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The Worst Level You've Been Through


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Big Bang Trophy. Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games DS. Nearly threw my DS out of a window playing that.

Duhullahan Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Defeated him once, with only one character left alive.... With less than 100HP left.

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Duhullahan Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Defeated him once, with only one character left alive.... With less than 100HP left.

I guess Dullahan might be an example for me too, only in my case it's the guy's initial appearance from Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

The thing is I never managed to defeat him properly, I only ever defeated him with a cheap summon rush. It wasn't until replaying the Golden Sun games 7 years later in preparation for Dark Dawn, that I finally managed to bring this sucker down. This guy is definitely easier when one knows that he follows he set attack sequence, so that one can prepare for when Charon and Dsjinn storm hits, which I didn't know at the time. But he was still hard as heck.

This guy was quite a bit harder then he would later be in Dark Dawn. Not that I know the numbers compare but if nothing else, the player lacks the stronger tools of the third game, most notably a Werewolf capable of shielding 50% of all damage on every turn. His pattern is almost identical in both games but he used to cast Charon twice. Dark Dawn removed the second Charon and replaced it with Crucible, which is just a minor annoyance unless you were going for a summon rush and he happens to start his pattern right there.

Edited by BrightBow
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I guess Dullahan might be an example for me too, only in my case it's the guy's initial appearance from Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

The thing is I never managed to defeat him properly, I only ever defeated him with a cheap summon rush. It wasn't until replaying the Golden Sun games 7 years later in preparation for Dark Dawn, that I finally managed to bring this sucker down. This guy is definitely easier when one knows that he follows he set attack sequence, so that one can prepare for when Charon and Dsjinn storm hits, which I didn't know at the time. But he was still hard as heck.

This guy was quite a bit harder then he would later be in Dark Dawn. Not that I know the numbers compare but if nothing else, the player lacks the stronger tools of the third game, most notably a Werewolf capable of shielding 50% of all damage on every turn. His pattern is almost identical in both games but he used to cast Charon twice. Dark Dawn removed the second Charon and replaced it with Crucible, which is just a minor annoyance unless you were going for a summon rush and he happens to start his pattern right there.

I did go for a summon rush, and my *** was nearly handed to me. I go so lucky at the end of the fight. Tyrell was a hero and his use of Flora killed Duhallahan. And then I got Iris!! :)

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Donkey Kong Country Returns: Jagged Jewels and The Mole Train in Mirror Mode come to mind for me. Those two were utter torture, especially since after one touch of a hazard, you have to start over from the very beginning for both. It doesn't help in the latter that the mole spawn patterns are different each time and the former you don't even have Diddy's Jet pack to help with timing regarding evading the spikes.

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Blood Stained Sanctuary in Cave Story +. So annoying. I can't even beat it on the easiest difficulty (which is kinda depressing).


Aztec Falcom from Megaman Zero too, until I found out it is easier to let him damage Zero while striking him like a berserker until he dies. Now it's easy for me to beat him, but I'm not sure how to avoid taking damage.

Phantom is hard too, how didn't anyone remember him? It is worse with the fact that losing all your lives = mission failed.

Diablo I is also terribly hard. I've had the bad luck to spawn a level with a lot of these red demons with wings near the stairs... Yeah.

Edited by Rapier
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...There's a Mirror Mode...?

Yep, but the challenge from Mirror Mode stems much more from not having Diddy Kong (and no jetpack to help with jumps or accurate landings) and having one hit deaths rather than the mirroring of the levels. Kind of ironic that the least challenging element added compared to normal mode is what the harder mode is named after, heh.

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The boss in Kindom Heart 360/2 days. God these life bars, heals, out off the screen and op attacks. They took me days to beat them (not to mention the pannel mechanic of this game).

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Oh, speaking of, Ruler of the Sky (I think) is one of the worst bosses in the series. Nearly impossible to chase down and deal reliable damage to, and powerful too. You have to fly from from island to island to actually attack it. Since it's /always/ moving, you can't land attacks on it.

Talking about KH 358/2 btw

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Oh, there's the Metal Gear Ray fight in Metal Gear Solid 2, or Metal Gear Rays. I think you have to fight 6 of them on the difficulty I was on.

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This literally killed me several times! I could never figure this out. Still can't!

Swimming in lava glitch is a way to beat it.

Dude. Fuck. That. Level.

It can die in that lava for all I care.

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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (HD).

