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The Worst Level You've Been Through


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I recently managed to beat a secret level in Super Mario Sunshine, the one where you have to propel a disintegrating leaf over poisonous water to get the eight red coins. It took me FOREVER to beat that level and getting to the island on Yoshi was difficult enough. And it made me wonder...

What are some of the levels you guys had trouble on (or still are having trouble on) and was your reaction when you finally beat it?

I don't care if it's Dark Link in Zelda II, the hardest Pokemon to catch, or surviving in Freddy's. Tell of your victory here!

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enough is said.

The 2nd last level of Star Fox assault on Gold Medal mode is tedious and long.

The Great Maze from Smash Bros Brawl

Catch the Wave from Grand Theft Auto IV. Mostly because I kept dying and there is no checkpoint and the drive back to the area is really long. Had to do it 8 times in a row.

Chapter 3-1 in Resident Evil 4. Tons of frustration but really satisfied once I got through it the first time.

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I guess Aztek Falcon's level in Mega Man Zero 1, aka, the first level, is a good example.

It's kinda funny how the very first boss in the intro stage has an extremely simple pattern and yet you still don't have to actually beat him (Well, kinda. You take enough damage and you get the Z-Saber which kills him in one blow). Then the next boss is this shitbag, with his disjointed hitbox that protects him from blade attacks and completely blocks bullets, who fires projectiles that stick to the wall and a freaking timelimit in case you dare to wait for an opening to pay tribute to the fact that this are the first 20 minutes of the game, most of it cutscenes, and you can't pull of any particular difficult stunts yet.

Not sure what my reaction was. I guess I was just glad it was over.

Edited by BrightBow
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Some people just mentioned bosses so

Aztec Falcon from Mega Man Zero. I know this was literally just mentioned but I feel the need to mention it anyway because it took me literally MONTHS to finish it. I got the Mega Man Zero Collection one day, I was having fun, and then this guy happened.

His pattern is unpredictable, his attacks are hard to dodge, and eventually I just gave up. I tried again every once in a while, but it took me months until I managed to beat the guy.

So a lesson to anyone making a game: Don't make the first boss the hardest that's terrible and bad

Oh also for an actual level the whole coliseum world in Kingdom Hearts that was as far as I made it in that game because the boss is unfair as hell and the rest is extremely monotonous. It feels like a tutorial level at first with all the random challenges, and then there's the actual coliseum part which is just killing enemies by spamming attacks and hoping you win. It's bad.

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Probably Byrgenwerth in Bloodborne. the enemies are pretty alright until you get inside. Fuck that hunter he just spammed his little ashsprayer and murdered me every time. I started running past him to get into Rom's lake. And Rom is one of the shittiest Bloodborne bosses. Seriously most of his moves are fine but his little spiders do way to much damage in comparison. His giant blue meteors do less damage then his minions little karate chop pincers, why the fuck does getting sliced by a little claw hurt more than getting smited by a rain of meteors. The game fails hard with invisible walls instead of making it a looping area.

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I really don't like the factory level in Mega Man Zero 2, the one where the phoenix dude is the boss. It's got good music but it's a pain to traverse through, unnecessarily long, you will take excess damage if you're not ridiculously careful, and I think it had several minibosses too.

Final Fantasy IX is one of my favorite games in the series but I really don't care for a lot of its dungeons, especially Oeilvert, the Conde Petti trail or whatever it was, the Lifa Tree, Desert Palace, Ipsen's Castle, Mount Gulug, and Fossil Roo. Especially Oeilvert.

The Lost Sanctum from Chrono Trigger DS is possibly one of the worst dungeons I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through. It is nothing but one giant fetch quest, seriously.

oh and it seems a lot of people hate the Great Crystal from FF12. I like it, but the only part that I don't is that without a guide, you will not know where you're going. I like how the area gets darker and darker as you approach the lair of one of the espers and that you can find a dormant Omega Mark XII awhile before you fight it.

Edited by Draco
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Air's Rock and Aqua Rock in Golden Sun:The Lost Age.I hate those places.

The final boss in Mario and Luigi:Bowser's Inside Story.I've only beat him once.Once.

And this little shit right here:


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Any platforming level I suck at platformers.

Mission 4 In Devil May Cry 4. Just because of the Torture Chamber.

And then the first two elemental rocks in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Air's Rock is kinda "meh" and a bit boring, Aqua Rock is so long and so. Much. Back tracking.

And then there is a Djinn you need Parch for, so you have to go back and get that after you beat the rock it's just so infuriating.

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Blood Stained Sanctuary in Cave Story +. So annoying. I can't even beat it on the easiest difficulty (which is kinda depressing).

Took me a couple dozen tries, don't feel bad. Last Cave (hidden) isn't a lot better.

Oh my god Corona Mountain, the stupid boat level. It took me a startling amount of time to get past that thing.

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Another nightmare has to be getting the Nintendo coin in Donkey Kong 64.

-Original Donkey Kong

-All levels in one go

-No extra lives

-No Continues

You die once, you go back. And of course you have to watch the whole damn intro again.

And once you finally beat it? Do it again right away, of course! That's some genius game design right there.

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Another nightmare has to be getting the Nintendo coin in Donkey Kong 64.

-Original Donkey Kong

-All levels in one go

-No extra lives

-No Continues

You die once, you go back. And of course you have to watch the whole damn intro again.

And once you finally beat it? Do it again right away, of course!

Dk64's requirements in general is really annoying. Not to mention if you did not collect most of the blueprints the timer is much lower in the final area.

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