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I find it surprising to see some trashing the Fates name.

I seem to recall people thinking the the "if" subtitle was stupid when it was announced, and now it's suddenly being defended.

We got used to "if", and we'll get used to Fates.

Also, to the people who think Fates sounds generic, Awakening isn't any less generic.

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I find it surprising to see some trashing the Fates name.

I seem to recall people thinking the the "if" subtitle was stupid when it was announced, and now it's suddenly being defended.

We got used to "if", and we'll get used to Fates.

Also, to the people who think Fates sounds generic, Awakening isn't any less generic.

I think it's because "fate" is an overused word that gets thrown around way too often in the dialogue of an FE game, especially in the last game that we had. Whereas "Awakening" is a reference to an important plot-related event and doesn't have that same triteness to it.

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I find it surprising to see some trashing the Fates name.

I seem to recall people thinking the the "if" subtitle was stupid when it was announced, and now it's suddenly being defended.

We got used to "if", and we'll get used to Fates.

Also, to the people who think Fates sounds generic, Awakening isn't any less generic.

I think IF fit because of the what If nature of the whole thing.

Fates just sounds generic and boring imo.

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Why would you insult Renka? Are you deaf?

you know, after listening to it again, the japanese one ain't bad lol. and to be specific, it's not the singing that i dislike (in either version), it's the flow of the english song i don't like. :)

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idk, I like the fates subtitle. After all, you're picking the fate of the main character, and ultimately the fates of the two nations, depending on what version you play (and possibly with other choices, but who knows on that one).

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If you thought Elise was dying in that trailer, the Japanese voices pretty much confirm it

She says "stop fighting" here, contrasting what she says in English...

Or at least, that's what I hear, たたかいをやめて

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She says "stop fighting" here, contrasting what she says in English...

Or at least, that's what I hear, たたかいをやめて

I don't know. I think the English phrase has the same meaning. It's just not very obvious.

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Aqua's singing voice scared me to death lol, I was expecting that she would sing in Japanese, it took me a few seconds to realize that was in English XDD I thought she was possessed or something.

I also thought that Lol.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't think it's horrible ... just ... I was surprise.

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I don't know. I think the English phrase has the same meaning. It's just not very obvious.

In English it sounds like she's dying and doesn't want you to grieve. In Japanese it sounds like you're in a fight with Marx or something and Elise is on the sidelines wanting you to stop, like a child who doesn't want her parents to fight. In this case, the "be at peace" could literally be peace between the nations or characters in the scene rather than mental peace like the English implies.

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Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright & Conquest?

Nintendo... Why... Just Why...

Why they call it that?


Nintendo you've a long list of creative names for this game... But you've decided to go for the generic way instead of creating something special.

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The first death cutscene has arrived? From Elise none the less. I now have a feeling that by the end of the game I'll be crying. I have a sugesstion based off this for a new title; Fire Emblem: Feels.

Oh yes! Please! That title sounds much better than Fates.

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The first death cutscene has arrived? From Elise none the less. I now have a feeling that by the end of the game I'll be crying. I have a sugesstion based off this for a new title; Fire Emblem: Feels.

Isn't your favorite FE game pretty depressing as well, I can't see as much more worse than that. Though, if you actually kill all of your siblings depending on the path, the ending's gonna feel bittersweet no matter what. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

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Isn't your favorite FE game pretty depressing as well, I can't see as much more worse than that. Though, if you actually kill all of your siblings depending on the path, the ending's gonna feel bittersweet no matter what. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Meh. Holy War imo, is much more Arvis no, no marrying your half-sister, what are you doing? ARVIS STOP. Never really got attached to Sigurd and co, felt worse for the people then their firey, fire-haired lord. Cause Arvis is an unlikeable incesteous scumbag.

Only one way to feel about felling your family; maximum feels and manly tears.

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Meh. Holy War imo, is much more Arvis no, no marrying your half-sister, what are you doing? ARVIS STOP. Never really got attached to Sigurd and co, felt worse for the people then their firey, fire-haired lord. Cause Arvis is an unlikeable incesteous scumbag.

Only one way to feel about felling your family; maximum feels and manly tears.

On the other hand, the first impression that come to my mind on Holy War is always "Oh that one FE game where you can have two men banging their sisters.".

Edited by Awakener_
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I don't think it's Elise's death scene, it's too good to be true. They obviously wanted to make us think that way of course.

This ain't Monolith Soft where all the marketing material is basically one giant Red herring for their past games (don't know how Xeno X is like). IS is pretty straight forward, though Fates might be a tad different with the different writer and there ARE "contrivances". Its just pretty hard to imagine all the family members getting out of this awful situation alive.

in before sonic comes in at elise's death scene and kisses her...

I will name my character Mephiles for that line, fits perfectly.

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I don't think it's Elise's death scene, it's too good to be true. They obviously wanted to make us think that way of course.

But what if that's what they want you to think? So that we believe you and are completely unprepared for her death. Don't let them get to your head! MEDIC! Ryo needs 10cc's of conspiracy and a tinfoil hat stat!

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