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So, who will you marry your siblings too?

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Poor Oboro, no one is shipping her with Takumi...she'll be drinking herself into oblivion at his wedding, won't she?

I'm going to ship her with takumi because I can't stand the thought of another Cordelia. She was the first Hosidan I considered marrying but I don't want to marry her and hear her say things like "I would do all this and more for Takumi".

Anyways I'm probably gonna marry Ryouma to suzuhana. Takumi to oboro. Hinoka to Nishiki. And Sakura to tsukuyomi.

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Ok so Hinoka x Joker hear me out:

Hinoka is described as being tough and tomboyish with a sensitive side. Joker uses watashi which probably implies a more gentle personality (Garry from Ib, anyone?) and he also uses staves, I think.

Basically what I'm proposing is tough boyish girl x gentle feminine guy (ok I mean that's like Libra x Sully but... Hopefully better)

Actually he only uses "watashi" when talking to Kamui. To everyone else, he uses "ore."

EDIT: As for who I'm pairing my siblings with, I can only decide on Camilla and Lazward because I think that would be fun.

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I'm having a hard time pairing Elise with anyone so I think I'll just get her a bunch of A supports to make up for it.

Atm I'm thinking like


Marx x Elfie? I really don't know.

Camilla x Zero/Lazward/Suzukaze

Leon x Elfie/Nyx/Luna


Ryoma x Kagerou/Setsuna

Hinoka x Tsubaki/Asama

Takumi x Oboro

Sakura x Tsubaki/Nishiki/Tsukuyomi?

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Poor Oboro, no one is shipping her with Takumi...she'll be drinking herself into oblivion at his wedding, won't she?

Funny enough this is the only pairing I care about, so I'll definitely be sticking those two together on every run (except for when I need to complete the support log).

Other than that, I might end up doing Sakura/Tsukuyomi and Hinoka/Tsubaki. I have no idea who I'd put Ryouma with.

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Ryoma x Kagerou (it just makes sense)

Hinoka x either hinata, kaze, or jakob (mostly a pair the spares but I think Jakob would fit well for some reason)

Takumi x Oboro (because every once in awhile, the crush girl deserves to get what they want)

Sakura x Saizou (just a hilarious pairing)

Xander x Charlotte (I think he could teach her a lesson or two)

Camilla x Arthur or Odin or Lazward (because the best looking guys deserve the best girl)

Leo x Nyx (not really any other options)

Elise x Silas (it just works)

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Well I haven't thought them all out so they're subject to change but let's see...

Ryouma x Kagerou (Like Luck Dancelot said above, "it just makes sense.")
Hinoka x Hinata (I see Hinata challenging Hinoka to duels a lot, so they would spend a lot of time together.)
Takumi x Oboro (Oboro is loyal to Takumi and she uses the lance so she definitely will get some love!)
Sakura x Tsukiyomi (I haven't really put much thought into this one. They look like they are in similar age ranges so it would be easier for them to converse I guess.)

Marx x Crimson (I don't know much about her but she seems like a strong person who would support Marx.)
Camilla x Zero (because they're both crazy.)
Leon x Nyx/Charlotte (Both very skilled and mature. I prefer this over Charlotte because I really dislike her but if she ever got with Leon then it would be her thinking that she's manipulating him but in reality he would have all the power.)
Elise x Odin (I see Elise finding Odin a humorous person to talk to. She could maybe roleplay with him too.)

