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Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3


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I'm really excited that this game is coming the U.S this month, especially since we missed the second one. The First Samurai Warriors Chronicles game was the one I got when I got my 3ds when it first came out and is still one of my top favorite 3ds games. How do you guys feel about this game coming to the west? Are you going to buy it?

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i was unaware that it was coming to the united states and i love you for making this topic

I AM MOST DEFINITELY GOING TO BUY IT but i'm going to be away from home when it comes out : (

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I'm glad it's coming out, but I'm also disappointed that the Hyrule Warriors costumes won't be included.

I'm just glad there is more to the Avatar creation than the first one.

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i was unaware that it was coming to the united states and i love you for making this topic

I AM MOST DEFINITELY GOING TO BUY IT but i'm going to be away from home when it comes out : (




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So this game exists, actually gets brought overseas and will get released later this very month? This... is... awesome!

The game has to be good but I hope they worked out some of the annoyances from the first one. It was always so limiting that one needed to have a team of no less then four characters with an equal level in order for the maps to have a good flow to them. And the equipment made thinks even more of a pain.

Oh, and unskipable cutscenes. Can't forget about those. I just can't comprehend why they thought it was a good idea to have unskipable cutscenes on a freaking handheld, when the console games didn't have them. But I am sure they never did that again.

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Is it on PC? I will think about getting it if it's on PC.

It's apparently a 3DS/PS Vita game. A rather unusual combination to be sure. With the Vita being far more powerful then the 3DS but the Vita having only one screen, I wonder what the differences between the versions are.

But as far as PC games go, there are some versions of Dynasty Warriors 8 that got ported to the PC. But I cannot say anything about the quality of those ports. And one should always pay attention to that since lot of those ports are done poorly. Especially when it's games from Japanese companies, due to a lack of interest in the market and a consequent lack of experience.

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Regarding this, I am only mainly curious at the what if scenarios they talk about, I would really like for them to be more than 1 or 2 stages and something like a route

For example, Dynasty Warriors 8's Hypothetical stages or Samurai Warriors 1's alternate paths, either one you can't really go wrong(preferably like DW 8 because it's a more indepth way to handle what ifs, I think)

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Regarding this, I am only mainly curious at the what if scenarios they talk about, I would really like for them to be more than 1 or 2 stages and something like a route

For example, Dynasty Warriors 8's Hypothetical stages or Samurai Warriors 1's alternate paths, either one you can't really go wrong(preferably like DW 8 because it's a more indepth way to handle what ifs, I think)


The trailer shows that there will be diverging paths and as a Avatar it looks like you will be making the choices.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, the game was released yesterday in Europe and it's been quite a mixed bag, at least for the 3DS version.

The game definitely improved a lot of it's flaws since the first Chronicles. Most importantly, Cutscenes are not only skipable but can be bypassed altogether, allowing you to go straight to the map. (Seriously, more games should do that. It's silly having to wait for a cutscene to load just to skip it immediately afterwards.) And there are some smaller fixes here and there, like being able to give your other characters the order to wait, so they don't run off into the enemy's swords like a bunch of lemmings. (Btw, this is especially useful now since your other characters now loose HP far more quickly while offscreen)

However, the framerate is unstable as heck. For an action game, this just doesn't feel good at all. And I am playing on the New 3DS. And yeah, activating the 3D makes things even worse.

This issue really confuses me. I got the impression that the series resorted to tricks like for example not displaying enemies in order to ensure a smooth framerate but nothing like that seems to be here. And also, why did they increase the number of enemies to such an extend if the console can't handle them? Larger groups of enemies are not an replacement for a smooth framerate. If fighting enemies doesn't feel good, then it doesn't matter how many there are.

I also hate this new dash attack since every character has them, so you basically fight the waves of enemies the same way with every character. Not to mention that this move replaces the individual moves that characters used to perform with that button.It's also so mindless in general since grunts can't do anything about it. And of course, speeding around all over the plays like that looks just plain silly with characters like Ieyasu. But I guess this addition is the fault of SW4.

Speaking of stuff that I can probably attribute to SW4, the character editor is amazing and has tons of options. They really came a long way since the SW3 editor. But what I especially like is that you can freely change all of these things later, so you don't need to worry about making a tiny mistake that annoys you for the rest of your playthrough.

Although the downside is that your character's portrait is now a shadowy face most of the time... which is completely pointless since you can still tell it's the default design and that portrait is sometimes still used without the shadow anyway. And of course, now that there is such a powerful editor, I kinda regret not being able to deploy an entire team of custom characters on the map.

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It's weird how the game has everyone starting on lv5. Considering that you have to deploy your character on every map and other characters are only around for a small part of the story, this leads to a massive gap between the abilities of your character and the others. Not to mention, that there is little reason to use your resources on the weapons of those characters over your own when they are not around for long anyway. This had already been a problem in the first game to some extend but new characters used to join at the same level as you.

There is a Trainings Room were one can put up to 4 characters who will gain the same amount of EXP as you do during a map as long as they are not on the map themselves but... well, I did notice this feature a little late but I think this only lessens the problem instead of actually fixing it because their are far more then 4 characters in the game.

Anyway, as far as neat stuff that I noticed is concerned: If a missions requires you to take down an enemy officer before they reach a specific target, you can now actually send your characters to engage them instead of having to take control directly in order to gain their attention (although I am not yet 100% sure about that). Also, weapons are no longer random drops. Instead you have a bunch of weapons embedded with a different element, that you can upgrade with the usual special effects. Managing that stuff used to be a massive pain in the original Chronicles: "You can't carry any more weapons. Do you want to overwrite to sell existing on?" "Yes!" "You can't carry any more weapons. Do you want to sell an existing on?" "Yes!" "You can't carry any more weapons. Do you want to sell an existing on?"... Always the same routine after every... single... map.


Also, I am not sure how the unlocking of the weapons, custoums and dialogue events of the other characters is supposed to work. I have maxed out friendship with Mitsuhide and not only haven't I gotten anything but according to the vault, I haven't unlocked a single one of his four events... or any of the other characters for that matter. And it can't be because I need more story progression because I am already past Honooji. I also maxed out friendship with Kunoichi because I am playing a female character and armors and accessories are separated by gender, so I wanted to make sure I unlock something just to figure put how that stuff works but nothing happened there either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far I really like the game, but its a bit of a problem that the game doesn't seem to like me back. I suffered through 3 crashes already, all happening when a mini cutscene occured, such as the gun one at Nagashino. Its starting to annoy me quite a bit.

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