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So Avatar's biological mother is the Queen of Hoshido?

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Really now? Confirmed biological?

I genuinely wonder whether there will be plot twists that reveal this isn't the case. And I genuinely wonder why the mother isn't more old-looking.

Asian's in general show age slower, Hoshido is based in Japan. Sooo put two and two together

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Hey, a kid can have a different hair color than their parents. It's how genetics works. I myself have a different hair color than either of my biological parents. I'm blonde, my mom's a brunette, and my dad has black hair.

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Anyone else curious about who Kamui's adoptive mom is? Garon had to have kids with someone and depending on whether or not Leon and Elise were born after Kamui was adopted it's likely he knew her. Also I think it's safe to say Marx and his siblings get there looks from their mother so it'd be nice to know who she was.

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Anyone else curious about who Kamui's adoptive mom is? Garon had to have kids with someone and depending on whether or not Leon and Elise were born after Kamui was adopted it's likely he knew her. Also I think it's safe to say Marx and his siblings get there looks from their mother so it'd be nice to know who she was.

In my head-canon, she realized Garon is a bad dude and tried to get Kamui back to Hoshido but failed. She was then executed for treason.

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Anyone else curious about who Kamui's adoptive mom is? Garon had to have kids with someone and depending on whether or not Leon and Elise were born after Kamui was adopted it's likely he knew her. Also I think it's safe to say Marx and his siblings get there looks from their mother so it'd be nice to know who she was.

My headcanon is something along the lines of that she was travelling with Aqua around the same age as Kamui and Hoshido revenge-nabbed Aqua while killing the Nohr kids' mom, as a sort of parallel to Nohr killing Kamui's dad. Meanwhile my headcanon of why Kamui's dad was killed is that he travelled inside Nohr with Kamui for something (maybe he learned that Nohr had a dragonstone and decided to try and steal it for Kamui?) and was caught. Garon being the guy that IS is implying he is, executes Kamui's dad and kidnaps Kamui to prove a point to Hoshido to not trespass.

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To be fair to the whole 'hair color' argument, the genes that decide hair color can be really fucking weird. Both your parents could be blonde and you could still end up a redhead because the genetic exists in your family bloodline. Mikoto and Sumeragi have black hair, but because the genetic for red hair exists in one of their bloodlines, Sakura and Hinoka ended up with red hair. Same thing could happen with Kamui. Let's say Kamui's grandma had blue hair. That particular genetic overrode the genetic for black and red hair respectively, so Kamui ended up with blue hair.

As for her looking so good at forty+, anime aging strikes again. I'm honestly more curious on she's handled being suddenly thrust into the role of being Hoshido's sole ruler.

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Maybe it depends on the color of hair?

Everyone loves to bring up the pegasus sisters as having different colors, but Awakening isn't the only game with relatives who have similar hair colors.

SoS and BS have a looooot characters with related hair colors. Roy/Eliwood, Lilina/Hector, Raven/Priscilla, Canas/Hugh, Geese/Geitz, and I am sure that I am missing quite a few more.

For the record I am on the side that it doesn't really matter, but it does help to tie families together when the haircolor matches.

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Its hair in a jrpg you're lucky if you get a real hair color and not a shade that is impossible in the real world outside of hair dye.

Granted its not just rpgs that have siblings with widely different hair colors... pretty sure they all had the same mom (then again said mom is never mentioned at all in the original movie and I don't tend to watch sequels to disney movies for reasons)


Edited by iavasechui
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I am pretty sure Kamui is not even a Hoshido. The Hoshido royal family just adopted him and then he got kidnapped by Nohr. I bet all of my 50 cents (even that guy) that he's not anyone's relatives.

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I would imagine that perhaps she is introduced as a playable character in a DLC spotpass map after the completion of the main story, much like Emmeryn was. It could potentially make more sense than either not having her playable at all or as a playable character during the story.

This would be cool.

I am pretty sure Kamui is not even a Hoshido. The Hoshido royal family just adopted him and then he got kidnapped by Nohr. I bet all of my 50 cents (even that guy) that he's not anyone's relatives.

But Mikoto's bio states that she's Kamui's birth mother?


Never mind her face, I'm surprised that Mikoto kept her figure! It's easy to hide imperfections on the face, but hiding the marks of repeated pregnancies is a lot harder!

(unless there's some weird adoptive shenanigans going on, and she only had Kamui)

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But Mikoto's bio states that she's Kamui's birth mother?---Never mind her face, I'm surprised that Mikoto kept her figure! It's easy to hide imperfections on the face, but hiding the marks of repeated pregnancies is a lot harder!(unless there's some weird adoptive shenanigans going on, and she only had Kamui)

Oh noes conspiracy theory!

I quite like that we finally have a name for her in other news lol.

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I'm sure she has plenty of stretch marks underneath those fancy clothes.

Oh, who am I kidding?

There's other things that happen with multiple pregnancies - hair falls out and loses its luster, various things sag, permanent stretch marks because skin doesn't shrink well (stuff that requires a tummy tuck), etc.

So while the fancy clothes could hide stuff below the neck, she'd be hard-pressed to hide a hairline that runs away faster than Yarne!

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There's other things that happen with multiple pregnancies - hair falls out and loses its luster, various things sag, permanent stretch marks because skin doesn't shrink well (stuff that requires a tummy tuck), etc.

So while the fancy clothes could hide stuff below the neck, she'd be hard-pressed to hide a hairline that runs away faster than Yarne!

My grandmother had 6 kids and she still had plenty of hair when she was 80.

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My grandmother had 6 kids and she still had plenty of hair when she was 80.

When this happens. . .varies. I've seen it with as few as three kids. I've also seen mothers with six in tow, and none of these signs. Either Mikoto is VERY lucky (as the one who had this happen with three kids is also Japanese), or it's something that wasn't taken into account when making the gentle queen of Hoshido.

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I just saw this on twitter regarding Mikoto and age, and am all for this. xD

Seriously, if that is the dark side of Hoshido, it would certainly be something.

The "There must be something wrong with Hoshido" thread is probably gonna fill up with discussions for this theory :Kappa:

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I just saw this on twitter regarding Mikoto and age, and am all for this. xD

Seriously, if that is the dark side of Hoshido, it would certainly be something.

It's not just about vanity and everlasting life. Every time she sucks away their virgin power, Nohr loses a potential wizard. She's helping the war effort.

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There's other things that happen with multiple pregnancies - hair falls out and loses its luster, various things sag, permanent stretch marks because skin doesn't shrink well (stuff that requires a tummy tuck), etc.

So while the fancy clothes could hide stuff below the neck, she'd be hard-pressed to hide a hairline that runs away faster than Yarne!

They have dragon blood... Maybe Mikoto lays eggs that take nine months to hatch and what Garon stole was actually not a baby, but a dragon egg! He thought the egg was a Lilith but it turned out to be a Kamui, so he thought, oh well, might as well add it to the family.

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