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So [Smash Leak character] is pretty much confirmed to get an amiibo!


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I agree. Sort of. I do believe he doesn't deserve to be back, just like I think it actually doesn't really matter. He's been heavily requested and that's why he's here. I guess his design just appeals to people or something.

At least he has many unique moves this time around.

Every character who has ever appeared in Smash, besides maybe Pichu, has received a lot of requests. When Lucina get's cut for Smash 5, their will be a swarm of fans demanding she be added as DLC.

But yeah, like you said, it doesn't really matter. I'd rather see other characters in but whatareyagonnado?

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Roy doesn't deserve to be back in Smash, and that's not salt, it's an honest accounting of what he brought to both Smash and Fire Emblem. Marth, Ike and Robin all bring something unique to the table, but what is Roy besides a clone of Marth and an advertisement for a game that released only in Japan 13 years ago?

You have no right to say who or what deserves to be in smash. You can state opinions but not things that are your "facts".

He represents the GBA era, and was quite popular in his run both in Melee and in his own game. He STILL wins popularity polls in Japan.

Plus he's a bit more unique this time.

Edited by Jedi
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Roy doesn't deserve to be back in Smash, and that's not salt, it's an honest accounting of what he brought to both Smash and Fire Emblem. Marth, Ike and Robin all bring something unique to the table, but what is Roy besides a clone of Marth and an advertisement for a game that released only in Japan 13 years ago?

The salt is strong with this one. Like holy shit I think some of the polar ice caps melted from this post.

We hit the core Nintendo All-Stars back in Melee; no one else deserved to be in Smash. The A-list was completed in Melee and now we're down to the B and C lists. Deserving has gone out the window and has been replaced by "hey this seems cool. let's do it". This is why so many of the Smash 4 newcomers feel so cool, because they were chosen because they could be cool. They aren't characters that have brought in more money than is in Fort Knox (like pretty much everyone in Melee did, beyond the clones). They didn't have to be cool; they just had to show up because of their names.

And besides, if you're going to play the deserving card (as much of a myth as it is), you've also got to address Jigglypuff, Greninja, Lucas, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, Lucina and Ness. Don't just cherrypick the one that you want.

Edited by splart
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Every character who has ever appeared in Smash, besides maybe Pichu, has received a lot of requests. When Lucina get's cut for Smash 5, their will be a swarm of fans demanding she be added as DLC.

But yeah, like you said, it doesn't really matter. I'd rather see other characters in but whatareyagonnado?

Well, Roy has quite a bit going against him honestly. I know the list all too well, but solely from a smash player point of view, he's a worthless clone of one of the best characters in melee, we already have Lucina and to an extent Ike, he's from a game/series you probably have no interest in... and yet he's that popular, so I feel that there must be some sort of additional reason.

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Can't we just say it was both his veteran status and fondness from fans that brought him back and leave it at that? All these tangents on whats so special about X person and who's more deserving are rather unecessary and very time and energy consuming, when said critereia only applies to someone new to the game.

Granted, like splart said, when we actually take the time to consider such things, there are some that indeed fall into that radar. I, like Sakurai, see it more as just extra cookies in the cookie jar, cause why not. If you just don't like em' (and I'm not pointing at anyone) thats cool and all, but Its not that much of a problem, especially given all of the immense attempts they did at catering to everyone with what was put into the game.

Eh... I'm just not too kind on exclusion in a lot of things

Edited by Lord HK
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Every character who has ever appeared in Smash, besides maybe Pichu, has received a lot of requests. When Lucina get's cut for Smash 5, their will be a swarm of fans demanding she be added as DLC.

But yeah, like you said, it doesn't really matter. I'd rather see other characters in but whatareyagonnado?

most likely no one will get cut since we pretty much have the entire roster for all smash games besides snake (for obvious reasons), pichu and young link (which might as well be added at this point since it's no harm 'optional') and of course the Ice climbers will return in the next game.
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You have no right to say who or what deserves to be in smash. You can state opinions but not things that are your "facts".

He represents the GBA era, and was quite popular in his run both in Melee and in his own game. He STILL wins popularity polls in Japan.

Plus he's a bit more unique this time.

I didn't state "facts", I was making a case for him being irrelevant outside of his popularity he got from Smash. If Eliwood was in Smash, people would be clamoring for him instead.

The salt is strong with this one. Like holy shit I think some of the polar ice caps melted from this post.

>>He doesn't like a character I like



Well, Roy has quite a bit going against him honestly. I know the list all too well, but solely from a smash player point of view, he's a worthless clone of one of the best characters in melee, we already have Lucina and to an extent Ike, he's from a game/series you probably have no interest in... and yet he's that popular, so I feel that there must be some sort of additional reason.

All the clones have fans except for Pichu because fuck Pichu because it only takes a few differences for some fans to prefer using a clone to the original.

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I didn't state "facts", I was making a case for him being irrelevant outside of his popularity he got from Smash. If Eliwood was in Smash, people would be clamoring for him instead.

FE6 was a pretty popular FE in Japan. Helped by smash yes, but they still view it very highly. Kinda jump started everything FE again after the late SNES game that got barely any press known as Thracia

Also I doubt it, as much as I like Eliwood he's too boring to stick out in something like smash.

