really hope it was video lag that made Rinka sound like a little girl though...

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I happened to be around due to circumstances!

As expected, not too much information, but was new info regardless, I guess.

Just a new "My Castle" mode where you get to visit stores/build new buildings to get new opportunities/etc.

I'll wait until it ends before looking closely at it... if I don't fall asleep. xD

EDIT: And yeah, plenty of new names popped up here and there, and it will likely have Streetpass features from the looks of it.

Edited by Kirokan
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Uhg of all the times for the livestream to crap out on me....When do recordings usually go up?

Usually right after it finishes

And I missed my chance to get the Lucina Amiibo ;_;

They really need to update the site after all this

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They said something will be available after the Direct finishes but I couldn't understand it due to my crappy Japanese ;_;

Edited by Ryo
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They said something will be available after the Direct finishes but I couldn't understand it due to my crappy Japanese ;_;

I wasn't watch too closely, but if I had to guess, perhaps the main website will update with the info or something.

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Yay, the site's finally updated.

Oh good, so I was right when the guy said the site would probably update after the direct.

I see that Hoshido-leader's name is Mikoto.

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