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Ryoma will probably be paired with Orochi or Azura(Kagerou and Saizou are gonna get paired up)

Hinoka will probably be with Asama or Subaki

Takumi will probably be with Mozume, Setsuna, or Rinkah(when I'm not marrying them)

Sakura will be with Tsukuyomi, despite my hatred I have already developed for Shara

M!Kamui will be with Rinkah(medium build), Setsuna(large build), or Mozume(small build)

F!Kamui will be with Nishiki

Azura will be with Ryoma or Kaze

Marxander(I'm using this now) will probably be with Pieri or Luna

Camilla will be with Lapis(Not!Inigo) probably

Leo will probably be with either Nyx or Charlotte(I like her and want her to marry rich)

Elise will probably be with Odin or the youngest Nohrian

M!Kamui will be with Effie(probably her) or Azura

F!Kamui will be with Silas, Jakob, or Wolf Guy

Azura will be with M!Kamui, Zero, or Odin

3rd Route

Ryoma and Camilla

Marxander and Hinoka

Takumi and Elise(I guess)

Leo and Sakura(I guess)

Azura and M!Kamui

F!Kamui and Silas or Jakob probably

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I'm personally expecting a Cordelia/Chrom situation with these two.

Highly unlikely since we've seen a snippet of their support conversation. It's true they don't have to be able to reach S-rank together since the same holds true for Basilio and Flavia, but it would be a bit strange.

Also, it was such a boring part of Cordelia's character (pretty much the biggest part of it, too!) that I just don't want to see that again.

It's too early for me to decide, but if it's possible, I'm very curious to see how Xander x Charlotte would work out... I guess she would be happy about it.

Also I look forward to seeing the interactions between non-royals more.

You get a bad end, of course.

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There will be one playthrough where they marry their servants, and another where the parents will be married together :

So one of them will be :

Ryoma x Kagerou

Takumi x Oboro (that's a given. My first choice no matter what else I do)

Asama x Hinoka

Sakura x Tsubaki

Marxander x Pieri

Elise x Harold

Camilla x Belka erm... either Odin or Zero. Probably Zero

Leon x Luna Vura or Belka. Probably Vura.

And the ones where I'm pairing the servants together, I'm less sure :

Sakura x Tsukuyomi

Hinoka x Nishiki

Ryouma x Rinkah or Orochi. Probably Orochi.

Takumi x Rinkah then.

Marxander x Charlotte (She needs to marry a rich man)

Leo x Nyx

Elise x Silas

Camilla x either Benoit or the wolf shape-shifter.

Obviously this one is subject to change depending of further information.

Some may ends up becomming completely obvious while playing the game (Like Elise x Silas).

If it's possible in the third path, I'll marry the siblings together :

Takumi x Camilla (this one is for sure)

Ryouma x Elise (kinda by default, but may be interresting.)

Hinoka x Marxander or Leo. Probably Marxander

Leo x Sakura (this one seems really interresting.)

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All this talk about Oboro x Takumi.


but seriously

Ryoma x Felicia (The supports will be too funny if possible)

Takumi x Setsuna (Just seems like a given with their personalities and..bows)

Hinata x Hana (Another one of those perfect personalities combos)

M!Kamui x Oboro

Kaze x Kagerou (Tough luck Saizou)

Sakura x Gunter

Hinoka x Joker

Asama x ? (If the children are born because of their fathers being married rather than the mothers being married in Awakening, then he gets whoevers left)

Sakura x Tsukoyomi (I feel like this is going to be a popular idea and come on..that is beyond adorable)

Rinkah x Silas (Probably my favorite character on hoshido but there arent many guys that would probably fit Rinkah, Silas I know is probably not one of them but eh)


Xander x Felicia (Man Felicias just having good times with all the princes of of the respected kingdoms huh?)

Lazward x Luna (Combo I did in Awakening and it shall live on!)

Zero x Belka

Leon x Nyx

Not much pairs I really want in Nohr tbh.

All considering any of these are possible in the real game

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If it's possible then Sakura or Hinoka. If that's a no-go then Rinka.

I hope the 3rd route would allow me to mix and match the Hoshido and Nohr characters.

Ryoma x Pieri (lobster man gets candy hair girl)

Arthur x Oboro, Charlotte or Elise

Xander x Setsuna, Hinoka, Hana or Kagerou

Hinata x Camilla, Lyx or Luna

F!Kamui x Garon (just look at Garon's smile!)

