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Topic of Marriage, Supports, and Children.


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Yes, they do.

Thank you!

So that's at least 6 more characters per side that can use Dragons vein...(aqua and her kid have it right?)

And the third route...man, getting the hoshido and nohr families to intermarry may be a waste. Gotta get them marrying out just so I can get Werewolves and Foxes with dragons vein.

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Sorry for the lack of an Update tonight, but tomorrow I plan on finishing up A and A+ Support Logs.

I've also gotten a few translated supports as well. I had a few things to attend too IRL so I apologize.

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Thanks for the graph!

However; probably one mistake: I'm guessing that the whited-out Elfie columns are meant to be on Elise, lol. (Not that we could blame Xander and Leo for be imouto-cons like Kamui).

Yup, my mistake! I was using the beginning katakana or hiragana characters to match up the character supports correctly, and since those two are right next to eachother I accidently ----.

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So I made the survey thing. It only takes up to 50 responses and lasts 10 days (since I refused to pay money), so we're going to have to archive what responses we get after a little while. Please no one take it more than once.

It does not include any same-gendered supports beside M!Kamui/Zero, since I didn't know what they were. Can someone provide me a list so that I can edit it?

It also only lets you choose 1 F support per male character. Try to bear with it. I asked for a grid, and, well, you'll see. I suppose it'll be okay to do it more than once if it's do do supports you weren't able to the first time

Yo, I just made an edit where I fixed me having Oboro as an option twice instead of Orochi. I had to clear a response, not sure if anyone filled it out before me, so if you did it while there were 2 Oboro's, please do it again.

I think in the survey you listed FeMui twice for the 2nd gen pairings instead of FeKanna and FeMui? Just fyi

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Started reading the Rinka support.

Honestly I envisioned the supports to being just like this. Kamui trying to connect with a distant and very aloof comrade.

I'll try and get that to A Support, but I'm not going to be S Supporting her...this time.

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If that graph is accurate I really want to see Oboro and Zero's supports.

A woman who despises Nohrians and a sadistic Nohrian assassin. Should be interesting.

Now this is something I actually want to translate.

Note: I have never formally learned Japanese; everything I know is self-taught. So if someone makes a better translation please use that instead of this one.

Oboro & Zero C-support:

Oboro: So you're...Zero...
Zero: Oi oi oi... I don't like the way you're glaring at me.
Oboro: What do you mean glaring?
Zero: It's the look of the hatred. Have I done something to you?
Oboro: …………You're right. You've done nothing to me. But I don't understand you. (lit: But I can't feel you.) どうしようもない薄暗い感情がね。[i'm just not sure how to translate this one] Even you don't think well of me, do you? Because of this, I think someone will get hurt.
Zero: He~e...You've get a pretty good intuition.
Oboro: ...I have to be an ally of the members of Nohr so we have to get along. But if you're going to keep that attitude up I'm going to keep being like this.
Zero: I see. That will be a problem. But...that gaze is exciting to get used to. It sends shivers down my spine (literal translation: I get deep shivers), so that face isn't a bad look for you...
Oboro: Stop joking with me! The fact that Takumi-sama wishes me to get along with you...it's unpleasant, extremely unpleasant, do I really have to get along with you! Compromise with me a bit / Please compromise a little.
Zero: Pfft. You're an honest one. But the cooperation of both armies of Hoshido and Nohr is the wish of Leon-sama. So I hope we can get along together. Be happy/glad.
Oboro: Ku... Endure it, endure it....
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Now this is something I actually want to translate.

Note: I have never formally learned Japanese; everything I know is self-taught. So if someone makes a better translation please use that instead of this one.

Oboro & Zero C-support:

Oboro: So you're...Zero...
Zero: Oi oi oi... I don't like the way you're glaring at me.
Oboro: What do you mean glaring?
Zero: It's the look of the hatred. Have I done something to you?
Oboro: …………You're right. You've done nothing to me. But I don't understand you. (lit: But I can't feel you.) どうしようもない薄暗い感情がね。[i'm just not sure how to translate this one] Even you don't think well of me, do you? Because of this, I think someone will get hurt.
Zero: He~e...You've get a pretty good intuition.
Oboro: ...I have to be an ally of the members of Nohr so we have to get along. But if you're going to keep that attitude up I'm going to keep being like this.
Zero: I see. That will be a problem. But...that gaze is exciting to get used to. It sends shivers down my spine (literal translation: I get deep shivers), so that face isn't a bad look for you...
Oboro: Stop joking with me! The fact that Takumi-sama wishes me to get along with you...it's unpleasant, extremely unpleasant, do I really have to get along with you! Compromise with me a bit / Please compromise a little.
Zero: Pfft. You're an honest one. But the cooperation of both armies of Hoshido and Nohr is the wish of Leon-sama. So I hope we can get along together. Be happy/glad.
Oboro: Ku... Endure it, endure it....

