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Do you think the 3rd path will be the "canon" path?


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Its probably gonna be the the 3rd path Since both routes are probably gonna feel bittersweet at the end let's be honest a lot of games done this like SMT and even the sonic games like say SA2 where you can go the hero path or the dark path and in the middle the last story have both sides team up to defeat the real villain in the end so I'm betting the 3rd path is going to be like this like Kamui not choosing either side and under "circumstances" you'll slowly get both exclusive characters and eventually all the siblings together to defeat the one pulling all the strings in the war(like say maybe the guy next to Garon in the throne room)as an examp. What do you think will happen?

Edited by pkomegapax
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Usually, paths are only confirmed as canon if there's going to be a sequel. (usually)

It's hard to say at this point. JRPGs have historically done odd things with canon paths.

For example, in the Shadow Hearts series, the bad ending is the canon ending for the first game, which really blew everyone away.

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Usually, paths are only confirmed as canon if there's going to be a sequel. (usually)

It's hard to say at this point. JRPGs have historically done odd things with canon paths.

For example, in the Shadow Hearts series, the bad ending is the canon ending for the first game, which really blew everyone away.

yeah that was a shock to me as well.
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I think that the 3rd path will give more details to the start of the war as well as what the Sun and Moon symbols mean especially Aquas song, the floating islands and the Yatogami in the spacial background I don't the either path will explain this in good detail.

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I don't think it will be canon, because I think this will probably be a standalone game to prevent the writers from having to commit to answering what the "true" path was. (Although we had 1/3, 4/5, 6/7, 8/9, and 11/12/13...)

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Yeah I think they'll simply avoid the question of "which path is Canon".

If any other games ever refer to FE if,then they'd most likely do that in a way that doesn't confirm any of these paths as canon(like if 2 characters talk about these kingdoms,then they'll only say that there was a war between hoshido and nohr,but won't say who won)

Of course we'll have to see how things play out,I mean even if you side with Nohr,that doesn't mean that you are going to conquer all of hoshido.

However if they'd create a seuqel that would be placed right after the events of this game(I doubt this will happen,but who knows),then I'd say that the 3rd path is likely to be the canon path,but currently we don't know enough about it to be sure,or they'd split the game again into 2 versions,with each version being a sequel to a different path.

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Also noting wouldn't be great to see supports with exclusive characters interacting with each other like say Oboro talking to someone like Benoit, the two younger sisters, or Luna and Hinoka. The problem with awakenings story is that it's inconsistent in a lot of areas due to having 3 writers. For this game it has one which will probably not stray away from what it's going to tell in all 3 routes So honestly I don't see anything wrong with"let's be friends to defeat the real bad guy" since the writer has a good resume in mystery novels, manga, etc. If this is indeed the case it will give a good reason for the team up.

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Personally I hope not if the third path is basically going to be "both sides will unite and be friends". It diminishes the premise of having to choose a side.

Pretty sure they already confirmed that you side with neither on the third path during an interview. Now the final outcome of that path could be a few things, but I hope it results in the forming of a third nation.

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Well, one thing I know is that I don't want any of them being comfirmed as 'canon'. Not even a 'canon feel', I have more than enough with SMT thank you very much.

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Based on info from FE Cipher, I'm pretty sure that the 3rd path will NOT be Hoshido and Nohr joining forces. Like others have said, without a sequel it's most likely just going to be all paths are equally canon and non-canon.

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I prefer if there is no canon path (I think it is very unlikely to have a sequel), but should there be one, I think the third path fits better, since it seems to be the middle term between Hoshido and Nohr's paths.

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Nah, I seriously doubt it's canon.

For one, Awakening did its absolute best to avoid having any canon Avatars or pairings in any form of media.

Secondly, the theme of this game is "what if" and it's suggested the Nohr and Hoshido campaigns are both "what if" scenarios, meaning they are canon to the player, but not necessarily canon to any overarching... thing.

By extension, the third campaign is just another "what if" scenario.

Edited by VincentASM
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I'll toss my hat into the ring of those who don't think there will be a canon path. A canon path would only really be a necessity if there were a direct sequel anyway, which seems unlikely (and they could always make another dual game for the sequel, too). FE does specifically seem to want to steer itself away from this kind of thinking.

Specifically in the instance of this thread's question, though, even if there were a canon path, I think it would be weird if it were one that you can't actually pick up and buy, since the 3rd path is only available as an add-on to the other paths (either DLC or in the special edition with all three).

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I don't think the third path will be about uniting the two armies. The design of My Castle seems to go directly against some path where you could just get everything from both routes. It probably will be mixed up - some former exclusive characters will join your third army, but some others won't, including ones available in both initial routes. And it'll also probably have its own exclusive characters.

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Agreed with everyone above, I doubt we'll ever get a truly canon path.

And that's the way it should be, unless there's a sequel. And even if there was a sequel, making one path canon wouldn't end well. There would be people complaining about the decision regardless.

Incidentally, I wouldn't mind if IS kept releasing more paths as DLC

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Agreed with everyone above, I doubt we'll ever get a truly canon path.

And that's the way it should be, unless there's a sequel. And even if there was a sequel, making one path canon wouldn't end well. There would be people complaining about the decision regardless.

Incidentally, I wouldn't mind if IS kept releasing more paths as DLC

I guess I wouldn't mind either, but what could it be about?

Kamui uses his dragon powers to split into two and join both sides at once? XD

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I guess I wouldn't mind either, but what could it be about?

Kamui uses his dragon powers to split into two and join both sides at once? XD

No, Kamui fights both sides and conquers both in which he is the emperor of a united country.

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^ how many descendants of marth's group have you seen in awakening besides chrom's family? A 1000 year sequel with the same villain, does not seem like the best idea to me, and even so i doubt we would have descendants besides chroms, and maybe Pannes by default if there are Taguel.

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