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Nintendo Dream leaks (Spoilers!!!!)

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unless timeskip post game where we can recruit them but that dosent seem likely...sadly

On the plus avatar and Felicas child is very cute

Edited by Mackc2
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Pretty much what this guy said. IS seems to have trouble deciding what to do when the FE fanbase is now basically split between veterans and Awakening fans. I can understand this, as I think any company would have trouble figuring out what to do next in this sort of situation, but... Yeah.

Not that there's anything inherently bad with catering to Awakening fans (hell, I started with Awakening), but it really looks like IS doesn't have enough confidence in their own product to believe that Awakening fans will like new games unless EVERY popular feature from that game is reintroduced. Even if they have no place in the more serious, self-respecting narrative that is supposed to be Fates.

Sometimes I even wonder if IS actually has an accurate (read: survey feedback) idea of what exactly it was that people liked about Awakening. Or if they just assume that Awakening fans liked literally everything about Awakening so it should all return and everyone will be overjoyed. Or maybe Japanese fans really do eat this all up.

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Sometimes I even wonder if IS actually has an accurate (read: survey feedback) idea of what exactly it was that people liked about Awakening. Or if they just assume that Awakening fans liked literally everything about Awakening so it should all return and everyone will be overjoyed. Or maybe Japanese fans really do eat this all up.

I agree, IS needs to do a survey on this. A WORLDWIDE one, that is. Then they can see what fans liked the most from each region of the world. If there are different results, such as Japan liking the children and the west generally disliking them, IS can come up with some sort of compromise.

The Zelda team managed to do so with art style. The west prefers more realistic graphics while Japan likes the cartoony look of TWW more, so Skyward Sword came to be a sort of mesh of the two.

Granted, it wouldn't be as easy to compromise between children and no children, but I'm sure something could be done. What I liked about Awakening was the characters and gameplay. The story is blah and the children thing is meh. Though I did really like Inigo and Severa. But I would've liked them whether they were first or second gen characters.

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New Mystery had a casual mode, but sold worse than Shadow Dragon in Japan itself.

Oh really? The only numbers we have peg NME at 270,000 and SD's overall worldwide sales at 250,000.

Edited by The DanMan
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The numbers I have for them in Japan are these (based on the media create sales threads from NeoGaf):

07/08/08 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - 147.704 / 252.309
15/07/10 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Hero of Light and Shadow - 147.045 / 247.248

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The numbers I have for them in Japan are these (based on the media create sales threads from NeoGaf):

07/08/08 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - 147.704 / 252.309

15/07/10 [NDS] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Hero of Light and Shadow - 147.045 / 247.248

Could you explain to me what 147.045 / 247.248 means?

I agree, IS needs to do a survey on this. A WORLDWIDE one, that is. Then they can see what fans liked the most from each region of the world. If there are different results, such as Japan liking the children and the west generally disliking them, IS can come up with some sort of compromise.

The Zelda team managed to do so with art style. The west prefers more realistic graphics while Japan likes the cartoony look of TWW more, so Skyward Sword came to be a sort of mesh of the two.

Granted, it wouldn't be as easy to compromise between children and no children, but I'm sure something could be done. What I liked about Awakening was the characters and gameplay. The story is blah and the children thing is meh. Though I did really like Inigo and Severa. But I would've liked them whether they were first or second gen characters.

This. Oh so much.

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Could you explain to me what 147.045 / 247.248 means?

Pretty sure those are the European (err, not exactly sure which countries specifically) equivalent of the commas that Americans use for thousand places

Edited by Bovinian
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Pretty sure those are the European equivalent of the commas that Americans use for thousand places

I mean the numbers. Is the 147,045 initial sales and 247,248 the lifetime sales?

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I mean the numbers. Is the 147,045 initial sales and 247,248 the lifetime sales?

Sorry, yeah I should've figured, I didn't read your comment that carefully. Can't answer your question unfortunately.

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All I ask is please, please, don't let me marry Elise.

I mean I'd stop just before S Support if there's one, but I'd rather not. (Or uses F!Kamui.)

I want to be able to see her as a real character, not as fanservice (This also applies to Camilla, and the rest of the Nohrian siblings actually.

And Hoshidian siblings too, obviously.)

This is supposed to be about family bonds, not family boning.

And that would ruin the characters (and game, maybe) for me.

Pretty sure those are the European equivalent of the commas that Americans use for thousand places

Britain isn't all Europe you know...

I agree, IS needs to do a survey on this. A WORLDWIDE one, that is. Then they can see what fans liked the most from each region of the world. If there are different results, such as Japan liking the children and the west generally disliking them, IS can come up with some sort of compromise.

The Zelda team managed to do so with art style. The west prefers more realistic graphics while Japan likes the cartoony look of TWW more, so Skyward Sword came to be a sort of mesh of the two.

Granted, it wouldn't be as easy to compromise between children and no children, but I'm sure something could be done. What I liked about Awakening was the characters and gameplay. The story is blah and the children thing is meh. Though I did really like Inigo and Severa. But I would've liked them whether they were first or second gen characters.

I too agree with this, even though it would probably ends up being a giant mess.

Even in this forum, we don't have any clear cut, except maybe between Veterans, with various degree of intensity.

But that would be really interresting to see.

