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There has to be something good about Nohr!


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Just like we had a thread to discuss Hoshido's possible moral greyness, here's one to talk about Nohr's possible redeeming qualities. So far we've seen Garon be a royal dick to Kamui and pretty much everyone from the get-go. Then we have his adviser Iago, who even Izuka would criticize for not being subtle enough. But is this all there is?

Garon, as we've seen him, isn't just strict, he's practically insane. He tries to execute his son the moment he returns to Nohr (even though all his other children vouch for Kamui) and even when he gives Kamui ANOTHER chance to prove himself loyal, he sends him on a suicide mission and cackles about how Kamui will suffer. There are even suggestions that Garon intended Kamui to die BEFORE he made his choice. Why is this guy so dead-set on killing Kamui when he went through the trouble of kidnapping and raising him anyway? Do you think someone or something is pulling Garon's strings? Is the Nohr dragon a good or evil entity?

Edited by NekoKnight
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The Nohr siblings are wonderful brothers and sisters. That's one good thing at least.

Agreed. From what little we've seen, the only really bad parts about Nohr have been Garon and the poor climate; the rest has pretty much been focused on showing us what total bros the Nohrian siblings are.

Not to mention Effie, Silas and Arthur all gave a very friendly impression. Hell, Silas made Kamui a f*cking picnic when they were kids.

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Agreed. From what little we've seen, the only really bad parts about Nohr have been Garon and the poor climate; the rest has pretty much been focused on showing us what total bros the Nohrian siblings are.

Not to mention Effie, Silas and Arthur all gave a very friendly impression. Hell, Silas made Kamui a f*cking picnic when they were kids.

I thought that was so sweet. He knew he was going to get in trouble, but he wanted to make Kamui happy.

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Well, Garon is at least as evil as we've been expecting (Nohrian bros, i love you all).

I expected them to picture Nohr as being evil as heck. they must have a reason to start a revolution after all.

I still wish hoshido was a bit evil on the inside, though.


Agreed. From what little we've seen, the only really bad parts about Nohr have been Garon and the poor climate; the rest has pretty much been focused on showing us what total bros the Nohrian siblings are.

Which makes it even harder to choose to betray them. >_<"

Edited by Lawful Angry
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As mentioned, the siblings seem like nice people. Even Leo who I thought would be more of a... douche or something.

You know, I actually kind of like how insane and ruthless Garon is. In a villain-y way that is. It actually makes he look competent, since he clearly sees the Avatar as a disposable tool and threat.

Edited by VincentASM
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As mentioned, the siblings seem like nice people. Even Leo who I thought would be more of a... douche or something.

You know, I actually kind of like how insane and ruthless Garon is. In a villain-y way that is. It actually makes he look competent, since he clearly sees the Avatar as a disposable tool and threat.

I suppose. To me, raising a child as your own for 10+ years only to use him as a one-use throw-away tool just seems pointless and spiteful. You'll get more cooperation out of your minions if you aren't so vocal about how you want them to suffer and die. It's not like Kamui is a real threat to Garon in the first place. He's the least experienced child after Elise and Kamui only has much support because people flocked to his side after Garon tried to have him executed. It would be more believable writing if Kamui were becoming more influential in Nohr and a legitimate threat to his rule. As it stands, it's like Garon sentencing the family dog to death because he didn't return home one day.

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Do you think someone or something is pulling Garon's strings?

Iago, maybe...?

Too obvious. Plus, I think Garon would have no problems taking him out. There's probably something deeper and more subtle that we'll have to dig through on the Nohr campaign.

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Too obvious. Plus, I think Garon would have no problems taking him out. There's probably something deeper and more subtle that we'll have to dig through on the Nohr campaign.

Not only is it too obvious, but by consulting the dragon-god and getting a "don't kill Kamui" verdict, he's already doing stuff Iago doesn't support.

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Too obvious. Plus, I think Garon would have no problems taking him out. There's probably something deeper and more subtle that we'll have to dig through on the Nohr campaign.

So what it's "too obvious"? Izuka was obviously evil in Radiant Dawn, and Aversa was obviously evil in Awakening. It's not really hard to imagine Iago pulling a Dimentio and being the true villain.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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So what it's "too obvious"? Izuka was obviously evil in Radiant Dawn, and Aversa was obviously evil in Awakening.

The question is "who could be influencing Garon to do dickish things that he wouldn't do otherwise". Aversa didn't really manipulate Gangrel or Validar and Izuka being up to no good was apparent to everyone besides Pellias, they just overruled him whenever he tried to do evil stuff.

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We have seen enemy Easterner units who are hostile to Kamui's army in the Birthright Path.

Yeah, you're right, though i doubt they will be such a big deal. But even so i'm hoping they end up having some meaning other than the hordes of mountain bandits we slaughter at the beginning of many other Fire Emblem games.

