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inigo look alike revealed kinda


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Who, Aimee? I mean, I guess, but it's not exactly the same.

It's the same. There's also Jake who travels to Jugdral and Elibe, the Whitewings who travel to Valentia, Zeke who was previously mentioned. Hell, Luthier even appears in the manga of FE1. We also need to take into account that these two might not even be Severa and Inigo, just a little nod to their fans.

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I like characters returning if it makes sense. But new characters who look too similar to previous ones can get annoying.

Then I guess you must really hate half the cast of FE7.

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Why would anyone complain about Tiki appearing in Awakening? She was grown up and more or less relevant..And so far, we have no idea if Luna or not!Inigo are relevant. I don't really mind Luna anymore, but it did strike me as odd to see Severa in fe:14. She and Inigo were popular, but I'll never not be bothered when I see their lookalikes. Also, Anna is kind of like a tradition? Plus shes adorable. Not much problem to be had.

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Seriously, it's not like this is the first time we've had characters whose appearances are callbacks to characters from previous FEs (ie: Sain calls back to Johan, Hector calls back to Lex, etc.)

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Why would anyone complain about Tiki appearing in Awakening? She was grown up and more or less relevant..And so far, we have no idea if Luna or not!Inigo are relevant. I don't really mind Luna anymore, but it did strike me as odd to see Severa in fe:14. She and Inigo were popular, but I'll never not be bothered when I see their lookalikes. Also, Anna is kind of like a tradition? Plus shes adorable. Not much problem to be had.

yes Anna is tradition now but saying something is tradition isn't that relevant as to become a tradition you have to do the tradition a few times before it becomes one. Anna was only in 1 and its sequel and then cameoed in 4 with jake. Traditions have to start somewhere. Yes Anna was a short cameo but the only difference is the extent of the cameo. Or it turns out to be plot related and like tiki/Zeke/the whitewings so i don't see any problem with Severa (clone?) and company.

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I liked one idea that suggested she is the current timeline Severa from Awakening and was renamed by Cordelia. That said, the Outrealm Gate, if it's to be taken as canon, is an incredibly lame way of writing in characters from other universes. Like, fan-fiction bad.

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There was a dark mage whose sprite looked like Owain's in one of the videos too.

I don't really see the problem here. An interview already confirmed that there will be some references to Awakening, cameos seem like a good way to do it.

I would find it a bit silly if it was all the child characters or something, but as far as I can see, we're getting the 4 most popular child characters (according to the Japanese poll anyways), one of them in amiibo form. I wouldn't be surprised if we'll see someone who looks like Lucina in game proper though

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Wow the generic dark mage looks really cool why can't I have them on my team

Isn't there a screen in the trailer that shows the avatar hiring generic enemies? Although it seems to be something just for the castle battles.

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People complaining about this weren't complaining Tiki was back in Awakening. Thats for sure , or that Camus was in Gaiden.

Because there were simple, somewhat logical reasons for them being there. Not so much with these characters now.

I liked one idea that suggested she is the current timeline Severa from Awakening and was renamed by Cordelia. That said, the Outrealm Gate, if it's to be taken as canon, is an incredibly lame way of writing in characters from other universes. Like, fan-fiction bad.

Couldn't agree more.

I think this is just way overdoing it with the Awakening pandering. One was pushing it, but acceptable, but two? I mean, there goes the hopes of IS maybe catering to the older fans and having, say, not-Soren and not-Raven alongside Luna just to shoutout multiple games.

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I think this is just way overdoing it with the Awakening pandering. One was pushing it, but acceptable, but two? I mean, there goes the hopes of IS maybe catering to the older fans and having, say, not-Soren and not-Raven alongside Luna just to shoutout multiple games.

If all these characters are really from Awakening though, there's a greater chance that there's an actual reason for them to be here, rather than it just being a random cameo or homage.

We probably will see characters straight from other games through DLC anyway, like the Amiibo ones and also those from the card game tie in.

Edited by NeonZ
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I don't have any issues with this.

