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right here I took a clearer image for those who said he was "Kamui"

Ever since I first saw this picture I've thought "He looks like he's holding a knife upside down."

But I guess it's a sword, since the hidden weapon has type advantage.

On which subject, have there been any thieves yet?

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I think the blue haired maid might be Aqua retainer and the scene where both maids appear takes place at the choice map, both of them waking you up at once and telling you to go to Aqua just before the cinematic.

On the other hand, I think Gunter has a fatherly attitude towards Kamui, like if he had been neglected by the king of Nohr, being that the reason to stick to him afterwards.

I agree with blue haired maid lady being Aqua's retainer. As for Gunther, he might be Marx's or Leon's retainer. If hes not, hes likely too high of a rank like another mentioned. He could be Garon's brother and im kinda hoping so.

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I agree with blue haired maid lady being Aqua's retainer. As for Gunther, he might be Marx's or Leon's retainer. If hes not, hes likely too high of a rank like another mentioned. He could be Garon's brother and im kinda hoping so.

Wouldn't Aqua have Hoshido retainers, if any? And if Gunther is a retainer to Marx or Leon, why would he defect to Hoshido if Kamui does?

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Gunther is specifically regarded as Kamui's caretaker, so I think we can rule out his being alligned to anybody else. Felicia, Joker, and more than likely the other maid are all a part of Kamui's entourage, and I don't think s/he needs any more.

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. But you guys are right there is no true confirmation Tsubaki serves under Sakura. Damn son, 2 months of debating your gender and now this?

Well, it isn't directly stated but it's heavily implied. In the second Direct trailer from April 1st it has Kazahana saying that she is Sakura's most trusted subordinate and then Tsubaki comes up saying something along the lines of "Hey, don't be too hasty" which suggests that he is also a subordinate of Sakura's.

If he and Kazahana support I bet they'll be great, since it looks like Kazahana will be kind of a hot head while he seems more cool headed.

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Yeah, she looks nothing like Hoshido. And Wyvern Knights usually group together. Probably both routes, although I imagine she's someone's subordinate.

I believe all subordinates are route exclusive?

Why aren't we seeing more Hoshido characters that are both sides? This just seems like they're trying to give Hoshido more characters. Heck, maybe they even changed the morality so Nohr's straight-up evil in the Hoshido route, and we don't see any gray-and-gray morality outside of Nohr.

right here I took a clearer image for those who said he was "Kamui"

GFD. Why... .

I hope not!Inigo gets killed mid-sentence like a true red shirt.

That's my plan at least.

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That's odd. She doesn't look Hoshidan to me.

Adding that Belka is a Wyvern Rider and is Nohr-exclusive (and Crimson's armor shares similarities with Nohr characters), I'd imagine she's either Nohr-exclusive, or both routes.

She could be a defector. Don't be surprised if Nohr has some Hoshidan characters that defected too.

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She could be a defector. Don't be surprised if Nohr has some Hoshidan characters that defected too.

Actually, taking a look at the character that Crimson seems to be based off of (Vaida), her having defected hardly seems unlikely.

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Why aren't we seeing more Hoshido characters that are both sides? This just seems like they're trying to give Hoshido more characters. Heck, maybe they even changed the morality so Nohr's straight-up evil in the Hoshido route, and we don't see any gray-and-gray morality outside of Nohr.

What reason do most Hoshido characters have to join Nohr? Nohr is invading their country.

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What reason do most Hoshido characters have to join Nohr? Nohr is invading their country.

Whatever reason Suzukaze had to defect from Hoshido and join Nohr, I guess? Or maybe units who defect from Hoshido could be people who are close with Aqua and therefore choose to follow her?

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What reason do most Hoshido characters have to join Nohr? Nohr is invading their country.

Ally themselves with the strongest? It's not as improbable as one might think......

About the blue-haired maid - she has to be relevant enough to be included in the box art, and if Aqua has servants, I think she'll get two like everyone else so far (I say if because I'm not too sure she will to be honest....)

I'm wondering if the maid might be Garon's personal servant? Like, in the Hoshido route she's tired of his shit so she defects, while on the Nohr route she serves as an spy for you so you can make your revolution plans without Garon catching on? I dunno. The idea sounded better in my head.

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^ Nekoknight said most. Also Hoshido was said to be more like a traditional fire emblem in the story department so while i don't think it will be white and black, enemy citizens/soldiers joining your army who is nearly always part of the wronged country is standard FE fare while units joining the aggressors side are quite scarce. Also how many people can defect to michicah in part 3 vs the amount who can defect to ike i seem to remember more units that can join ike for example.

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But weren't those people who knew Ike? I think that has more to do with personal loyalty and trust.

The best excuse I can give for Hoshido characters wanting to side with Nohr!Kamui is them trying to neutralize the threat of Nohr by supporting a revolution. I find it doubtful that Hoshido characters will betray and attack their homeland besides Kamui because that would be a 'bad guy' thing to do. It's possible that, while Nohr is invading Hoshido, Kamui won't actually be personally in charge of attacks on it. So he and Hoshidans who side with him are still 'good guys' despite being on the 'bad guy side'.

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Kinda but they were betraying their country regardless and the ones i remember do it for moral reasons and feeling there country is in the wrong, i.e. jill can join Ike with Haar despite jill having more loyalty to daien an Haar not being that attached to ike. Zihark joins with lethe and mordacai again for moral reasons. I guess i am saying that Nohr is the aggressor so it is more likely to have norhians on both routes than hoshdians and that radiant dawn is the best example we have of army with playable characters on both sides.

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