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We have the answer to "is marriage in this game?"


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I think we've bickered enough. We've all said our piece. Can we discuss the idea without the bitterness for a while? I get we're all outraged, but I'm emotionally exhausted.

Jeez... yeah, I agree.

Uhh.... oh, more Fire Emblem today. Hoshido route.

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As happy as I am to hear the news of marriage and children (although I could do without the children, they're fine if they're in). I'm just waiting for confirmation that you can indeed marry your adopted Nohr siblings. But really, what are the chances of that happening, realistically speaking?

Please just let me marry Leon, that's ALL I ask for!

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Wait, so does this mean they're gonna let us marry the Hoshidan siblings? Revealing this makes me wonder now if we really are a child of the Hoshidan royal family. If we aren't there won't be any implications of incest.

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Wait, so does this mean they're gonna let us marry the Hoshidan siblings? Revealing this makes me wonder now if we really are a child of the Hoshidan royal family. If we aren't there won't be any implications of incest.


i'm jussayin'.

Edited by falcoknights
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Well yeah, but that applied to children characters in Awakening and there were no children for them so they could play it off that way. I'm just wondering how they're gonna play this one off.

What, they said we could marry the Hoshidan siblings?

Not really known at this point. I would he surprised they limited OUR marriage options even though that entails incest at this point. Edited by Naui
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What, they said we could marry the Hoshidan siblings?


"Ah, otouto. How are y-"

"Marry me."

"W-What!? But we are siblings-"

"Please have my children."


"I pronounce you husband and wife."

"I promise to make you happy"


That seems about right.

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shouldn't we be more worried that we can be pedophiles again and potentially marry children?

Ahem. I believe you meant to say

shouldn't we be more worried happy that we can be pedophiles again and potentially marry children?

That sounds about right. Nah, it doesn't but I don't mind. Some people like that. Just stay away from my child.

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Well yeah, but that applied to children characters in Awakening and there were no children for them so they could play it off that way. I'm just wondering how they're gonna play this one off.Not really known at this point. I would he surprised they limited OUR marriage options even though that entails incest at this point.

Okay, cool. People are talking about it like it's been confirmed or something. Thanks.

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shouldn't we be more worried that we can be pedophiles again and potentially marry children?

This coming from the company that allowed women in Genealogy to...ahem...dew the Dew.

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Considering at least 80% of this thread agrees "I liked marriage and children", I'm kind of surprised this thread has blown up so much..

I'm waiting for proof against or in favor until I jump in joy or explode.

I'll also leave for that time to reveal which reaction is for which option

... Watch as the most popular Awakening kids get expies as adults in Nohr and most popular Awakening adults get expies as children in Hoshido.

As stupid as that sounds, it would cross to the "so unexpected it's brilliant" territory for me.

Sounds like you're theory may be right! I'd rather have original characters, but if we're getting expies than here is my Awakening adult expy wishlist: Tharja (I don't care if most other vets hate her), Sumia, Cordelia, Henry, Cherche, Robin, Lissa

The only part of this I really don't want to be true is the part claiming that each character will only be able to marry a limited number of people. I don't know why people seem to think that taking options away from the players will magically make the writing of the supports better, but it really won't.

1) some people shouldn't have been paired because they had no chemistry (GaiusxNowi, InigoXNah). We might get more hints of romance between character pre-A support.

2) less parent combinations increases the chance of non-generic mother-child supports

3) Less romantic supports increases chances of more same-sex supports or platonic heterosexual supports.

So ah..... am I the only one who doesn't give a flying fuck about how they're going to be implemented, story-wise? The only thing I hope is that they're not going to be an extra chore, in terms of gameplay.

I agree with this. It took work to acquire the kids, which for me was a bigger problem than them coming via time travel. Although I do care how they're implemented because it will hurt the plot if they have to force it to work with time travel or an alternate dimension.

4. Their parents travel to the future to recruit them. Still time travel shenanigan regardless.

I think this option and the 3rd one (something involving those dream islands) are by far the superior choices.

Kana has a quote about finally going to the "outer world" with her father, so it might be somehow related to the My Castle or outrealms. Still, that'd be basically the same as time traveling.

The important part here though is that so far this seems unrelated to the main story, so the actual plot won't need to be about time or dimensional traveling at all.

Where did you see that at?

What if the children are phantom apparitions that appear somehow since two got married. They will eventually be born but are just a physical representation of what if these two got married.

Meaning the moment they get divorced the child just poofs and disappears or something.

I dunno just alternatives to time travel. That sort of is time travel, but without the time traveling. I guess it is like data time travel. xD

"Wait, come back Sakura! This skinship is just a traditional Nohrian greeting. My adopted sister Camilla taught me this. What? Of course I'm not wearing clothes. Camilla said that's the most important part! Where are you running?"

Camilla is a very bad nee-chan.

Don't keep us in suspense, what happens next?

I'm interested in what the "depending on the combination of the married characters" means, that there'll always be a child who takes after their parents stat-wise or if some characters just can't get children together, which would be pretty nice.

I heard the latter.

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So, let me get this out right off the bat: I am one of those poeple who came into the series with Awakening and I really really liked the concept of the Future Kids both as a gameplay mechanic and in the story. I mean, look at me. I shipped Robin with Lucina. Morgan is my favorite character in the game. I wrote a goddamned fanfic based around a theory that explained where Morgan came from!

Now, with that out of the way and before I am killed on the spot for this opinion, I can say with certainty I am NOT happy about this mechanic making a return in Fates. As much as I loved it in Awakening, I never really saw the need for this to return. For one I felt it would be super hard to justify, not to mention would feel like a tacked on addition because "hey, it was popular in Awakening!" Just.... was this really needed? Really? And this is from someone who, again, liked it in Awakening. Here though... here this just feels dumb.

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Also no skinship with Lilth.

While she has the most huggable face.

Does someone know how the fan react to this news in Japon?

Personnaly I'm disappointed there won't be same sex relationship, it completely killed my hype for the game.

As much as I wanted it in the game (because having intense bathing and skinship session with Silas and ending just friend is fricking stupid), it was sadly very unlikely to happen.

Especially given the context (Ancient Europe, and especially Ancient Japan).

shouldn't we be more worried that we can be pedophiles again and potentially marry children?

You can marry Tsukuyomi.

It's a little late to worry about this kind of thing.

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Okay, cool. People are talking about it like it's been confirmed or something. Thanks.

It still is a possibility though since we'll most likely have marriage freedom like in Awakening, though within reason. No marrying your mother or Garon. As far as we see from those scans we have Felicia at least as well as Joker for the ladies by transitive property of genders. Tsukuyomi with Oboro is the only other couple seen in the scans.
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I'm really curious how the Japanese fans are taking this and whether they actually welcome it, since IS cares mostly about the Japanese audience and doesn't seem to care much about Westerners :/

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Especially given the context (Ancient Europe, and especially Ancient Japan).

Actually, homosexual relationships were a thing in ancient Greece (not that I personally condone them since they were usually pedophilic), and some samurai were gay; apparently homosexuality wasn't frowned upon until Japan started interacting with the western world. themoreyouknow.gif

There's no real reason not to have a couple gay or bi characters in there, even if it's just veeeery heavily implied and not outright stated (like Raven and Lucius, or Heather). Guess Nintendo didn't learn from the Tomodachi Life fiasco...

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