Edited by Lawful Angry
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When will bad daddies understand that the best way to manipulate their child, the legendary whatever, is to gain their love ? Like really, the king kidnapped the guy who can transform into a dragon, and he want to kill him ? Why ?

Maybe Garon's just possessed, or there is a deeper meaning somewhere.
Or they decided to use some pages from FEA or RD, with crappy obvious villain and the plot won't make any sense.

I'm in Kamui's place, I'm NEVER going to betray my brothers and sisters. Out of question.

Edited by B.Leu
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Pretty sure Garon is being used either by this supposed dragon they worship or Iago. Still not entirely convinced that the dragon is indeed a dragon and is in fact some other evil being that can take the form of one, or it's just an evil dragon, that's also a possibility. But yea I have a feeling there's something much bigger and far darker going on in Nohr then what meets the eye. And I know Kamui is just playing along to try and appease his 'father' so he can get back on his good side and form some kind of coup with his siblings at his back, most likely anyway. If he's just being nice to be nice then well it wouldn't really make sense considering the death of his mother and the fact that he said how if he doesn't pull off the task Garon gave him then betraying his Hoshidan brethren would have all been for naught. I have a feeling that the confrontation with Garon where you finally fight him will only be the halfway mark and then some crazy shit takes place after the battle revealing the true mastermind/villain. But who knows, I just like to speculate. :P

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I really feel like Garon is being a dick on his own free will.

Plus this does show he is a good ruler for his people in military at least because it would seem very likely that kamui only came back as a spy in disguise and a spy can be detrimental. So It shows he can put his country first and his affections second without a problem. He's not evil he's just a hardened ruler just doing what he thinks is best for Nohr.

On the other hand the new guy is probably trying to cause the large scale fighting because I believe he is the one who set kamuis sword to explode. He is probably from a third faction that is playing both sides. or atleast that would be cool

Edited by Mackc2
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I think Garon is probably going to be a similar character to Rudolf from Gaiden and Trabant from FE4/5. They do terrible things in the name of saving their people, so they aren't entirely bad guys. Especially considering that Nohr seems to be very similar to Rigel and Thracia (a country poor in resources that attempts to feed itself by conquering its more peaceful and bountiful neighbor Sofia/Leonster/Hoshido)

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I'm looking at Garon's reaction to Kamui/Corrin like this. He originally kidnapped Kamui/Corrin because he viewed him as valuable or maybe just as a giant middle finger to the Hoshido. regardless, it seems like with the conversation with Sailis(sp?) that Kamui/Corrin had his share of disappointing shenanigans(honestly this part of the point is kind of a stretch though) and it comes to a boiling point where on his first test to prove himself Kamui/Corrin not only fails in his task in killing the enemy, but he directly apposes his father, at this point Garon looks at him as a frustrating waist of time and decides to cut his losses. as for trying to kill him a second time, it would be a continuation of the frustrating annoyance part along with him potentially being a spy. to me Garon's actions seem very reasonable for a harsh tyrant.

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Part of me thinks maybe Garon is trying to provoke the Avatar into transforming into a dragon. Perhaps knowing that he/she possessed the form, to use it in his conquest or for some other meaning? I mean if its out of the blue and hes crazy that works too I guess. Could be trying to rile up the dragon blood in their veins, since his other kids I don't think have all the abilities the Avatar has. Might even be why you were kidnapped in the first place and kept in a fortress for most of your life growing up. But its all just speculation.

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I'm looking at Garon's reaction to Kamui/Corrin like this. He originally kidnapped Kamui/Corrin because he viewed him as valuable or maybe just as a giant middle finger to the Hoshido. regardless, it seems like with the conversation with Sailis(sp?) that Kamui/Corrin had his share of disappointing shenanigans(honestly this part of the point is kind of a stretch though) and it comes to a boiling point where on his first test to prove himself Kamui/Corrin not only fails in his task in killing the enemy, but he directly apposes his father, at this point Garon looks at him as a frustrating waist of time and decides to cut his losses. as for trying to kill him a second time, it would be a continuation of the frustrating annoyance part along with him potentially being a spy. to me Garon's actions seem very reasonable for a harsh tyrant.

It's one thing to be ruthless and not tolerate insubordination but to kill one of your own children is over the line. Considering Kamui's siblings love and are protective of him, outright ordering his execution only serves to alienate the rest of Garon's kids. If Kamui were a nuisance, Garon could always just demote him to an insignificant role in the army or imprison him. As for being a possible spy/traitor, Garon has small evidence to believe this other than Kamui having gone missing in Hoshido for a while. Certainly not enough to go by to order his immediate execution. When Kamui returns, Garon is enraged as though Kamui failed his mission by not dying. The fact that he's so happy about Kamui suffering and dying alone makes me think he's just insane. I'm starting to think of Mad King Aerys now.

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