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Oh yay, I'll get to see the stream! That's 7PM EST, I think!

I am so glad I read your post. I went to check the calendar to see what you're excited about seeing, and saw that they'll be playing Fates. I hadn't been paying attention. I might've missed it.

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Apparently, the two versions thing is now confirmed for the west. That sound you're hearing is the sound of all the new people drawn in by Awakening getting pushed away.

And this still begs the question of why the fuck did Nintendo not reveal this until some offhand mention in an interview? I mean, they purposely removed all references to this being two games from every trailer shown outside Japan. They're only making it worse for themselves by doing this.

Well fuck. All my hype just went straight down the shitter.

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Well, nintendo just lost a franchise lol. As for myself "I have fury", I'm normally extremely tolerant of most things, but one thing I despise is changing music or localizing music. The end result like here is almost always worse. I'm importing the japanese OST but I hope dual Audio with Renka's version is in the localized version( though the voice acting isn't bad really).

Two versions, so this is effectively a $55 release in the west, is it worth that price in the end wait till June 25th to find out if nintendo screwed up!

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Why is everyone freaking out about this? FE14 is two games. Of course it should be released as two games! Each side has the same amount of content as a normal FE game. There's no reason to be upset that you are getting a lot of content, and it's petty to complain that you have to pay for content.

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Well, nintendo just lost a franchise lol. As for myself "I have fury", I'm normally extremely tolerant of most things, but one thing I despise is changing music or localizing music. The end result like here is almost always worse. I'm importing the japanese OST but I hope dual Audio with Renka's version is in the localized version( though the voice acting isn't bad really).

Two versions, so this is effectively a $55 release in the west, is it worth that price in the end wait till June 25th to find out if nintendo screwed up!

Yes, it's absolutely terrible that non-Japanese people want to hear a song that isn't in Japanese...

Apparently, the two versions thing is now confirmed for the west. That sound you're hearing is the sound of all the new people drawn in by Awakening getting pushed away.

Not all people care for both games. For example, I don't give a rat's arse about the Hoshido version. Besides, I'm sure there will be a Special Edition where you can get both versions on the same cartridge, like in Japan.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Guys, don't be so negative. You sound like you WANT FE to die now. We shouldn't want that. :(

And two versions isn't really such a bad thing. I'm kind of miffed that NoA passed it off as one game for six months, but still. You don't have to buy both right away, nor do you have to buy both at all (I'm not buying both, just Birthright which I assume is Hoshido). Buy the one you want to play first and save the other for later if you want to play both.

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Guys, don't be so negative. You sound like you WANT FE to die now. We shouldn't want that. :(

And two versions isn't really such a bad thing. I'm kind of miffed that NoA passed it off as one game for six months, but still. You don't have to buy both right away, nor do you have to buy both at all (I'm not buying both, just Birthright which I assume is Hoshido). Buy the one you want to play first and save the other for later if you want to play both.

The second one will probably be as DLC anyway, like in Japan.

If it's something like 15$ (or even 20$ actually), it'll still be two games for the price or 1 and a half (or two small games).

Not that bad of a deal, I'd say

Why is everyone freaking out about this? FE14 is two games. Of course it should be released as two games! Each side has the same amount of content as a normal FE game. There's no reason to be upset that you are getting a lot of content, and it's petty to complain that you have to pay for content.

Yeah, that was just wishfull thinking ayway.

Having two separate version is a better strategy for them than having a single overpriced version (because few people are ready to pay 60+$ for a game.)

That just means we'll have to makes the choice before entering in the game store, but many of us already know what version they want.

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Ya, I'm REALLY not getting all the hate about the separate versions, either way, whether its in one game or two, i imagine the price will be the same, so why so much hate? I agree that not everyone will want to play both versions, so honestly its better for them to do this, and if they do what they did in japan and make the opasite path and the third path DLC, then well be getting 3 WHOLE GAMES for a reasonable price in my opinion.

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Aw rats I don't have the money to just spend like 100€ quite so easily.

But I swore I'd play both games.. :(

i understand it being hard to market as one game at like 70$/€ or something, but isn't it also a bad idea to sell as two games?

Fire Embelm isn't Pokèmon, and while the versions are very different they could have trouble making their money back.

FE14 should NOT be the game(s) to end the series.

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Oh, no... I hope they will release that limited edition with all three paths on the west as well.

EDIT: It's a downer alright, but it's not something to kill myself over, since the other paths will be available as DLC.

Edited by Lawful Angry
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The subtitles I think might give hints to the plotline.

Like Birthright implies the Hoshido version ends up with Kamui on a throne, as he's the prince and it's his birthright to be king. He's Hoshidan born so he might get that one depending on how the plot turns, but I have a feeling it'll be his butt on the Nohr throne.

Conquest implies that Kamui will be taking over something. The Nohr path sounds as if Kamui and his siblings will be trying to take over Nohr, even though they're the royal family. So did something happen to Garon?

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fates is a really dumb title. that's the only thing i can be mad at. they better do a pre-load thing for the west too though (at some point before the release), because that idea is genius.

english song was bad, but so was the japanese one. miles ahead whatever mist sang in rd though lol

i'm aboard the hype train.

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Oh, no... I hope they will release that limited edition with all three paths on the west as well.

So do I.

I was really planning to get it.

The subtitles I think might give hints to the plotline.

Like Birthright implies the Hoshido version ends up with Kamui on a throne, as he's the prince and it's his birthright to be king. He's Hoshidan born so he might get that one depending on how the plot turns, but I have a feeling it'll be his butt on the Nohr throne.

Conquest implies that Kamui will be taking over something. The Nohr path sounds as if Kamui and his siblings will be trying to take over Nohr, even though they're the royal family. So did something happen to Garon?

I was wondering which one will be which actually.

Both are ambiguous enough to go both way honnestly.

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fates is a really dumb title. that's the only thing i can be mad at. they better do a pre-load thing for the west too though (at some point before the release), because that idea is genius.

english song was bad, but so was the japanese one. miles ahead whatever mist sang in rd though lol

i'm aboard the hype train.

Why would you insult Renka? Are you deaf?

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Birthright and Conquest is pretty creative. It's probably easier on the average person than Hoshido and Nohr.

Wonder if it has anything to do with Awakening being FE13.


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Birthright and Conquest is pretty creative. It's probably easier on the average person than Hoshido and Nohr.

Wonder if it has anything to do with Awakening being FE13.



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Birthright and Conquest is pretty creative. It's probably easier on the average person than Hoshido and Nohr.

Wonder if it has anything to do with Awakening being FE13.


Inb4 Third Path is "Destiny".

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Inb4 Third Path is "Destiny".

Oh gosh. I'll lose my mind if that happens.

Anyway, I actually like name Fates, as well as Birthright and Conquest. I'm just looking forward to seeing localized character names at this point. I liked most of the dubbing too, minus the song. It's growing on me, but I prefer the Japanese.

Edited by The Last Taguel
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Inb4 Third Path is "Destiny".

I would think it's the opposite of destiny.

It's chosen a path outside of the ones Destiny traced for you.

Dawn ? Dragonborn ? Decision ? Dystopia ? Doves (since this is the path of peace ?) ? Dostoïevski ?

Edited by Tamanoir
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I would think it's the opposite of destiny.

It's chosen a path outside of the ones Destiny traced for you.

Dawn ? Dragonborn ? Decision ? Dystopia ? Dostoïevski ?

De...cision? xD

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