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in that case...


C Rank

Hinoka: Are you not Princess Camilla? What are you doing over there?

Camilla: Oh, Princess Hinoka. I’m sewing something called a patchwork.

Hinoka: Hm. Sewing, huh… but this is…! You’re joining all these scraps of cloth together? The colors look so vivid.

Camilla: Tee hee, the cloth pattern changes your impression of it. That’s what makes patchworks fun.

Hinoka: You’re skilled with your hands, Lady Camilla. I can’t believe you could sew something like this…

Camilla: Oh my! It’s only natural for a lady to be knowledgeable about something like this. Perhaps it’s not your strong suit, Princess Hinoka?

Hinoka: (Gulp!) … to be honest, that type of minute work doesn’t really appeal to me.

Camilla: I see… that’s a shame.

Hinoka: What? Why?

Camilla: Well, if you can’t sew… then that means you won’t be able to mend clothes.

Hinoka: !

Camilla: Earlier, I mended Kamui’s cloak for him. He was very happy about it.

Hinoka: What!?

Camilla: As his older sister, I want to make him the most beautiful of clothes… when I think of it like that, the situation you find yourself in seems rather unsatisfactory.

Hinoka: Ugh…! It’s a sound argument… I can’t talk back to her…! I may be Kamui’s older sister, but there’s nothing I can do for him…!

Camilla: Princess Hinoka. Would you like for me to teach you how to sew?

Hinoka: Wait, are you serious!?

Camilla: Yes. We may be from different countries, but we’re fellow princesses. We should try to get along.

Hinoka: I see… in that case, please do.

Camilla: Tee hee, very well. Leave it to me.


B Rank

Camilla: Well then, Princess Hinoka. Let’s practice how to sew!

Hinoka: Alright. I’ll try my hardest to catch up to you, Princess Camilla.

Camilla: Since you’re a beginner, let’s start with something simple. Could you sew together these black pieces of cloth with the white thread?

Hinoka: Yeah. Sewing something like that should be easy. Well then, I’ll start… ouch! I pricked my finger with the needle!

Camilla: Oh my. Are you all right?

Hinoka: Yeah… a tiny needle like this doesn’t pose a problem for– ow! I pricked myself again!

Camilla: When affixing cloth, you’ll be using plenty of needles, so you have to be careful.

Hinoka: Yeah, I was being careless… but I won’t make the same mistake now…! Next up, um… you join these pieces of cloth together… and stitch… and stitch…

Camilla: … Princess Hinoka. You’ve made a mark at the spot you’ve been sewing at, but you do realize you’re gradually going off the path, don’t you?

Hinoka: What!? Y-You’re right… when did that happen…?

Camilla: And what’s more, the spaces between your stitches are uneven, so the cloth doesn’t look very pleasing to the eye.

Hinoka: Ahh… sewing really is hard, huh. I didn’t think it would be this difficult for me…

Camilla: Hmm… maybe I should say your clumsiness is worse than expected? This type of thing requires a lot of effort.

Hinoka: I-I’m sorry…

Camilla: It’s fine. I was the one who said we should learn to get along, after all.

Hinoka: Get along…?

Camilla: Yes. When I first learned about you… about Kamui’s real older sister, I must admit I was jealous. But… when I heard that Kamui’s kidnapping made her wish to become stronger, my viewpoint changed somewhat. That she wanted to be strong for his sake – that left a deep impression on me.

Hinoka: Princess Camilla…

Camilla: Who wouldn’t want to befriend a lovely older sister like that? So please, don’t mind what happened this time. I’m relying on you.

Hinoka: I see… very well. If that’s so, then I accept your offer. Thank you, Princess Camilla. I hope we’ll be able to get along from here on out.

Camilla: Tee hee, of course. Then let’s keep trying, should we?

Hinoka: Yeah!


A Rank

Hinoka: Princess Camilla, look at this!

Camilla: Oh my, if it isn’t Princess Hinoka. … ohh! Did you create this patchwork?

Hinoka: Yeah. Thanks to what you taught me, I was able to sew straight. Although, I can only seem to sew in a straight line now, so I suppose my clumsiness remains unchanged…

Camilla: Not at all… the way you’ve joined the seams together is so beautiful. Congratulations, Princess Hinoka.

Hinoka: Heh heh, thank you, Princess Camilla.

Camilla: It’s all right. You were able to put all this effort into it because you did it for Kamui’s sake.

Hinoka: … you may say that, Princess Camilla, but I don’t think that’s all there is to this.

Camilla: Huh?