Hehe, It's just as contemptuous as I'd thought it would be.

Now I'm really tempted to S rank them on my 3rd route playthrough...

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Now this is something I actually want to translate.

Note: I have never formally learned Japanese; everything I know is self-taught. So if someone makes a better translation please use that instead of this one.

Oboro & Zero C-support:

Oboro: So you're...Zero...
Zero: Oi oi oi... I don't like the way you're glaring at me.
Oboro: What do you mean glaring?
Zero: It's the look of the hatred. Have I done something to you?
Oboro: …………You're right. You've done nothing to me. But I don't understand you. (lit: But I can't feel you.) どうしようもない薄暗い感情がね。[i'm just not sure how to translate this one] Even you don't think well of me, do you? Because of this, I think someone will get hurt.
Zero: He~e...You've get a pretty good intuition.
Oboro: ...I have to be an ally of the members of Nohr so we have to get along. But if you're going to keep that attitude up I'm going to keep being like this.
Zero: I see. That will be a problem. But...that gaze is exciting to get used to. It sends shivers down my spine (literal translation: I get deep shivers), so that face isn't a bad look for you...
Oboro: Stop joking with me! The fact that Takumi-sama wishes me to get along with you...it's unpleasant, extremely unpleasant, do I really have to get along with you! Compromise with me a bit / Please compromise a little.
Zero: Pfft. You're an honest one. But the cooperation of both armies of Hoshido and Nohr is the wish of Leon-sama. So I hope we can get along together. Be happy/glad.
Oboro: Ku... Endure it, endure it....

I think that sentence means "I get a feeling of gloom that I can't do anything about."

I'm self-taught as well though.

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I think どうしようもない薄暗い感情がね。translates into "The gloomy feelings just can't be helped, right?"
Or SatsumaFSoysoy's translation also works well.

I am also self-taught X"D

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(I'm having a really hard time translating an important line in their B-support, so I'm going to ask a friend about it in the morning. But DAMN, their A-support is GOOD!)

Edit: That line is: お前の前では少し発言を考えよう。 Which translates literally to 'Think about the statement in front of you.' I don't know if this is slang or what, but the thing Oboro says after: 助かるわ。(That'd help out.) doesn't make sense with her previous yelling without that line.

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(I'm having a really hard time translating an important line in their B-support, so I'm going to ask a friend about it in the morning. But DAMN, their A-support is GOOD!)

Edit: That line is: お前の前では少し発言を考えよう。 Which translates literally to 'Think about the statement in front of you.' I don't know if this is slang or what, but the thing Oboro says after: 助かるわ。(That'd help out.) doesn't make sense with her previous yelling without that line.

Uh... "I've thought about what you said before"? I'm not sure. Can you post the entire thing when you're done please?

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Just a small question regarding the conversations, by the translations that I have seen so far, it looks like they are a bit more bland and serious this time. Is this true, or is it just my luck that some that I'm seeing aren't the best?

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Just a small question regarding the conversations, by the translations that I have seen so far, it looks like they are a bit more bland and serious this time. Is this true, or is it just my luck that some that I'm seeing aren't the best?

Hm, well, I have gotten somewhat funnier ones like Rinka and Suzukaze, but UnknownUber hasn't updated the thread yet because IRL stuff.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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Okay, I finished all of them. I had a lot of trouble with B-support so please forgive me on that and feel free to fix any mistakes.

