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Most Hated, Least Hated Scrolling Stages

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Just wanted to get everyone's opinion on what scrolling stages they absolutely hate and the ones you hate the least

For me

Most Hated: Rumble Falls

Least Hated: Mushroomy Kingdom

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Most hated: Rumble Falls, Icicle Mountain, Mushroomy Kingdom,

Most Liked: Rainbow Cruise

I wouldn't include Poke Floats as a scrolling stage as the screen is actually stayed put in a single area with slight camera angle changes since the debug mode confirms this. The pokemon are graphically the only ones that moves. It's why the stage experience feels so pleasant and why I can enjoy stages like orbital gate assault.

Edited by kingddd
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I hate PAC-LAND. It just...I don't like it aesthetically. It's also much too quick for my tastes and has TOO MUCH SHIT that fucks with me and my friends.

I love Mushroomy Kingdom, though. In spite of it showing just how much has aged between the original game.

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Least: Rumble Falls, anything that scrolls upwards at any more than a snail's pace isn't enjoyeble.

Most: Pokefloats is cool, but I also enjoy Pac-Land for all the reasons everyone else hates it, but it's not a stage I'd go to for a fair fight.

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Rumble Falls
Icicle Mountain

Dream Land
[Orbital Gate]

3D Land
Mushroomy Kingdom
Rainbow Cruise

Big Blue
[Poké Floats]

Stages in [brackets] aren't true moving stages. Not sure whether Big Blue is or not..

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Is there any reason you couldn't call this topic "Most and Least Favorite ..." instead?

It's more clickbaity this way.

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Rainbow Cruise

3D Land

Dream Land

Big Blue

Orbital Gate

Mushroomy Kingdom

Pac-Land/Icicle Mountain/Rumble Falls (they're all so bad it's hard to decide which is worse)


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The only moving stage I like was Rainbow cruise

I really hate Pac-Land but that's mainly because I would rather had the 3ds Pac-man stage

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