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Could you explain to me what 147.045 / 247.248 means?

Yes, 147,045 is first time sales, 247,248 is lifetime total (based on the total shown on its last appearance in the weekly top 30s or media create's anual top 100). The actual numbers might have crawled a little beyond those totals- after all, it can still sell even bellow that top 100. However, it wouldn't be by much since they'd be bellow the top 100 for the year by then.

Edited by NeonZ
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I feel like this even isn't the new writers fault, but executive meddling. which is the worst for creativity since it creates stagnation in terms of plot, but then again that's what the entire video game industry is suffering from right now stagnation. :/

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I feel like this even isn't the new writers fault, but executive meddling. which is the worst for creativity since it creates stagnation in terms of plot, but then again that's what the entire video game industry is suffering from right now stagnation. :/

I feel like this has nothing to do with the plot though. Awakening's children had no impact on the plot, except for Lucina. They couldn't, due to not being present unless you choose to pair certain characters up and then recruit them in a paralogue. Their only relation to the plot is "there might be some other time travelers around." That's the extent of the canon.

In Fates, it will probably be even less than that, since there doesn't appear to be a Lucina character to introduce the concept. It will be like "there's these weird portals that seem to go to another world" and "maybe some warriors from that world could enter from those portals?" That's it. That's probably the extent you'll have to acknowledge the child mechanic. That's hardly the new writer being creatively shackled.

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Yeah, sadly from IS's perspective, this is their winning formula. Awakening did too well, it seems. The justification: "why go back to the low sales of games like Radiant Dawn or Sacred stones when we can sell millions of copies with children and marriage included?"

I feel like they're really trying to appeal to all of their audience just in different ways. For newer fans/people who liked Awakening both old and new, marriage and kids are coming back with the addition of the face rubbing and Phoenix Mode. For the older fans/people who didn't like certain things in Awakening both old and new, we have a game that's supposedly harder, a revamp of the weapons triangle and new classes. If the kids aren't integral to the story, you can probably just not recruit them so it's not a big deal, but putting them in gives people the option just like Phoenix Mode does; people don't have to use it, it's there for others who might want to.

The issue is ofc how that kinda stuff affects the overall game - does Phoenix Mode/the face rubbing/kids returning have a big effect on the story at all and if it doesn't, then is it really justified to include it? Or should you spend that time on other things in the game? For IS, they probably feel like it's safer to just include it and then whoever doesn't like it can just ignore it. And I mean, looking at how people tend to operate, the people most likely to complain about things being included will still buy the game because they can ignore this stuff but the ones who might be mad that it's not there are probably more likely to skip it. In my experience anyway, it's easier to ignore stuff (especially if it turns out to be non-integral storywise) than it is to ignore that stuff you want is missing.

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Granted, it wouldn't be as easy to compromise between children and no children, but I'm sure something could be done.

Maybe make the children system not suck like it did in Awakening and give us either an alternate campaign that forces us to use the characters, or put them at an average level that doesn't effectively make all of them play catch-up with their experience, all the while having good writing/storytelling in that there's an actual, real reason why the child characters exist within the narrative of the story and why the conflict can't resolve WITHOUT their presence?

Edited by Kysafen
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You will have to pull a David vs Goliath if you want IS to remove something like children, even if the children is more well received in Japan they are still popular here nonetheless (Lucina the number 1 character here like it or not) with a lot of fans compared to these that dislike them. I'm meh about the children beside the Morgans and Lucina, good luck though.

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Hmm...a popular feature from Awakening has been brought back. Alternate universes and multiverses are possible. I see it more as a bonus reward for getting to S level support. The reward? A rather OP child unit as proof of your work with the supports and possible face-rubbing with no real effect on the main story unlike Lucina in Awakening. It'll probably be like the non-Lucina child units: Get the parents to S-level > Optional Paralogue Chapter pops up on the map > If you choose to play the Paralogue > Recruit child unit with parents > You now have a new OP unit who can manage a shop in your "My Castle" or even try FE Amie with him/her. Could they be story-relevant in Post-game or the 3rd scenario? We don't know yet. They probably won't be as powerful as Gen 2 Awakening child units. Remember, just like the amiibo units, they're completely optional. I see no harm in this unless you're some kind of maniac completionist.

Edited by Lord-Zero
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Honestly, I don't think children will be very functional or even OP like in FE:A.

I mean with the limitations to class changing, and if they are in Nohr, the lack of grinding, will make them not very useful.

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Honestly, I don't think children will be very functional or even OP like in FE:A.

I mean with the limitations to class changing, and if they are in Nohr, the lack of grinding, will make them not very useful.

I agree, with the seals only changing the class and not the level, the children will be reduced to ests who have to kill weakened enemies for exp. But knowing IS, they might add a seal that changes the class and reset the level in the Hoshido path.

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Honestly, I don't think children will be very functional or even OP like in FE:A.

I mean with the limitations to class changing, and if they are in Nohr, the lack of grinding, will make them not very useful.

That's a good point about Nohr, it sounds like there's no grinding available so passing skills down to them will be extremely difficult at least.

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Hmmm so in Nohr we may end up with a multitude of Ests or maybe some of them could come promoted? Ests seem far more likely and that is even if Nohr has children on their side anyways.

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