Oboro & Zero C-support:
Oboro: So you're...Zero...
Zero: Oi oi oi... I don't like the way you're glaring at me.
Oboro: What do you mean glaring?
Zero: It's the look of the hatred. Have I done something to you?
Oboro: …………You're right. You've done nothing to me. But I don't understand you. (lit: But I can't feel you.) There's this gloomy feeling I can't do anything about. Even you don't think well of me, do you? Because of this, I think someone will get hurt.
Zero: He~e...You've get a pretty good intuition.
Oboro: ...I have to be an ally of the members of Nohr so we have to get along. But if you're going to keep that attitude up I'm going to keep being like this.
Zero: I see. That will be a problem. But...that gaze is exciting to get used to. It sends shivers down my spine (literal translation: I get deep shivers), so that face isn't a bad look for you...
Oboro: Stop joking with me! The fact that Takumi-sama wishes me to get along with you...it's unpleasant, extremely unpleasant, do I really have to get along with you! Compromise with me a bit / Please compromise a little.
Zero: Pfft. You're an honest one. But the cooperation of both armies of Hoshido and Nohr is the wish of Leon-sama. So I hope we can get along together. Be happy/glad.
Oboro: Ku... Endure it, endure it....
Oboro & Zero B-support:
Zero: Have you become willing to deepen our friendship?
Oboro: Ze, Zero...
Zero: What? Still not willing to do it?
Oboro: No, it's not like that. I'll work hard to be your friend...
Zero: Don't push yourself... Your feelings, one look at your face and I understand. It's in like in your line of sight is an enemy...it's giving me shivers.
Oboro: ………
Zero: As I thought, it won't be so easy to fill the rifts between Hoshido and Nohr...
Oboro: That's not it! This expression is because of your weird remarks!
Zero: My remarks? What remarks are the problem?
Oboro: その破廉恥な物言いに決まってるじゃない! (Wasn'tsure how to translate this one. The best I could was Those shameless speech hasn't been settled yet!)
Zero: What? But I've only been giving you light greetings.
Oboro: You're the only one whose been thinking that!
Zero: ...I see. All right. Think about the statement in front of you. (Last sentence was a literal translation, I don't know the figurative meaning of お前の前では少し発言を考えよう。)
Oboro: That'd help out.
Zero: Then let's hurry and deepen our friendship. Carefully and mutually...back to back.(??)(お互いにじっくり…裏の裏まで)
Oboro: …………
Zero:…………… Was that proposal no good?
Oboro: Zero, you still don't want to get along with me!(?? Not sure about grammar context on this one)(ゼロ、あなたやっぱり私と仲良くする気なんてないのね!)
Zero: No, wait. That's not true!
Zero: Then I'll stop making those remarks. That'll be fine, right? Tell me if that's good. (Īnara ī to itte kure.)
Oboro: I understand your feelings. (said playfully)
Zero: Hey, just I was just talking normally. It is why this happens...

Oboro & Zero A-support:

Oboro: There you are, Zero.
Zero: ............
Oboro: What's wrong? Why are you ignoring me?
Zero: About that...
Oboro: Say it clearly. It you have a problem with me come out and say it.
Zero: …………
Oboro: I get it! I knew you don't want to get along with me, that's it isn't it!
Zero: No...
Oboro: First we fought together (side by side), I've seen your great efforts. There were also many times when you helped me on the battlefield...that's why I thought we had some kind of friendship between us...
Zero: No...wait. Hear me out/Listen to me. I want to get along with you
Oboro: So why are you ignoring me?!?
Zero: Once I open my mouth ... I don't you to experience any unpleasent feelings.
Oboro: ...What do you mean?
Zero: I'm not...I don't intend to but...even when I talk to you normally it's taken as something shameless...so I was trying to form a friendship with you with a method that didn't include speech.
Oboro: So that's what it was. That's why you didn't say anything when you saved me.
Zero: Aaa...
Oboro: Don't worry about it, let's talk [anyway]. We're already friends/allies (nakama).
Zero: Is that okay? Is it really okay to want to get along with you?
Oboro: E-Eh...But you'll refrain from making shameless remarks, right?
Zero: Aah~, leave it to me. I'm happy/I'm glad. My whole body is estaticly almost coming around.(<-?)(もう全身にギンギンくるぐらいにな。)
Oboro: …………
Zero: Ii-, was that remark just now no good? I'll apologize immediately if it was no good.
Oboro: Fufufu. Since there was no offense intended I'll forgive you.
Oboro & Zero S-support:
Zero: Can I talk to you for a bit? ( Sukoshi, ī ka?)
Oboro: Zero. What do you need with me?
Zero: I would like to give this to you. Please accept it.
Oboro: This is...a costume? Aa, but this is...
Zero: …………
Oboro: I, the daughter of a draper, know what this costume is. This costume is...the costume/outfit the bride wears when getting married in the kingdom of Nohr.
Zero: Aaa...
Oboro: Zero. Why are you giving this to me?
Zero: …………
Oboro: Zero?
Zero: When I try to talk...I tend to make you mad a lot. Because of that, I choose a gift that could convey my feelings without speaking.
Oboro: So-So it's really...
Zero: Aaa...
Oboro: This is the special costume that brides wear when being joined together with a man in a foreign country... you from Nohr, for my sake...who's from Hoshido would understand this (??)(暗夜のあなたが、私のために…白夜のことを\n知ろうとしてくれてたのね)...bu-but, it's no good. I know Zero's feelings...but for such important thing I want to hear it directly from your mouth.
Zero: ...You're right. Then I'll tell you properly.
Oboro: Uu-Un.
Zero: Oboro. Please marry me. I love you. (Ore wa omae o aishite iru.) From the top of your head to the nail of your little finger...every part of you is dear to me.
I'm no good without you(Ore wa omae janai to damenanda)...
these feelings I have for you right now won't ever change. (korekara kono kimochi wa kawaranai).
Until I make my way into the afterlife... I want you next to me.
Oboro: Zero...thank you. (the code says she says this while smiling). Zero's feelings were clearly conveyed.
Zero: I see. So your reply is?
Oboro: I too...Before I knew it I found myself attracted to Zero. Although at the beginning I thought you were a strange person who always said strange things...
Zero: Oboro...
Oboro: Let's live together. Until death do us part, ne.
Zero. Aah. Oboro. (Says this while smiling)

I ship them so hard now.

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I'll try and help:

その破廉恥な物言いに決まってるじゃない! is probably "I'm talking about your shameless remarks obviously!"

お互いにじっくり…裏の裏まで Uh... "Slowly, inside out" or something like that. I get what he means but I'm not sure how to put it in English.

ゼロ、あなたやっぱり私と仲良くする気なんてないのね! "Zero, you don't want to get along with me after all!"

もう全身にギンギンくるぐらいにな。 "So much that my body is tingling (in happiness)"... What a weird guy.

暗夜のあなたが、私のために…白夜のことを\n知ろうとしてくれてたのね This one I don't really have any idea atm.

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Regarding Children and their class sets…

I'm seen that a few of (like in Awakening) had base class that were not in their parent's class set.


Lutz had Wyvern Rider as their starting class, but his father was a Fighter/Cavalier.

In cases like these, is the other class of the children in question known yet? Which classes do their retain from their parents and which classes are different?

Are the mother's classes inherited normally without being changed/replaced?

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Regarding Children and their class sets…

I'm seen that a few of (like in Awakening) had base class that were not in their parent's class set.


Lutz had Wyvern Rider as their starting class, but his father was a Fighter/Cavalier.

In cases like these, is the other class of the children in question known yet? Which classes do their retain from their parents and which classes are different?

Are the mother's classes inherited normally without being changed/replaced?

From what I can tell from images of the kids, the following kids have different classes:

Shigure-Peg Warrior(Azura's secondary class)

Midoriko-Herb Merchant(Kaze does not have access to this class)

Foleo-Rod Knight(Leo's secondary class)

Shinonome-Lancer(Ryoma does not have access to this class)

Lutz-Wyvern Rider(Arthur does not have access to this class)

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Any idea of which classes they lose in the process?

I doubt they lose any classes but f they do, I am predicting that children will inherit their base class from their father(mother in Shigure's sake(And Kanna's if you play F!MU))and their secondary classes from their mother.(Again opposite for Shigure and Kanna).


Sakura x Tsukoyomi=Shara

Shara base=Spellcaster(From father)

Secondaries=Priestess and Peg Warrior(From mother)

This is just what I believe though.

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Oh my god, this guy: http://pastebin.com/u/feifsupportshas been posting supports. I thought I was going to pair her up with Lazwald but now I don't know... I'll have to see Odin and Laz's other supports. I still really want to see Odin with Pieri.

In retrospect, I think Charlotte was a little gullible and dub in this one, but hey maybe that'll end up being part of her character.

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