Also you can stop the clone talk now considering he isn't one anymore, oh yeah theres the fact you don't have to buy him either. Dno why you're so against something others have wanted.

Edited by Jedi
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Also you can stop the clone talk now considering he isn't one anymore, oh yeah theres the fact you don't have to buy him either. Dno why you're so against something others have wanted.

As I said to Cysx, I don't really care that much, but if there's an allocation of resources, I'd prefer they use them to make other characters.

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As I said to Cysx, I don't really care that much, but if there's an allocation of resources, I'd prefer they use them to make other characters.

You can at least show respect to those who did want him back. Instead of being, you know. An absolute dick

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You can at least show respect to those who did want him back. Instead of being, you know. An absolute dick

He wasn't really being a dick at all. Maybe "doesn't deserve" and "irrelevant" are trigger words to some people, and sure there isn't really any point in complaining now that Roy's been officially confirmed, but he was being relatively chill when voicing his opinion and you guys just suddenly got super defensive. At least that's what it looks like to me.

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I mean "absolute dick" is probably rather stronger than needed but he hasn't really been "chill" about things either. I feel like there's a lower baseline as far as talking shit about things goes than defending it but that could be ~bias~

that being said both sides could probably use to take a couple steps back and, uh, chill for a bit

Jedi you're getting a bit too heated up over this as well imo

I don't really feel like anyone needs to go into specifics about what people may or may not have been doing "wrong," but I don't think this is a productive place to take the discussion...

Edited by Euklyd
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The salt is strong with this one. Like holy shit I think some of the polar ice caps melted from this post.

We hit the core Nintendo All-Stars back in Melee; no one else deserved to be in Smash. The A-list was completed in Melee and now we're down to the B and C lists. Deserving has gone out the window and has been replaced by "hey this seems cool. let's do it". This is why so many of the Smash 4 newcomers feel so cool, because they were chosen because they could be cool. They aren't characters that have brought in more money than is in Fort Knox (like pretty much everyone in Melee did, beyond the clones). They didn't have to be cool; they just had to show up because of their names.

And besides, if you're going to play the deserving card (as much of a myth as it is), you've also got to address Jigglypuff, Greninja, Lucas, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, Lucina and Ness. Don't just cherrypick the one that you want.

I don't want to use the "deserving" argument, but four of the characters on that list can be argued for. Greninja may have been added before X and Y was released, but it was a correct guess on its popularity. Lucina has the popularity. Winning two official polls can attest to that. Dark Pit and (at the time) Jigglypuff have Japanese popularity.

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He wasn't really being a dick at all. Maybe "doesn't deserve" and "irrelevant" are trigger words to some people, and sure there isn't really any point in complaining now that Roy's been officially confirmed, but he was being relatively chill when voicing his opinion and you guys just suddenly got super defensive. At least that's what it looks like to me.

Thanks for understanding. People can get pretty heated in these character debates.

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All the clones have fans except for Pichu because fuck Pichu because it only takes a few differences for some fans to prefer using a clone to the original.

Shame that I can't find that one Pichu headbutt video

I mean, I'm a prime example of that, so I won't argue the truth of that statement. And while I do have a different opinion on what makes a clone popular, it's mostly base on conjecture so I'll leave it at that.

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Damnit, now all my jokes about how only a superior Roy made it into Smash 4 are ruined, thanks a lot Nintendo.

(Seriously, disappointed that Roy was chosen since I had high hopes that the slot could go to someone more interesting than Yet Another Fire Emblem Swordsman, and one who happens to be a character I quite dislike, but it's obviously not that big a deal. Also, Ryu! That's cool. So it's okay.)

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Damnit, now all my jokes about how only a superior Roy made it into Smash 4 are ruined, thanks a lot Nintendo.

(Seriously, disappointed that Roy was chosen since I had high hopes that the slot could go to someone more interesting than Yet Another Fire Emblem Swordsman, and one who happens to be a character I quite dislike, but it's obviously not that big a deal. Also, Ryu! That's cool. So it's okay.)

Ryu is really cool

Wow this conversation has gone far off topic

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Ryu is really cool

Wow this conversation has gone far off topic

I'm not getting the best vibes from Ryu (look at my most recent post in the 6/13 leak thread for why).

Anywhere, trying to take this back on topic again, I wonder when the Roy amiibo will be released, since we haven't heard anything about Mewtwo. Do you think they'd have just a whole wave dedicated to Smash DLC characters?

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I wonder how/if Roy will appear in FE14. The lord classes are piling up.

Probably to make up for as far as we know no non DLC lords

Edited by Mackc2
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Also I doubt it, as much as I like Eliwood he's too boring to stick out in something like smash.

Roy's not too different from his father, personality-wise. I went and voted for him in the Smash Ballot. He's got plenty of potential with the weapon triangle and a horse and if he gets FE:If DLC new class treatment as Weapon Master or Butler, hidden weapons and a nice new look.

Anyway, back to topic. Another amiibo that will be pretty hard to find. I like his blend of classic and Awakening DLC looks.

Edited by Lord-Zero
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And now it's 100% confirmed.

I really don't get why the fifth addition of a Fire Emblem character is someone who plays fairly similarly. Right now, the only one who really stands out is Robin; I wonder what people who know nothing about the series will think.

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