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We should be considered to be within the main series or not?


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We should be considered to be within the main series or not

Hey there, look... I do not know if someone already made this issue but I was looking and found nothing.

Well here's the question: if we can consider this new game to be in the main series or not.

When I say the main series I mean the world of Marth/Alm/Ike /Lucina /Chrom Google...

I read the available information we have given by the game developers where one of them ("Sorry I can't remember your name") said this would be a "new world"

Now my point, if you've played awakening and bought the DLC (To be exact, "The Future Past") you will know that Naga tells us more than once and she says:

" Although it seems your world is not the same"

Oh something like that.

My point is... that in recent weeks, we were bombarded with lots of information.

You know Severa.2 and Inigo.2, a talking fish "insert your joke here"

this is what i have to say on the subject of "my castle"

Camilla and Nyx, go up to my room, I'll be playing day and night.

Ok time to be serious, well you can imagine that many elements in this game are very radical that we find in the main series.

And everything indicates that this game is being developed into an alternative world.

And back to the question of the beginning of this topic.

We should be considered to be within the main series or not?

And if you try to answer the question is going to be a little confusion.

A)If you chose no.

The situation is quite simple, new world that has nothing to do with the main series.

B)if the answer was that it is a part of the main series

Someone could tell me how this can be?

Did you not see the plot holes that will create with this?

I mean in this game they tell us the pegasus knights technically do not exist, but in the main series they already exist from the beginning.

And to make things more complicated we have Severa.2(In the world of critics we call it laziness)

in short what do you think about


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I don't know what you are talking about. Of course this is part of the main series of games. Not every game in the series is connected. Take Magvel from Sacred Stones for example. Magvell isn't connected to Archanea, Judgral, Elibe, or Tellius, but Sacred Stones is still a Fire Emblem game.

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A lot of games exist in almost isolation from others, it's no big deal. I don't see any reason we shouldn't consider if FE14, other than using another wonky numbering system!

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I don't know what you are talking about. Of course this is part of the main series of games. Not every game in the series is connected. Take Magvel from Sacred Stones for example. Magvell isn't connected to Archanea, Judgral, Elibe, or Tellius, but Sacred Stones is still a Fire Emblem game.

Yes you are partly right, but the difference is that in Sacred Stone they didn't introduce the idea of ​​Outrealms in Awakening.

It is a possibility not a certainty.

A lot of games exist in almost isolation from others, it's no big deal. I don't see any reason we shouldn't consider if FE14, other than using another wonky numbering system!

I see your point, but the thing is a bit complicated if the game develops outside the world of Marth. The Outrealms in Awakening Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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That was a confusing OP to read...

To answer your question (I think), the world of FE14 is not set in Marth's world (as far as we know). There is no "main series" and most stories are fairly disconnected, even if they take place in the same world.

And I'll let maggots consume me before I recognize the Outrealm gate as canon.

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I see your point, but the thing is a bit complicated if the game develops outside the world of Marth. The Outrealms in Awakening

This is not uncommon in other series either. Most Final Fantasy games aren't connected in any way. Xenoblade Chronicles X isn't related to the original Xenoblade Chronicles. There is no reason why it is complicated. The stories are just independent of each other.

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Ah, you mean, if it's in Archanea ? WIth Marth and Co ? Eh, it doesn't look like it.

I have nothing against Shadow Dragon, but I'm kind of tired of Archa, Falchion and the like, especially if it's to have it a la FEA again.

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...There's a main FE series? Or is there some FE side series that I've never heard of?

This is not uncommon in other series either. Most Final Fantasy games aren't connected in any way. Xenoblade Chronicles X isn't related to the original Xenoblade Chronicles. There is no reason why it is complicated. The stories are just independent of each other.

Actually, according to fan theories at least, Xenoblade X acts as a bridge between Xenosaga and Xenoblade.

Edited by The Geek
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Fire Emblem seems to Straddle the LoZ/FF line of how loosely connected games in a series where the through line is mostly mechanics with a few bits of Iconography. So to answer the question yet IF is a part of the series, it happens to be the 14th game in said series. there have been larger departures in the formula of the series, examples being FE2 and FE8.

