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Who will you have your avatar marry? (character spoilers possible)


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After some continued deliberation on the topic, I found it exceedingly difficult to pick from a male Kamui perspective. I'd pick Camilla if I was male Kamui for Nohr, possibly Elfie. If I was Hoshido, probably Kagerou. And that's it, period. No one else remotely seems like a good candidate to me.

Though I don't actively pursue supports, one person who's definitely not getting paired up with anyone is Charlotte. Good lord, I really didn't like Noire's gimmick in Awakening, and then to have it appear again, combined with gold-digging? To the left, to the left, my girl.

I'm not trying to change your opinion, but I'd like to point out that they don't have the same "gimmick" (I don't think gimmick is appropriate word either's defining trait, especially Charlotte). Charlotte's a gold digger who puts up a sweet facade around men to seduce them but is actually crude and battle hungry.

Noire's a shrinking violet who developed a something similar to borderline personality from a magical talisman.

I guess there's some overlap in the sense both undergo personality shifts, but the cause and reason for their shifts as well as their base personalities are very different. So much so saying they have the same "gimmick" is not that accurate.

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Nohr: Leon, if we can marry siblings. He's practically the selling point of Nohr for me if we can S support him. We're not even blood related, Nintendo PLS.

Hoshido: I'm undecided, I will probably have to wait for it to be released before I can decide. Maybe Nishiki? Having a giant fox form seems kinda cool. I just like the idea of riding him if you get married HAHAHA. (NO SEXUAL PUNS INTENDED.)

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I'm not trying to change your opinion, but I'd like to point out that they don't have the same "gimmick" (I don't think gimmick is appropriate word either's defining trait, especially Charlotte). Charlotte's a gold digger who puts up a sweet facade around men to seduce them but is actually crude and battle hungry.

Noire's a shrinking violet who developed a something similar to borderline personality from a magical talisman.

I guess there's some overlap in the sense both undergo personality shifts, but the cause and reason for their shifts as well as their base personalities are very different. So much so saying they have the same "gimmick" is not that accurate.

Just to add to this, Charlotte is more two-faced than has actual personality shifts anyways, so saying they're the same is really bit of a stretch.

Pieri on the other hand...

And speaking of Pieri, I'm planning to marry her to every character possible solely to pass down that candy color hair.

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Hoshido - Kagerou. Waifu'd at first sight.

Nohr - Maybe Luna.

Third - Probably Azura.

I'll probably marry F!Kamui based to whoever she has chemistry with in her A/B/C supports.

Unless amiibo marriages are a thing in which case Roy (if I can get him) for Hoshidan F!Kamui, and Robin for third path F!Kamui all the way.

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If you weren't able to marry your siblings, the cockblock it would be !

I don't think they would do that, since they have a memetic status, but still, I can't help but smile/cringe at it.

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M!Kamui in Hoshido: Rinka (although the female ninja and Hana look cool too)

F!Kamui in Hoshido: Hinata for sure (if LGTB was a real thing I'd also marry him he's damn hot)

M!Kamui in Nohr: Charlotte (sex appeal reasons ofc)

F!Kamui in Nohr: idk, they all Norh guys look ugly as fuck, so 'll marry a neutral one like Silas or that male ninja (Kaze, right?)

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Nohr game: Pieri or Felicia

Hoshido game: Oboro

Hoshido - Rinka

Nohr - Maybe Belka, Pieri or Azura

Third route - Probably Azura

Amiibo (if it's possible) - Lucina

I doubt the amiibo are supportable, but I wouldn't marry Lucina simply because I want to expereince the new characters and world (and my Awakening MU already married her)

Edited by YoshiYogurt
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Nohr: Pieri or Elfie as a guy, Silas, Jakob, and Leo (if possible...) as a girl

Hoshido: Rinkah or Setsuna as a guy, Nishiki or Subaki as a girl

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I kind of hope they let you marry siblings. So many people here want to marry Leo, I'd hate to see them disappointed.

After thinking about it a little, it would be a great troll if you couldn't marry Camilla. This look + This attitude + Voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro is a little to much for someone you can't marry.

And I say that while she's not really my type (but Sawashiro's voice is the best.)

I forgot about ZERO in my husbando choice.

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After thinking about it a little, it would be a great troll if you couldn't marry Camilla. This look + This attitude + Voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro is a little to much for someone you can't marry.

And I say that while she's not really my type (but Sawashiro's voice is the best.)

I forgot about ZERO in my husbando choice.