Hinoka: As older sisters, we both share the same kind of sibling love towards Kamui. But even though we’re from different countries, right now, we’re partners who fight together. More than anything else, I think what spurred me to do this was living up to the expectations of my partner.

Camilla: … I’m happy you think so highly of me. I must express my gratitude. Thank you, Princess Hinoka.

Hinoka: N-No… you don’t have to.

Camilla: When I think about this, I see you truly are a lovely person. Not only are you strong, but you’re kind and cute as well… I must say, I’ve taken quite the liking to you.

Hinoka: What?

Camilla: Princess Hinoka. This time, I’ll teach you embroidery. After that, please feel free to come to my tea party.

Hinoka: Yeah. I don’t really mind, but…

Camilla: Truly? Tee hee, I’m so glad… we’ll have so much fun. As fellow older sisters of Kamui, we need to be as close as possible, don’t you think?

Hinoka: Th-that’s true. I kind of felt like Princess Camilla was giving me a rather passionate look there… is her taking a liking to me really a good thing…?

Thank you so much!

Its surprising that none of them know Avatar isn't their true sibling... I hope they know that... they can both S-rank him?

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I haven't watch any stream recently. Can anyone who watch Nohr stream give impression on the gameplay aspect like map layout, enemy placement, etc?


Nohr seems to have a tad more enemies than Hoshido and seems to use the pair-up system more than those in Hoshido. Nohr wil sometimes use the same map layouts but will have some original ones I think. I do remember in one stage there were

3 bosses, 2 who paired up with each other

and the the enemies might use more attack and guard stance.

By the way... about the Nohr ending

how did Kamui bump onto Camilla's bewbs O_O Did someone give him a hard pat on the back?

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By the way... about the Nohr ending

how did Kamui bump onto Camilla's bewbs O_O Did someone give him a hard pat on the back?

It's the scene on the trailers where Elise is dragging you by the hand. You're running and then as you're about to turn on a corner just boobs right on the screen. You fall and then we have gratuitious shots of her chest as she leans down to help you back up.

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It's the scene on the trailers where Elise is dragging you by the hand. You're running and then as you're about to turn on a corner just boobs right on the screen. You fall and then we have gratuitious shots of her chest as she leans down to help you back up.

OOH SO THAT'S WHERE THE ELISE DRAGGING YOU SCENE CAME FROM! and OH... well then. fanservice for days! I need to ready some bleaches though... inb4 NoA censors this

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How did Ryoma die by the way?

According to my friend, after you fight and beat him Garon and Iago come into the room. Since you beat Ryouma, you're pretty much "alright, we won the war and all is fine", but Garon tells you to kill Ryouma infront of him. Obviously you don't want to and Ryouma notices, but he also knows that Garon will probably kill you if you don't, so he commits suicide so you don't have to.

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According to my friend, after you fight and beat him Garon and Iago come into the room. Since you beat Ryouma, you're pretty much "alright, we won the war and all is fine", but Garon tells you to kill Ryouma infront of him. Obviously you don't want to and Ryouma notices, but he also knows that Garon will probably kill you if you don't, so he commits suicide so you don't have to.

Thanks, this is near the end right?

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Not being able to get all kids in all three paths without marrying male Kamui to a Mamui-sexual character or another kid annoys me more than it should. Really hoping that IS will somehow fix this in the future, but I doubt it.

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Yes, I find that a decidedly odd choice…

That said, once knowledge of them came out, one of my top choices (for the Hoshido and 3rd routes) was a 2nd gen anyways…. as for Nohr… that's more problematic, possibly, except that there are some possibilities that might appeal from their 2nd gen for me, and even if I go first gen some of the kids aren't likely getting recruited anyways due to the way Nohr is structured.

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I'm surprised that we don't have a clear list of which characters are available in which route. You'd think anyone who's completed the game would be able to tell us that, at least for their route. Even if they failed to recruit them for one reason or another, they should still be able to work out who was available by looking at the shadowed sprites in their avatar's support log.still holding on to the slim and rapidly fading hope that Flora will be playable in Hoshido

Edited by capmalachi
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Nohr seems to have a tad more enemies than Hoshido and seems to use the pair-up system more than those in Hoshido. Nohr wil sometimes use the same map layouts but will have some original ones I think. I do remember in one stage there were

3 bosses, 2 who paired up with each other

and the the enemies might use more attack and guard stance.

By the way... about the Nohr ending

how did Kamui bump onto Camilla's bewbs O_O Did someone give him a hard pat on the back?

About that boss part....no wonder Nohr unit is better individually O_O

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