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English text at E3?

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What are the chances we will see translated English text for this game at E3?

And another question, how come Nintendo doesn't bother translating the text in the trailers shown in NA/EU directs so far? I guess I can understand since some text include names which may not be in the final game but didn't later Awakening trailers had translated text that never made it into the final game?

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It'd certainly be a treat of we were to get English footage, but I definitely will not count on it. I'mma boy a good 'lil boy and wait these next six months out in patience.


I got this.

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It'd certainly be a treat of we were to get English footage, but I definitely will not count on it. I'mma boy a good 'lil boy and wait these next six months out in patience.


I got this.

I can read Japanese quite well but I was just curious why Nintendo themselves won't do it and leaving it to the fans to do it.. They can't expect everyone to know what's completely going. Then again, there is Bill Trinen to explain the big picture. Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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Six months is so painful, especially now that I'm a bigger fan of Fire Emblem than I was before. I didn't even experience waiting for Awakening, because I'd only noticed it after it was released... (besides FE8, Awakening is what helped boost my interest).

I REALLY hope they have English text at E3. It'll get me excited, and hopeful for an earlier release.

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Honestly waiting 6-18 months is not that bad for me, It was around 5-6 Years between non remake Fire Emblems (Radiant Dawn 2007-2008 awakening 2012-13) i can handle this amount of waiting. If i survied that amount.

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Patience is a thing you eventually gain in this fandom. xD Though back during 6-7-8-9 fans (in Japan, anyway) didn't really have to wait too long between each one : )

Anyway, I think the reason they don't change text up is because at this point in the process things are still going through change (setting/character names, etc) and so don't want to show one thing only to rename and change it up later and such. Combine this with the likely short-term schedule for a direct and I guess that would be why.

I am not counting on much Fire Emblem news at E3, but if there is then that would be nice. If not, no loss.

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I doubt there'll be English text by the time of E3, but I guess there's a small chance.

Also, I don't recall Nintendo of America/Europe releasing any Awakening trailers with English text until the game was close to release. Sure you aren't remembering wrong? o__o

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I kind of doubt there will be English text, but hopefully ! I'm so use to Pokemon ( when the game comes out at the same time, even tho some countries get it before bc of time zones ) it's painful waiting for Fire Emblem if..;-;

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I would at least expect some kind of official release date during E3. Something like "Spring 2016" would be the bare minimum, but if they really want to get ambitious they could release an actual calendar release date.

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Hopefully at least they confirm a title since they keep calling it "New Fire Emblem". Makes me wonder if they'll even keep the If name.

At least, it would be nice to have some things. If translation was well underway, it would at least bode well for an Early 2016 release.

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Hopefully at least they confirm a title since they keep calling it "New Fire Emblem". Makes me wonder if they'll even keep the If name.

At least, it would be nice to have some things. If translation was well underway, it would at least bode well for an Early 2016 release.

Inb4 Fire Emblem: Ideal Family, coming to retail stores near you in Holiday Season 2016 >.< kek

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Inb4 Fire Emblem: Ideal Family, coming to retail stores near you in Holiday Season 2016 >.< kek

-cringe- That title would make me gag. Dunno why but it would.

Oh lordy not Holiday 2016 either. Please be Q1 2016 or else I'll go batty from lack of games that interest me coming out. (Unless if Bravely Second came out first, which would sate my appetite for a bit...)

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So at the very least, there's also that to know. I get the feeling that we're gonna hear about that before anything else, if they decide to talk about the game at E3.

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They'll probably change the name only slightly, to Fire Emblem: What if? simply because leaving it as just If is a tad bit confusing. What if? is more likely simply because it's a common question for events. What if it went this way. What if it went that way. Just the word If doesn't actually convey that.

And I can't see any reason why they wouldn't keep the different versions. So long as the version I don't buy is DLC right off the bat, I'll be happy.

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