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Famitsu 6/11 preview/leaks


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Wow that hair... It manages to be even worse than Nyx and the blue-haired maids combined, which is really saying something!

I'm kind of disappointed with the designs of these 3, especially after Luna/Belka had two of the best designs I've seen so far in the game. Zero looks hot cool though.

I never thought the mage outfits would get more fanservice-ey than the transparent black latex of Awakening's dark mages, but here we are. Orochi has her crack on display and Odin is practically shirtless.

Edited by EJ107
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I doubt first gen Awakening characters will appear, it could create some canon wars. And I feel like they already had their time to shine. Now watch me be completely wrong.

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Omg... I have to memories 60+ character names? -dies-

Hasn't that been the case in every Fire Emblem? XD

Pretty sure I've memorised the name of 500 FE characters across the entire series.

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All the info in one place : )

I think I'll stretch my legs outside now XD

So much deja-vu in this one postXD

You know, this pre-release charade is nearing its end, but I have to say, it was quite fun:p

Now to give it a read...

... oh and thank you very much by the way:)

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Maybe you can capture bosses, but only certain ones?

And I'm liking not Owain Odin and his special ability. Hopefully that translates well into English and I can spend some time thinking up cool tome names. ^_^

This is the most Owain skill ever, it's great. But yeah I'm curious how they'll modify it in the localization. You can fit SEVERAL TIMES more words in 8 kanji than you can with the paltry 12-13 ish character limit we have on English names. Can't even name my sword Pointy Demonspanker...

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Clearly, FE If must be secretly a sequel to Awakening…

Okay, not necessarily, but getting all these characters with name meanings, voice actors, appearance, and personality traits all blatantly similar to Awakening characters is highly suspicious.

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This is the most Owain skill ever, it's great. But yeah I'm curious how they'll modify it in the localization. You can fit SEVERAL TIMES more words in 8 kanji than you can with the paltry 12-13 ish character limit we have on English names. Can't even name my sword Pointy Demonspanker...

I see two solutions.

1. Simply count the number/length of symbols. Give a bonus for names that have simply reached max length.

2. Check for names in ALL CAPS.

Either way, I don't think it's too hard. Even in the fan translation for Heroes of Light and Shadow, we somehow enabled English character input for naming the Avatar, when it wasn't there.

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Pieri's skill sounds pretty insane; Free self-rally when killing people hell yeah i'll take it

Her design is....not what i expected, yeah. The armor's definitely a huge step up from FEA. Wish her hair was less big and everywhere, but the duotone is cool.

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Wait are you guys simply joking or are these "Awakening" characters really "Awakening characters"?

Or are they just merely "lookalikes"?

I guess my overall question is whether the Awakening characters or how come they are living in parallel universes?

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Hasn't that been the case in every Fire Emblem? XD

Pretty sure I've memorised the name of 500 FE characters across the entire series.

well I started at Awakening and haven't played the others yet xD

Wait are you guys simply joking or are these "Awakening" characters really "Awakening characters"?

Or are they just merely "lookalikes"?

I guess my overall question is whether the Awakening characters or how come they are living in parallel universes?

My guess is that they are "lookalikes" and Odin's skill has something to do with syllables or vowels

Edited by LoboKD001
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It could be just heavy handed character references.

It could be parallel universe versions of them.

It could be the character under false names traveling through the Outrealms.

It could be the good future variants of the characters under false or different names traveling through the Outrealms.

Who knows?

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7 "new" characters and they're almost all from Nohr? Disappointing. Especially considering 3 of them were already revealed on the main site. Can we dispense with the charade and call Luna, Lazward and Odin by their "real" names, Severa, Inigo and Owain? Pieri design could do without the hair extensions. I mean, dual toned blue and pink hair? Really?

Nohr is just filled with crazy women huh? Camilla, Charlotte and now Pieri.

The prison might be fun, especially if you can get a lot of generics and use them as cannon fodder although I'll probably grow attached and love them as though they were my own children.

Edited by NekoKnight
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7 "new" characters and they're almost all from Nohr? Disappointing. Especially considering 3 of them were already revealed on the main site. Can we dispense with the charade and call Luna, Lazward and Odin by their "real" names, Severa, Inigo and Owain? Pieri design could do without the hair extensions. I mean, dual toned blue and pink hair? Really?

Nohr is just filled with crazy women huh? Camilla, Charlotte and now Pieri.

The prison might be fun, especially if you can get a lot of generics and use them as cannon fodder although I'll probably grow attached and love them as though they were my own children.

3 for Hoshido left hope all 3 are interesting.
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I see two solutions.

1. Simply count the number/length of symbols. Give a bonus for names that have simply reached max length.

2. Check for names in ALL CAPS.

Either way, I don't think it's too hard. Even in the fan translation for Heroes of Light and Shadow, we somehow enabled English character input for naming the Avatar, when it wasn't there.

Right, I'm not saying it'll be difficult to implement new mechanics to account for English letters. Just that neither of these fully capture the essence of the incredibly long-winded names Owain comes up with, like the Japanese version is able to xD

The second solution is a decent alternative, as it gives the impression that Odin is shouting the name of his weapon. "RIZAIA!!!"

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So we now have Severa, Inigo, and Owain as "returning" characters, the next one would be Lucina assuming they're going by the DLC character polls.

I'm curious if we will get her, if we do I hope she has interactions with her amiibo counterpart.

Why would we need Lucina dlc when she is amiibo dlc already?

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This look-a-like thing is starting to bug me a little. I want new characters. I mean, they're degrading Owain's and other Awakening children's uniqueness by doing so. Don't replace them.

So, customizable equipment is back doh. (unless I missed something)

But we should make a thread about some insane equipment names everyone's going to make.

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This may be Hinoka trying to persuade a captive.

This is a generic hoshidan spellcaster, right? Then... why would Hoshido keep captive a hoshidan mage and then try to persuade him to battle with them?

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This may be Hinoka trying to persuade a captive.

This is a generic hoshidan spellcaster, right? Then... why would Hoshido keep captive a hoshidan mage and then try to persuade him to battle with them?

There are also clan soldiers and skirmish enemies.

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