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Fire Emblem Fates at Nintendo Treehouse at 4:00 PM PDT?


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There have been classes that could use magic and axes earlier in the series. And while its likely that Garon would have his own personal class, it could be taking inspiration from things like FE4's Barons or Emperors.

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Oh, gawd, those people sucked when it came to actual gameplay. I wanted to jump through the screen and play for them SOOO badly :/

That woman also skipped dialogue a lot. I had to pause and unpause at speeds that would even challenge Sonic the Hedgehog in order to read the text.

I'm surprised the game has glitches at such advanced state of development. All here's to do is to translate it, right? So it shouldn't show that many graphical glitches, like characters not appearing in battle at the time they are supposed to.

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On a similar note, Felicia's kunai's were imbued with ice magic while being ordinary iron kunai. I also didn't see them negatively affect Rinkah's stats. Do they actually have to damage enemies to affect stats?

Kaze says in his pre-battle dialogue: "A ninja's shuriken may not cut deep, but it can sap you of your strength." To me that sounds like the stat debuffs will occur regardless, but idk. Status weapons in earlier games could inflict status even if they did 0 damage.

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I'm surprised the game has glitches at such advanced state of development. All here's to do is to translate it, right? So it shouldn't show that many graphical glitches, like characters not appearing in battle at the time they are supposed to.

Messing around with code often introduces unexpected errors that need to be corrected. It could be that the game is doing perfectly fine in Japan, but the localization process has introduced bugs into the North American/European prototype build that now need to be corrected and are causing problems like this in the meantime.

Edited by astrophys
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That woman also skipped dialogue a lot. I had to pause and unpause at speeds that would even challenge Sonic the Hedgehog in order to read the text.

I'm surprised the game has glitches at such advanced state of development. All here's to do is to translate it, right? So it shouldn't show that many graphical glitches, like characters not appearing in battle at the time they are supposed to.

it could be a under development demo version or something of that ilk? it's not the greatest thing to show (considering the state it's in), but it would make sense, what with the half-baked translation.

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It also seemed quite unstable as it crashed and had some pop-in issues. Does the localisation process mess with the code or something?

You can occasionally see some codes in the lower screen.

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You can occasionally see some codes in the lower screen.

Yeah I noticed that. I thought maybe they had just rushed the translation of the first few chapters to show so they hadn't properly implemented it yet, like the font still looks out of place and the placement of some of the graphics looks awkward still, like a fan-made translation. That probably messes with how smooth it will be given it hasn't been optimised yet or something.

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I have a VERY STRONG suspicion that Gunther might not make it past the prologue chapters alive. We never see him at all except during certain chapters which one can assume are the first 2 or 3 chapters. He doesn't make an appearance in any of the My Castle or chapter maps which happen post split that we've seen, unless I'm seriously mistaken. If he can't even support with Felicia, then...

He's confirmed to be playable in both Hoshido and Nohr so you can probably assume he's a long runner.

So interesting thing about the AI in the chapter battle they did: on the very last turn, instead of uselessly suiciding on the body-blocking Gunter, that last Myrmidon tries to go around to flank the group.

It would be interesting if the AI always prioritized the enemies to look for other targets if they either can't damage or hit the ones in range.

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So interesting thing about the AI in the chapter battle they did: on the very last turn, instead of uselessly suiciding on the body-blocking Gunter, that last Myrmidon tries to go around to flank the group.

Yeah! I was happy to see that. It confirms that even outside of new pair-up mechanics, the AI won't be a copy-paste from Awakening.

I'm guessing if the enemy can't do damage to a unit in range, they'll start taking the shortest route the next unit they can damage.

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It definitely seems that way. I look forward to the AI actually trying to outmaneuver me. Of course, that could also end in weirdness with a mixed enemy group, where some stick around because they can do damage, but the others leave them hanging because they're looking for other targets. Or, they go looking for targets and hang themselves because now they're separated from the group and lose out on the stance bonuses.

