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The Fire Emblem Amiibo


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So, did anybody get a Fire Emblem amiibo? Specifically Robin or Lucina, who shipped to America today.

Perhaps share an interesting story of how you waited in line for hours to get it, like I did, but there was still some guy in front of you who got the one you wanted to you had to go for your second choice.

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Did not find Robin during my hunt but a couple of hours ago my friend linked me to a page where i could order a Robin so it all worked out in the end.


Edited by Sir Nile
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I've laid my $ on quite a few of these buggers

  • Ike #1
    • Paid a craigslist scapler $35 for this fella, but also a Rosalina for the same price, going back to late February. I was just geting into the Amiibo game at that point, so i was still pretty inexperienced. I ended up giving this Ike away in a Raffle here on SF to Tristian Shock Sockmaster (in literally, a box full of socks)
    • Snagged this one at a Gamestop close to my office, while hunting for the elusive KingDDD. I asked if they had anything coming in and they had 1 KingDDD, one Ike and one MegaMan, so I got them all, and that was the first DDD i actually owned (I had Target provide me with an order later on that week)
    • This was a lucky score at...Amazon.co.uk's order, I think? I ended up trading this one for a Captain Falcon to someone in NY though, so he's long gone.
    • When Marth 2.0 hit GameStop Shelves, you better believe I was out there looking. One Gamestop about 20 miles away from my current office (that was near my old job's location) had reported one Ike and one Marth. I was able to get there to snag the Ike but miscommunication meant I lost the Marth.
    • Out hunting for Marths just like the last one, this actually happened the same day. I just kept driving while on my break, and got this one at a place nearly an hour from my office. It wasn't that far from the one I was at...so I thought
  • Marth
    • I managed to get one during the Amazon restock a few weeks back, while at work. What a day that was!
  • Robin
    • On Ness Day, I got out of work for an extended break at 1:10, waited at Gamestop about 3 miles from my office until 2, and sat there patiently, 2nd in line, trying to order the Gamestop Bundle (which included all 6 of Wario/Zard/PacMan/Robin/Lucina/Ness). After finally having the order placed at 2:45, I had ownership of Robin set to ship to my door...and it just shipped this afternoon actually
    • Just today, I overslept while planning to hit up my local Target for Robin/Lucina. I got there at about 6:05, and there were 6 ahead of me. I decided to run across the road to my Hasting's, of which Nobody was waiting. They opened at 9, so I just camped for a while. At about 20 past 8, some of the others from Target showed up, mentioning that only 4 R/L existed there and they didn't get em. Me, being first in line was exciting! Doors open at 9, and we walk to the back. They had received one single Robin and 0 Lucina. Robin was mine!
    • Today, Amazon had been anticipating orders for three days thanks to /u/AmazonJosh on /r/Amiibo (Reddit). Lucina went up earlier in the day at WalMart.com, and then others followed suite. I had been 10 second autoF5'ing Robin's page on the site, and managed to log the first WalMart Robin of today!
  • Lucina
    • Same as Robin 1 via GameStop Bundle
    • The next day, BestBuy put up their Preorders (i think. It's the same day Anacybele got her Robin...4/8?) I snagged a Luci that day while at work and it was beautimus~
    • Rounded off today with one of the elusive Amazon Lucinas, which were up for a mind-boggling 32 seconds. As soon as mine processed, I had another page F5'ing that said they had run out...then I got my confirmation to load on my first one...the anxiety was reeeeal
Edited by Elieson
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- Got on release date. Store literally only had two of them and they were all merths


- Preordered from Gamestop but cancelled because too impatient and it was delayed too long. Imported from Germany


- Preordered from Japan


- Preordered from Japan

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Marth- Managed to net a pre order shortly before his initial release

Ike-Bought off Ebay for $15 shortly after his intial release. one-week to be precise

Lucina-Got a week in half ago thanks to Ebay for 20 bucks

Robin- Imported from Japan, again thanks to a $20 order on Ebay. In transit now.

The moral here is, use Ebay to net your Amiibos. Ebay is your friend.

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I got Marth awhile after his initial release as a gift from friends (they had to pool funds to afford the scalper price).

Ike came from a GameStop preorder, which took a couple days later than it should've to come, but it did.

Both Robin and Lucina, I got yesterday morning with a friend. We camped out a Toys R Us from 5-10, and were first in line. Seems ridiculously early, but within an hour of us getting there, people started pouring in, and by 8, there were 40+ waiting outside of the store, 2 hours before it opened. Quite the adventure.