Strangelove torture sessions.

A game should not require you to skin your thumbs and nearly kill your controller to progress.

That is all.

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Spider Cave in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Up until this point almost every enemy in the game went down in one hit but now there's a whole bunch of enemies that take several hits. Not to mention insta-kill Dark Eco everywhere.

Any blackout level in any platforming game ever. Examples are Lights Out in Crash Bandicoot and Blackout Basement in Donkey Kong Country.

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When I first played Starfox 64 the Aquas level. Man fuck that submarine and those exploding starfish! I'd never play it again if Zoness wasn't so dope.

Rogue Leader: The first Star Destroyer level is such a bitch but it pales in comparison to Endor with 2 goddamn Star Destroyers and stuck in the X-wing with 6 proton torpedoes instead of the B-Wing's 12.

Any of the "Secret" levels in Super Mario Sunshine

Chapters 6-8 of Bravely Default.

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Rogue Leader: The first Star Destroyer level is such a bitch but it pales in comparison to Endor with 2 goddamn Star Destroyers and stuck in the X-wing with 6 proton torpedoes instead of the B-Wing's 12.

Dude I hated the Bwing so damn slow. Although I do think the last mission in that game was hard as shit. You will die and when you do the Millinium Falcon can't seem to take a hit. First time I tried the level it was I died in 10seconds and then the Millenium Falcon died. Oh and escaping is a bitch too with all those narrow turns and close walls while you're speeding through.

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Dude I hated the Bwing so damn slow. Although I do think the last mission in that game was hard as shit. You will die and when you do the Millinium Falcon can't seem to take a hit. First time I tried the level it was I died in 10seconds and then the Millenium Falcon died. Oh and escaping is a bitch too with all those narrow turns and close walls while you're speeding through.

The X-wing gets much better at destroying the things once you have a few of the upgrade bonuses but if you don't have them....and the Redemption and Home One screaming for help all the damn time. I shot down 60 TIE fighters by myself goddammit, what the hell is everybody else doing? Ugh. I know Wedge Antilles is a badass, but damn he gotta do everything himself? lol.

I agree on the Strike at the Core mission. I mean the Millennium Falcon has turrets, why don't you help yourself by shooting some TIEs? And if you so much as clip something in that tunnel you are screwed. Thank God for wired controllers that can't be thrown well.

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"Attack on the Core" in Rogue Leader is hard? Merely beating it isn't too though as long as you make sure to use the X-Wing. The Millennium Falcon is just way too large to get through the core. Lando really deserves more credit for his piloting skills.

However, the version of "Attack on the Core" in the sequel Rebel Strike is another story. It's co-op only, so one player HAS to use the damn Falcon. Nothing more annoying then a co-op game were one player is basically set up to fail. Unfortunately I can't claim to have beaten it. The few times that we made it to the core, we didn't make it back out.

Speaking of Rogue Squadron, getting Gold on Escape from Fest is a nightmare. Keeping these frail AT-PTs alive is just impossible. It's was the last level for me to get Bronce, it was the last for me to get Silver and it was the last for me to get Gold.

But technically Raid on Sollust is probably the actual hardest level in the game, but that's what the infinite lives cheats is there for. Thankfully dying in the first game doesn't count against the score.

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The last Mystery House in Super Mario 3D World (Mystery House Marathon in World Crown). Fail once and you have to go through the 30 stage gauntlet all over again from the first star.

And I still haven't beaten it yet.

Apotheosis DLC in Awakening is also just plain stupid. It's like you need a very specific MU and very specific Supports/Marriages to actually stand a chance.

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I guess another contender would be beating the Boss Rush mode in Mega Man ZX Advent.

You have to beat all the 16 bosses in the game on a single lifebar. You have all forms and 2 sub tanks but no other upgrades. But the biggest problem is that there is no real way to train for this. You can have a rematch with the first 8 bosses as often as you want, so it's easy enough to master them so that you won't take any damage. But the latter 8 can only be fought once during a playthrough.

Unfortunately, this accomplishment is not just for bragging rights, as beating it unlocks another boss fight mode, were you can freely fight against the hard mode variation of every single boss. (Thank god there is no Survival mode with these guys. They are on a whole other level.)

I guess I could mention that the game also featured a selection of 8-bit mega man style levels. They are very hard as well, since you don't get any continues. I can reach the boss of the third and final stage but I never managed to beat him.

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