Asama x Belka

Felicia x Kaze

That's all the ones I care about at the moment. Pairings will probably change once a complete support conversation list becomes available.

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Silas is the only one who I'll let near my little sisters. Only one.

But seriously, his interactions with Elise in the Nohr Treehouse segment were too great.

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Hinoka/Tsubaki - I didn't know who to ship either with, so why not put them together.

Takumi/Oboro - I got sick of Cordelia moping about how she can't have Chrom, I don't a need to repeat it.

Sakura/Tsukuyomi - He's the only one of suitable age.

Marx/Either Elfie or Pieri.

Camilla/Harold is tempting

Leo/Charlotte unless Charlotte/Garon can be a thing. Then either Elfie or Pieri.

Elise... What sort of horrible sibling has an arranged marriage for their 11ish year old sister? Maybe Silas.

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Ryoma x Setsuna

Hinoka x Hinata

Takumi x Oboro

Sakura x Tsukoyomi


Xander x Effie

Camilla x Lazward

Leo x Luna

Elise x Odin(May change if we get someone younger looking)

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Ryoma x Xander

Hinoka x Camilla

Leo x Takumi

Sakura x Elise

Real choices:

Ryoma x Kagerou - Their mature personalities seem to mesh well.

Hinoka x Subaki or Hinoka x Nishiki - Subaki and Hinoka for pegasus warrior-duo, but I also feel like Hinoka and Nishiki will turn out surprisingly adorable...

Takumi x Oboro - Unless Oboro is at Cordelia levels, they shall be wed!

Sakura x Tsukuyomi - He's the only one that seems to be Sakura's age.

Xander x Belka - I don't know. I just feel like it.

Camilla x Jakob - Both seem to dote over Corrin, so might as well pair them so they can dote over him/her together!

Leo x Nyx - Two serious magic users seems fitting.

Elise x Odin - They're going to end up being a wacky and adorable couple. I can feel in my bones.

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Marxander x Elfie - Elfie is cute and and stronk and deserves the best if I can't have my brother dearest.

Camilla x Belka Zero/Lazward - It just seems kinda right, y'know?

Leon x Pieri - I think it'd be a funny and interesting pairing. Sorry, little bro!

Elise x Silas - There isn't anybody I deem suitable for her on Nohr route so far, so she can have my childhood friend.

Ryouma x Rinka - Because NOBODY wants the Fire Nation to attack them. Better marry into the Fire Nation.

Hinoka x Tsubaki - A princess deserves a perfect gentleman. Totally not because they're both redheads and seem to look good together.

Takumi x Oboro - I don't want another repeat of Cordelia, and she's cute, so she can have her man.

Sakura x Tsukuyomi - Ain't nobody gon' creep on my baby sister. Unless maybe you're Silas because I know he'll treat her right.

Azura x Nishiki/the guy who shapeshifts into a wolf - I loathe her design and hope she suffers from getting clawed every night by a furry. She must harness the power of the fuzzy.

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So far, I'm thinking:

Takumi x Oboro - I'll allow Oboro to be super happy first, then I'll marry her in my second playthrough muahaha ; u ;

Sakura x Tsukoyomi - They both look like kids, so if I do marry them, I'll feel comfortable enough ~

Ryouma x Setsuna or Tsubaki x Setsuna, not too sure at the moment ; A ;

Leon x Belka - not sure if this is even possible, but best Nohr girl deserves to be princess * U *

aaand Elise shall not marry ~~ everyone else is too old

I have no idea though really, the only couple I've actually given thought to is Takumi and Oboro lol

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Marxander x Me and me alone ! He will stay single if I can't marry him :P

Camilla x Zero

Leon x Luna

Elise x Silas

Ryouma x Kagerou

Hinoka x Tsubaki

Takumi x Oboro

Sakura x Tsukuyomi

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