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Seeing Archanea being considered as the "main series" is so sad. Worst part is, I completely understand why you'd reach that conclusion.

There is no such thing though. Sure, Awakening tied some of the worlds together, notably Tellius and Archanea, but that actually doesn't mean much because the two have nothing in common, so they might as well be separate. From that point of view, they could all be linked and it wouldn't matter. For example, you think male pegasus riders would be a plot hole(that's what you meant right?), but what can be said of the laguz, or Ashunera, which are nowhere apart from Tellius? And that's just a quick example, there are many things that make such links not matter at all.

In any case, I believe Luna and any other look-alike will just be references, not the actual characters, and this game will be in its own universe, but at this point I don't think we can say for sure.

Edited by Cysx
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That was a confusing OP to read...

To answer your question (I think), the world of FE14 is not set in Marth's world (as far as we know). There is no "main series" and most stories are fairly disconnected, even if they take place in the same world.

And I'll let maggots consume me before I recognize the Outrealm gate as canon.

I know my english sucks.

You said that there is no "Main series" but there is some continuity in the series, for example Chrom talks and explains brielfy about the life of other characters (if you bought the DLC Ike/Marth/Elincia/Ephraim...)

That means that these places and characters exist or existed, therefore suggests that there is some continuity in events in the series.

Edited by NB8
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Awakening really changed how we perceive the timelines and worlds of the other Fire Emblem games.

Certainly, Chrom knows about the history of the other continents, but at the same time don't forget he's standing beyond an Outrealm Gate.

The Outrealm Gate is a portal that connects to other Outrealms--or other worlds.

It may very well be possible that Fire Emblem if is just another Outrealm in the grand Fire Emblem multiverse. Especially considering the Amiibo support and StreetPass features, where heroes from other worlds are transported to your game world.

Like HF Makalov Fanboy Kai said, Awakening's world could even be an Outrealm of Marth's original world. Heck, perhaps the worlds of FE1/3 and their remakes are Outrealms of each other, explaining why FE12's Avatar is present in the remakes, but not the originals.

Edited by VincentASM
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This is not uncommon in other series either. Most Final Fantasy games aren't connected in any way. Xenoblade Chronicles X isn't related to the original Xenoblade Chronicles. There is no reason why it is complicated. The stories are just independent of each other.

Seriously... Seriously you'll bring up Final Fantasy as example, you should be ashamed of yourself.

In any case, once again you are right in part, there are some exceptions in the series (As places and weapons) but the big difference is that they don't have continuity in each entry in the series and a every big difference is that the worlds of FF are isolated in each entry.

Otherwise it comes with Fire Emblem they have some continuity of events and everything takes place in the same world. (So far my knowledge goes)

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You got to explain me how Chrom know about people from another continents, let alone about their heroes or stories. I mean what, did one day Ike came out from the outrealms like a bro and explained about everything to anyone ?

Same with Alvis, just who told him about Jugdral ? Chrom don't even know anything about Valm or Ferox. Ferox, the neighbors country of Ylisse, Chrom was send here as a diplomat, for a diplomatic mission. Diplomatic. Mission.

As far as I'm concerned, Chrom talking about past games is just food for fans, Food that doesn't make any sense. It sums up 90% of FEA actually.

And the outrealms ? A crappy maguffin made of crap. Like seriously, world-traveling ? Time-traveling ? Bah...

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Like HF Makalov Fanboy Kai said, Awakening's world could even be an Outrealm of Marth's original world. Heck, perhaps the worlds of FE1/3 and their remakes are Outrealms of each other, explaining why FE12's Avatar is present in the remakes, but not the originals.

In FE12's case, the opening narration makes it clear that Kris is just part of an untold tale and forgotten by official history - even the title of the remake is based on that. So, at least going by FE12 itself, the angle they were going is official story vs real story.

Seriously... Seriously you'll bring up Final Fantasy as example, you should be ashamed of yourself.

