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Well, I just finished an exam for school and rushed home as fast as I could to see the leaks. I tried to catch up but can someone tell me the names of the children? I see a Tharja, Cordelia and Gaius which I like better than Luna, Lazward, and Odin.

So in exchange for the Nohr side getting Severa, Inigo, and Owain, Hoshido gets Gaius, Tharja, and Cordelia? I'm okay with this.

Ryouma's son look like Chrom to me as well.

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Hey ! Thanks for all the shitton of info ! No wait, topic come back I love you !

Oh geez, Galeforce is back, shoot, so, does that mean we'll have to grind skill once again or not ? Most of them seem to be personal skills.

Huh, there three kind of... Lethality ? A lot of 'Ken' skills, I'm confused.

Eh, the kids are nice. Lot of expiiiiiiiiies from FEA though. :/
Still, there got to be a ton of canon pairing somewhere, and it's not cool, some of the children have such an obvious ressemblance with some female characters, it's just ridiculous. I mean, Ignis it's so totally Elfie the mother, Mitama is Sakura's, Ophelia being Odin's ? Yeah right, more like the dark mage girl's. And there is a tone like that, it's not cool. :/

Some of the kid are fucking badass, there is one who look like a golden Nobunaga ! With the mustache !

Y'a know I think the fat (I'm sorry but it's the word) kid is fun, I like her.

Eh, that's pretty badass ! Somewhat scary, but freaking badass !

We all know who the lady is, but the first one... isn't that... ? And I'm suppposed to have them in my team ?

Gee, I always wanted to S support my slimy undead evil dad and my undead evil mom ! I want to rub them already !

Speaking of dad, if the cloaked dude is Lobster Dad, I applaud, I freaking applaud !

3) The "I'm constantly trying to kill my adopted kidnapped child" evil Garon was for the whole game impostor while real Garon was replaced by someone Probably Iago since he seems evil

Huhuh ! This one I like !

Azura with your fabulous beauty, I am disappointed how your son turn out to be. He not fabulous at all.

I agree he look like he have a stick in his butt.

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I'm thinking Foleo is transgender, like Lucius can't even compete on the levels that Foleo is putting out. It's astounding. Pretty sure he/she is a rod knight too. A previously female only class.

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On (less?) uber spoilers, here is portrait of some bizarre dragon thing



Foleo can't be Leo's son... Right?

EDIT: These skills were missing from the previously posted image 1435092338294.png

Whoop! Shadowgift is back!

Also why is there another shield-icon skill (but pink?) and what the heck is up with all those life-taker recolors? Absorb stats upon killing an enemy?

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I-is it bad that I'm choosing my f!Kamui's husband based on who has the cutest/coolest child... Decisions, decisions... My m!Kamui is definitely marrying Aqua on both routes!

Already dumped Arthur because I don't want an obviously troubled child who thinks he's a superhero. I'm in no place to judge.


I know. Looks like I won't be having two kids and I'll be proper cradle snatching.

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Newbie coming through~

Er, you can play this on the old 3DS...right?

There has been nothing that says you can't.

Also now that I got a better look at the kids that aren't Foleo Mitama's pupils are star-shaped mahou shoujo confirmed

I kind of like the nod to olivia with Soleil's design, Eponine (lol this name) looks kind of weird (but also beautiful) and Grey is the weirdo in his country for having non-Japanese name. Unless it's supposed to actually be Gurei lol

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Can't say, because in this image with Ike and cloak guy there is second weird dragon thing


...That kinda reminds me of "Holy shit what the hell is this" Garon image since both have red glowing orb thing inside them

Betting that second dragon is the final boss or at least one of his forms.

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