My first thought was that siblings on Nohr were a-ok for marriage, simply because the trailer seemed to be teasing people with Camillas design. In anime and stuff, adopted siblings are often used as love interests, so speaking in terms of anime tropes, it seemed legit to me.

However after many nay-sayers on the forum, I started to doubt my initial impression. But speaking purely from anime tropes and how Lucina could marry Owain... I really don't see why they would lock the siblings out. It makes no sense to me, they made the siblings attractive to lure in buyers. I could see that quite obviously from the trailer. The addition of the whole dating-sim type face rubs make it pretty obvious they're using romance as a hook for people who loved it in Awakening. (The marriage system practically saved the series anyways.)

So why would they design the siblings like so and forbid S supports? I thought they were going to use the adopted-sibling backstory to make the S supports more interesting.

Still, if I'm wrong I'll just weep into my pillow silently about Leo and what could have been. :'}

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This part of the game is always the most exciting. Yeah, what can I say, I'm a romance lover, so...

Well, as a male character, my first choice would definitely be the most straightforward one in both paths, Nohr and Hoshido: Azura. I just love her design and story-wise, it seems as an excellent match.

However, her aside, I would choose the following:

  • Male, Nohr: Camilla or Pieri, whether I would be in the sexy or stylish mood. Former more likely than the latter, however. I gave Luna some thought, but she's basically a second Severa. Sakura looks amazing and would be my first choice, but I'm not a siscon... really! I'm not!
  • Male, Hoshido: I would most likely end up pairing him with Kagerou. She's got that look.
  • Female, Nohr: Both Odin and Lazward would be good to go, despite the former being a second Owain and the latter a second Inigo.
  • Female, Hoshido: This one is the hardest. Probably Subaki, with no excessive reasons why.

Huff-puff, looks like I'll have quite a variety if I go with Male, Nohr while quite the opposite if I go with Female, Hoshido. Nice, complete opposites on multiple levels.

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I doubt the amiibo are supportable, but I wouldn't marry Lucina simply because I want to expereince the new characters and world (and my Awakening MU already married her)

I doubt it too but we'll see in a few days.

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Ultimately i'll end up doing all possible pairings in the game, just like i did in awakening just to see the support conversations.

But in order:


M/Kamui: Aqua

F/Kamui: Nishiki (Foxdragon FTW)


M/Kamui: Either Camilla or Belka

F/Kamui: Either Lasward or Flannel

Third Path is whatever i feel like at the time...

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Owain is her cousin, not brother. Even then they're just companions I believe.

Not sure if you're referring to me, but I'll answer in case. :P

Yes they're cousins, but they were actually married in the Japanese version. It was changed to "companions" in the Western version cause... well, obvious reasons LOL.

Also, they're actually blood related cousins, while you are not related to the Nohr siblings at all. So I thought since FE was willing to go that far for cousins, I don't get why wouldn't allow non-blood related siblings to get together.

The verdict still isn't out though. I could be wrong.

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Nohr boy: Felicia or maybe Flora. Super excited for Camilla but I don't think I wanna romance her tbh.

Hoshido boy: Kazahana or Felicia

Nohr girl: Harold or Lazward I think. Looking forward to Marx and Leon a lot but not romantically.

Hoshido girl: Tsubaki I think.

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Hoshido male: has been undecided as of yet, but Orochi might perk my interest depending on her skills and stats. The reason is because of her personality and her name. I play okami, and Orochi just reminds me of that (9-headed dragon with 9 elemental powers) I also like the fact the she is playfull, reminds me of the Elise I can't get because I'm on the other side...

Nohr female: Suzukaze: If I am marrying Saizou with my other female avatar I might as well take his brother....that just got dark. The avatar protecting Kaze scene just made me want to canonize the two. Also, the ninja brothers in this game are essentially the red and green cavaliers, said green cavalier my sister married...cough, cough, Stahl. Plus, the guy is voiced by Frederick which I think is a nice touch since certain Lunatic moments, he was my second character to die.

Hope female?: Saizou: He is going to be the Lon'qu of the game with high skill and speed. And like I said I'm marrying his brother for certain reasons that happened throughout my Lunatic experience. Plus, he was the first ninja I saw for the game, so I knew he was going to be my husband...problem is...we don't know much about the 3rd path...so I might have to go Hoshido with this avatar if I want to marry him

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Hoshido Female Corrin: Suzukaze.

Hoshido Male Corrin: Hana, no doubt about it!

Nohr Female Corrin: Undecided, maybe Flannel?

Nohr Male Corrin: Undecided also, maybe Belka?

I haven't put to much thought in Nohr, honestly.

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