In any case, once again you are right in part, there are some exceptions in the series (As places and weapons) but the big difference is that they don't have continuity in each entry in the series and a every big difference is that the worlds of FF are isolated in each entry.

Otherwise it comes with Fire Emblem they have some continuity of events and everything takes place in the same world. (So far my knowledge goes)

That's really not true though. FE 6 (Biding Blade) had no connections at all to the previous games story-wise and took place in an all new world. The same goes to Sacred Stones (FE8) and Path of Radiance (FE9).

Now, Awakening implies that they're all connected somehow, with artifacts and legends from all previous games existing in Ylisse, not only Archanea's, but those connections didn't exist until Awakening added them. Even so, Awakening says that Ike came from another world when they introduce his descendant.

Edited by NeonZ
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The outrealms are just an excuse for fan service and dlc selling. A wise choice of marketing, indeed, they couldn't just make Chrom say hi to Ike at random, and also, nobody know what Ike did after the radiant dawn events (i'm using ike as example) he could just have travelled, and brought his legend in other countries, also his grand son talk with Marth's grand sons, but they didn't even met, or know, each other.

So, even if connected, by time and place, i don't see why fire emblem if wouldn't be in the "main series" because nothing exclude the possibility that the events in IF are happening at the same moment of the events in awakening, or mistery of the emblem, or sacred stones, but in another country/place.

There's no point on complaining about outrealms, and main series, because there is not a real series of event (excluding some couple of games -> shadow dragon & mistery of the emblem, path of radiance & radiant dawn, blazing sword & binding blade) every game can be in the main series, and every game has some mechanics, weapons & classes different from the others (stupid crossbows :Haar:).


Edit: corrected some errors, and now that i read i'm not sure if a part that i wrote makes sense...

Edited by Xem
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I think it's telling that no one comments on the Outrealm gate after it's introduced to the player. I mean, it's a gate that links to the MULTIVERSE. No one is interested in that? No one wants to discuss the possibilities that come with infinite realities? People bring up Priam to say Tellius is linked to Awakening. Priam, the guy who shows up in the pre-finale paralogues. Those same paralogues that brought back a bunch of dead characters, who can't support with anyone besides the Avatar and Morgan.

Have you ever raged so hard that the floor turned to lava?

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Fire Emblem as a series has nothing to do with the world it takes place in. It is a series of videogames, and is defined as a series by its core gameplay mechanics and its title.

Edited by TheCaptain
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This is not uncommon in other series either. Most Final Fantasy games aren't connected in any way. Xenoblade Chronicles X isn't related to the original Xenoblade Chronicles. There is no reason why it is complicated. The stories are just independent of each other.

The Xenoblade games actually are. But that's spoilers for X as it is.

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What I think the OP meant was, is it going to follow the main lore of the series. The only games to diverge significantly from that were Magvell and Tellius. All the other games more or less have the same basic lore (ending winter, dragons going mad, dark dragons, divine weapons, etc.)

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Are we talking lore or mechanics?As Ike was mentioned too. I think OP is implying due to the radical changes, should we consider this like the Persona to SMT. A spinoff with different mechanics from prior installments. In which case, yes the game is most certainly different ( a real point of contention on and off here), but it is also a main series title, not a spinoff.

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You got to explain me how Chrom know about people from another continents, let alone about their heroes or stories. I mean what, did one day Ike came out from the outrealms like a bro and explained about everything to anyone ?

Same with Alvis, just who told him about Jugdral ? Chrom don't even know anything about Valm or Ferox. Ferox, the neighbors country of Ylisse, Chrom was send here as a diplomat, for a diplomatic mission. Diplomatic. Mission.

As far as I'm concerned, Chrom talking about past games is just food for fans, Food that doesn't make any sense. It sums up 90% of FEA actually.

And the outrealms ? A crappy maguffin made of crap. Like seriously, world-traveling ? Time-traveling ? Bah...

I know right?

But apparently both Nintendo and IS liked the idea and decided to do it canon in the series.

Yes Outrealms and Time-traveling are canon in the series.


I do not know, but the idea ruined the series for me.

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