Edited by The Last Taguel
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Gemma I forgot I hooked you up! Lexi's playing smash now with the Mewtwo code you shared with me on her 2DS and likes beating him up the most, so it's making her hella happy :D

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Ike came from a GameStop preorder, which took a couple days later than it should've to come, but it did.

Try waiting three months after the initial release. That's what I had to do. You had it a lot easier than many of us that preordered Ike.

Anyway, I got the three FE Amiibo I wanted!

Ike - Obviously, I wanted him the most because I'm kind of obsessed with him. XD Like I said above, I preordered him, at GameStop to be precise. On Dec. 8th. Then he got delayed a bunch of times and I didn't get him until mid May. It was worth the wait though, he looks so amazing and I love him. <3

Robin - Managed to preorder him from Best Buy! He came right on release day too. :3

Marth - Scored him from Amazon's restock! ^^

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Gemma I forgot I hooked you up! Lexi's playing smash now with the Mewtwo code you shared with me on her 2DS and likes beating him up the most, so it's making her hella happy :D

Ahaha, that's adorable! Mewtwo confirmed best punching bag~

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I got my Ike amiibo by walking into my local Toys 'R' Us, picking him up off of the shelf, taking it to one of the cashiers and then paying for it.:smug:

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Yeah, didn't have any problems with the Fire Emblem Amiibos either. I never noticed a lack of them. Marth was always present in the local shop shelves, as was Ike when he was released back in February. I am not going to bother with the Awakening Amiibos. Maybe I will when those card releases actually come out, just for the sake of Code Name S.T.E.A.M.

One thing that was a bit special for me is that I got Marth right out of the cardboard box that delivered the figures, because I got the figure on the first day and they weren't put on the shelves yet. Didn't make his blade any straighter, unfortunately.

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Try waiting three months after the initial release. That's what I had to do. You had it a lot easier than many of us that preordered Ike.

Oh wow. I had no idea many people had preorder issues with him.

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Oh boy mine is kinda interesting.

Marth- the first Amiibo I actually got. Got lucky as all hell to find him in Target knocked off of the stands and just sitting there alone this was a week after they were released

Ike- Preordered from Gamestop got an email saying it was canceled so immediately preordered one from Amazon. GS ended up filling my order so now I unwittingly have a sealed NA Ike.

Lucina and Robin- Preordered from Amazon.jp from the same seller got them a week ahead of the release of the current wave.

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Oh wow. I had no idea many people had preorder issues with him.

Yeah, generally, people that preordered Ike or King Dedede after Dec. 26th had their orders delayed to spring. However, I'm the only person I know that actually preordered EARLY in December and STILL got slammed with the same delay. It's probably due to my state having suckier stock than a lot of parts of this country. Toad is even rare here.

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Seeing everyone find amiibo so easily makes me mad... I only had the chance to get Lucina. ;w;

I gotta admit to find them in stores is nigh impossible. I was lucky with Marth I had to order the rest online and import Robin and Lucina for more than I really should have spent on them.

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Marth: N/A (did not attempt to get him)

Ike: N/A; same as Marth

Robin: imported from Japan via Amazon.com; arrived more than a week before NA release and earliest estimated arrival time

Lucina: same as Robin -- in fact, Robin and Lucina arrived in the same package together!

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Seeing everyone find amiibo so easily makes me mad... I only had the chance to get Lucina. ;w;

You think it was EASY for many of us? Well guess what, it wasn't. The only one that was "easy" for me to get was Robin and that was due to luck. I'm lucky I don't give a damn about Lucina.

The moral here is, use Ebay to net your Amiibos. Ebay is your friend.

False. Very false. You must've gotten really lucky, because all I ever see on eBay are scumbag scalpers charging really high prices for Amiibo.

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I've worked my ass off for dese amiibo! So much stress, man! The only easy amiibo I got was an import!

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Marth: Walked into a store and picked him up. Got lucky.

Ike: I don't care about Ike much, so I didn't bother with him in the initial run of Wave 3. He later sold out and since he sells for ridiculous prices I skipped out on him. If I have a chance to buy him at market price, I will, but otherwise... meh. He's low tier in my priority list for amiibo.

Lucina and Robin: Ordered online yesterday. Should get them next week.

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