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How actively will you avoid spoilers once Fate is released?


How actively will you avoid spoilers?  

190 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you avoid spoilers?

    • All spoilers
    • Just story spoilers
    • Will try but don't care if you a few things get spoiled

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The second the art book comes online I will have my nose in those scans for like 3 hours straight (cosplay struggles), so new-character spoilers are welcomed in my book (unintended pun!) rather than something I'll be avoiding.

Other gameplay-mechanics things like weapon strategies, how class changing through master seal and parallel seal works (--actually this is something I NEED to know like right now, they still haven't cleared those problems up), and who is able to support with who are things that I am okay with.

Stuff like direct story dialogue that's not initial character development, emotional plot points, and entire plot arcs are a no for me.

And like Nanima² said, actively seeking out video spoilers will be absolutely forbidden until Fates is actively in my 3DS.

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I'll gladly dive into spoiler waters. I must know everything. That way I can get over any disappointment phase I would have by not knowing certain things and just focus on the good parts and who can support who. Also, the 3rd route...I. MUST. KNOW.

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... I'll be avoiding plot, support and character related spoilers. I might avoid the FE:Fates section of the forum so I don't crack. Mechanics are fine though. In the meantime I'll be struggling to beat Lunatic+ in FE:A and playing other FE games on their hardest modes.

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I won't avoid spoilers because I need to know if the game is even worth spending money on. Right now I have no interest in buying the game. If the gameplay looks at least enjoyable I may consider getting it again.

Edited by Ryo
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Ehhh it's kinda weird for me... in that, while I do care about the characters and story, I don't care about getting spoiled. In fact, I'll probably go looking for the spoilers once the games are released. Videos, fan art, etc. Usually I don't like getting spoiled but for Fates I guess there's an exception. Impatience, I guess, or probably because I know it's going to take me "forever and a year" to even play through one of the versions xP.

So yeah, I pretty much... want to know everything.

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There are some things I specifically want to know, mostly mechanics wise, but I'm going to try and stay away from story spoilers as best as possible.

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If there's another 6 months between the US and EU releases, I'm gonna throw all my reserves out of the window.

I can't wait 1 full year without any contact, knowing everyone else will be enjoying this game.

I don't have that much willpower.

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i've already blacklisted up tumblr, and plan to not be on here until the english site for the game is up, and even then sparingly until i get the game.

this is partially because for awakening, i literally spoiled the ending for myself a month before i got it, and i don't want something like that to happen again. i want it to be a surprise.

but i'm also starting early because i know that if i don't, i will spoil everything, ever. give me classes, names, faces, and basic game functions and i'm out.

...and maybe hair colors.

Edited by falcoknights
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Where's the fun in knowing everything before you even get to play it?

For me, I'll patiently wait for the game to come out in English version and experience it by myself. In the mean time, I'll dodge every piece of potential spoilery info as much as I can. Hell, I may not even go to Tumblr to find Marx pics... in case some spoiler pops up.

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I won't avoid spoilers at all. In fact I'll most likely seek them out as soon as the game releases in Japan.

There are a view franchises were I mind being spoiled, FE however isn't one of them.

I'm way too curious about Fates story!

Edited by May_Patra
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I'll listen to the soundtrack and look up all the recruitable characters and the official art for the game. I want to avoid story spoilers (but I won't be too upset if I get a few things spoiled), so I need to unfollow some people on social media, blacklist tags etc. Playthroughs are bound to show up on Youtube, so I'll probably watch them for a bit and then inevitably get bored because I don't understand the language (which reminds me - I need to avoid comment sections too). That's how it usually goes anyway.

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The kind of person I am when it comes to spoilers:

Stage 1(The Hope)- I'm ready to avoid all spoilers at all costs!

Stage 2(The "It's OK if...")- It's fine if I find out SOME new info.

Stage 3(The Struggle)- So, I've spoiled quite a lot for myself, I'll keep the rest as a surprise.

Stage 4(The Revelation)- Spoiled everything, yet still play the game over and over.

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I would like to pretend like I will avoid spoilers and I think thanks to Serene's forest I may be able to avoid some major story spoilers, but in the same breath I thought the same thing with awakening and I pretty much spoiled the entire thing for myself. However, spoilers didn't stop me from playing it for hours on end, so I'm not to worried about spoilers ruining the experience.

So I'll probably spoil myself rotten.

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I'll probably spoil the first few chapters for myself. Might take a few peeks at the characters. Gonna avoid anything on the royal families, Kamui and Azura though. I have a feeling those groups are going to be inherently spoilery.

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I won't avoid spoilers. I'll be looking up on any info that comes.

Helps a lot in deciding if I want to buy the game or not. And in case I do buy it, to decide which version to buy first.

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I've got the game pre-downloaded on my Japanese 3DS, but if something strange were to happen and I wouldn't be able to play it for whatever reason, I'd probably not be strong enough to avoid spoilers due to hype and my childish lack of patience.

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I would like to find out info like characters and how the children work this time but I know I will find some link to the story, then get curious then spoil the entire story for myself so I will try very hard to avoid everything FE related and attempt to forget this game exists

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