The children characters were some of my favourites in Awakening, but they had limited screentime and plot relevance due to being optional and recruited quite late in the game. Re-using those designs as characters you get earlier on is a nice homage to the previous game.

Obviously I'm more interested in the new characters, but since if will have so many characters a few like this doesn't matter much. If anything it just fils an easy spot on the roster so that more time and energy can be put into developing the other characters.

I also really like the look of Luna's armour.

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I honestly don't mind returning characters, they can be fun every once in a while. This annoys me because they've been pushing Akaneia way too much lately. This is a series with multiple worlds/settings, and that's part of what makes it great as a whole. Either you give attention to all of them through cameos, or you don't do those. That's how I see it anyway.

That being said, there were musical cameos from Elibe and Judgral in the trailers, so maybe it's too early to talk.

In any case, at this point I'd be surprised if Owain wasn't in, since these seem to be based on the four winners of the children popularity contest, and all three other are featured in some way already. So yes, Odin, although his class is different. We'll see.

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I honestly don't mind returning characters, they can be fun every once in a while. This annoys me because they've been pushing Akaneia way too much lately. This is a series with multiple worlds/settings, and that's part of what makes it great as a whole. Either you give attention to all of them through cameos, or you don't do those. That's how I see it anyway.

That being said, there were musical cameos from Elibe and Judgral in the trailers, so maybe it's too early to talk.

In any case, at this point I'd be surprised if Owain wasn't in, since these seem to be based on the four winners of the children popularity contest, and all three other are featured in some way already. So yes, Odin, although his class is different. We'll see.

Chrom, Gaius, Tharja, and Cordelia confirmed?

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I would actually like to have Inigo and Severa appear in IF under different names.

The theory that they were named something different to differentiate them from their future past counterparts is a really cool idea that I hope is utilized.

I have to agree with most of the people here, though, Awakening cameos better not be a third/a quarter of the cast.

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Could they just leave us alone with Awakening and Akaneia ? And I pray in the name of everything that is holy that it is a streetpass bull, instead of a outrealm bull or some crap.

Hopefully, those two will be the only one... Who though it would be a good idea ? Bah.

Edited by B.Leu
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New games deserve new characters. There is a game called Awakening for people who liked characters from Awakening. It's pretty shameful to say your game is set in a new world and then add literal carbon copies of characters from the last game.

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We already have Aqua aka Not Ninian so I don't know why it is such a big deal that we have a Not Severa and a Not Inigo. I personally liked Inigo and Severa a lot and they are probably the kids I use the most, so if Luna and NI are good units I will use them. Though I am bummed we probably won't get a Not Gerome and a Not Kjelle to pair up with NI and Luna.

Though I do agree that we shouldn't have a majority of the cast be references to past games, but at the moment it is what 3-4 out of the like 20-30 characters we have seen so far.

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Off-topic, but your sig is brilliant.

Actually, when I think about it, maybe these characters are only recruitable through the My Castle feature?

EDIT: Its not that Not! Severa looks too much like Severa, is heavily inspired by Severa or is a lazy redesigned Severa. She is literally Severa, and depending if this guy has an earing then this guy is literally Inigo.

Edited by Belmont
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Im voting for not!Severa, not!Inigo, not!Gerome, not!Laurent, and not!Kjelle to be members of Nohr, with not!Owain, not!Cynthia, not!Brady, not!Yarne, and not!Nah to be present in Hoshido.

Only time will tell.

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Though I do agree that we shouldn't have a majority of the cast be references to past games, but at the moment it is what 3-4 out of the like 20-30 characters we have seen so far.

Am I missing something? We only have Severa and maybe Inigo at this point right?

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Oh jesus. They're using the same character designer as fe:a, right? They should've gotten someone else, what with these 2 lookalikes. Luna is really jarring and too much like Severa, and now this boy.. At least he doesn't look too much like Inigo, I guess?

Luna would have been fine if she just had a different hair style.

Seriously, if she's a Tsundere too I'll be very disappointed.

If I want Severa than she's in FE:A already.

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