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That woman also skipped dialogue a lot. I had to pause and unpause at speeds that would even challenge Sonic the Hedgehog in order to read the text.

I'm surprised the game has glitches at such advanced state of development. All here's to do is to translate it, right? So it shouldn't show that many graphical glitches, like characters not appearing in battle at the time they are supposed to.

Are we sure that it even glitched out or did the capture get screwed up? I mean she was closing and opening the 3DS a lot even when the game was still playing, wouldn't that screw with the video? But if it is a glitch it's likely just something that has been introduced due to them messing around while localizing it, plus I mean they do have to add in the english voices and such which I'm sure could screw up some things.

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He's confirmed to be playable in both Hoshido and Nohr so you can probably assume he's a long runner.

Well, if you use him in the first couple of chapters, then yes, he would be useable in both routes. It was just a suspicion, though, since we see so little of him otherwise.

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Just catching up on the news... I was kinda hoping they would keep Leon maybe with an accent, and Rinkah seems unnecessary. I can live with those changes and Suzukaze to just Kaze. However Marx to Xander is unacceptable. :(

Also is Corrin Kamui's English name or just what they named him? Not a fan if it's the official name.

The gameplay looks great though. If only we were getting it this year.

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Did anyone notice that when Attack Stance activated, units seemed to pop into existence? Those transitions were not smooth at all. I hope they have that fixed for the actual game.

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Kaze says in his pre-battle dialogue: "A ninja's shuriken may not cut deep, but it can sap you of your strength." To me that sounds like the stat debuffs will occur regardless, but idk. Status weapons in earlier games could inflict status even if they did 0 damage.

You're right, totally forgot about poison weapons. Well then I wonder why Felicia's hidden weapon didn't sap any strength but Kaze's did...

Edited by BlueL
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Clipsey's thoughts!

- Garon's a right jerk, but that's my bias for Suzukaze speaking.

- SHUT UP AND PLAY! Argh. . .

- "a domestic"? Uhhh. . .

- Oh how interesting. . .Felicia starts with a Kunai!

- Ooh, Rinka's cheeky~!

- That level-up quote from Kamui sounds. . .uhhh. . .like Robin.

- Also, he's already level 5. Interesting.

- I like Marx's Japanese voice and name better.

- I dislike Leo a lot less, even though I now have a snot-nosed kid who likes power tools in mind.

- I ship Cyrus x Sakura. Hate me later~!

- Felicia saves your game~!

- Dead characters scream. Cool~!

Overall, it's shaping up to be interesting! Except Marx's voice. UGH.

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Clipsey's thoughts!

- Garon's a right jerk, but that's my bias for Suzukaze speaking.

- SHUT UP AND PLAY! Argh. . .

- "a domestic"? Uhhh. . .

- Oh how interesting. . .Felicia starts with a Kunai!

- Ooh, Rinka's cheeky~!

- That level-up quote from Kamui sounds. . .uhhh. . .like Robin.

- Also, he's already level 5. Interesting.

- I like Marx's Japanese voice and name better.

- I dislike Leo a lot less, even though I now have a snot-nosed kid who likes power tools in mind.

- I ship Cyrus x Sakura. Hate me later~!

- Felicia saves your game~!

- Dead characters scream. Cool~!

Overall, it's shaping up to be interesting! Except Marx's voice. UGH.

Kind of hard to dislike Xander's voice when he only had like one line in the trailer and it was hard to hear over the music.

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Kind of hard to dislike Xander's voice when he only had like one line in the trailer and it was hard to hear over the music.

It's also in the treehouse video, albeit soft.

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It also seemed quite unstable as it crashed and had some pop-in issues. Does the localisation process mess with the code or something?

I noticed that and was really perturbed by it The pop-in was very distracting. After noting the debug lines appearing on the bottom screen, I figured it was a problem for this preview build.

I'm very curious when localization began. Rarely a few games have had partial localizations on their Japanese release, and it'd be very interesting if this Fire Emblem ends up having something.

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