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Nintendo Dream leaks (Spoilers!!!!)

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As someone who has a neutral opinion about marriage and children... Why are people in denial about this? The purpose of the marriage mechanic is for breeding OP kids.

Why would there be marriage if there was no kids? Just think about that..

Sorry guys, but I think we got some babies to take care of.

And why people assuming that time travel is back? Post game content do EXIST. The kids could only appear in the epilogue. No need to assume the worst.

Also, note that Lucina is the only child in Awakening to be in involved in the storyline. No other children character had story significance.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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You can have marriage without playable children, you know.

I don't mind the children returning in this game, but I hope there is no time traveling aspect in this game. I have never like time traveling in video games, especially when it's done horribly.

I agree, even comics struggle with it too with Time Travel babies popping up. Marvel at the very least managed to get Rachel Grey-Summers right while their many other attempts were far less effective.

Awakening handled it poorly in my opinion and that screenshot where Kamui/Corrin looks to be the same age as the start while having a kid annoys me.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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This is terrible. I really hope they don't overshadow the parents like Awakening's kids did. l feel like I'm the only one who like the first gen better. I can't believe they pulled this mess again.

You're definitely not! In fact I felt it was the opposite; the parents definitely overshadowed all the non-Lucina kids to me.

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And why people assuming that time travel is back? Post game content do EXIST. The kids could only appear in the epilogue. No need to assume the worst.

Sure, they would make a dozen portraits for every child so that they could be shown in the epilogue scene...where Kamui hasn't aged at all...

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This...I don't know. I really don't know how to feel about this. Awakening's story made time-traveling kids make sense (and time travel/Outrealm shenanigans is basically the only way children based on S-ranks can work, don't hope for a timeskip). Fates either doesn't (so the kids have no business here), or does (and I fear will end up too close to Awakening's story for comfort). Neither option is pleasant. I even like children, but...it's like going to a fancy restaurant and them serving a steak with a side of fries. I love fries and will eat them happily, but they just don't help the presentation.

Oh well, this is just a knee-jerk reaction. I know I'll end up enjoying them in the end. I just hope their variable-parent supports aren't so generic (I especially don't want another amnesiac).

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Sure, they would make a dozen portraits for every child so that they could be shown in the epilogue scene...where Kamui hasn't aged at all...

Hey, it COULD happen.

As unlikely it is.

Pls don't try to reason with my damage control.

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This is terrible. I really hope they don't overshadow the parents like Awakening's kids did. l feel like I'm the only one who like the first gen better. I can't believe they pulled this mess again.

This is my fear too :(

I would have preferred no children (Even though Awakening is my fav game so far). At least I hope there's a... good history reason why they added children...

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I don't mind the children overshadowing the parents. I do dislike time travel (well, just about any kind of time travel in story), because yes, it makes me unable to take the story seriously anymore.

Also, almost-exclusively opposite-gendered supports. Booooring.

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Dengeki has the same information it seems: http://i.imgur.com/1bvnySr.jpg

It does look real and it might is, but the only thing that looks weird is the picture of M!Kamui and Felicia S-support looks like someone printed it out (or it could just be my eyes deceiving me).

Edited by I love fire emblem
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In all seriousness, though, I'm indifferent to marrying up my units, but it'll serve as a nice little returning addition for some people, I know. But with two routes open and different children in each, it's probably going to become a real war over which path has the best children...and the best men / women combinations / supports.

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This is interesting, I didn't expect this to come back. Not really bothered by it, but not pleased either. If every female shown can be married and have kids... that would leave a STAGGERING high number of playable characters (if they are playable considering) we have 40+ in the parent generation alone . Now I don't have any doubts that anime cliches will come back full force, our poor writer would have to be dedicated to unknown levels in making every single character interesting and well-developed.

Doesn't mean I've lost hope for the story. I just have more of viewpoint on it. I'll leave everything to when I get to play the game a year from now.


Edited by Raguna
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I'd guess that the kids will be superior in Hoshido, just like in Awakening, but in Nohr they'll be a bunch of Ests due to lack of grinding. So, it'll take some effort to make them good.

Edited by NeonZ
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As someone who has a neutral opinion about marriage and children... Why are people in denial about this? The purpose of the marriage mechanic is for breeding OP kids.

Why would there be marriage if there was no kids? Just think about that..

Because older FE's had romantic supports that made more sense then "Lol lets get married instantly" And the purpose of it obviously is for having that cool "Oh we can have new characters with these skills and such" The old FE4 marriage system had a PURPOSE in the actual plot of the game the time skip and the fact that well a torch had to be passed, the way Awakening did it on the other hand detracts from the story and is partly why Awakenings plot failed so hard after the Gangrel arc.

Edited by Jedi
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