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{Fates Spoilers} So the "thing" between Camilla's chest is...

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... a map with all the gorgeous locations she wants to travel with the Avatar? My I was surprised at that haha.

This sort of obsession/love or the Avatar is much much deeper than Tharja's for the other Avatar. Its more lovelier too. I mean the map between the chest is hilarious! Camilla can be so cute sometimes.

I am now wondering when did she think of such an idea. A map between her bosom.

Edited by eclipse
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... a map with all the gorgeous locations she wants to travel with the Avatar? My I was surprised at that haha.

This sort of obsession/love or the Avatar is much much deeper than Tharja's for the other Avatar. Its more lovelier too. I mean the map between the chest is hilarious! Camilla can be so cute sometimes.

I am now wondering when did she think of such an idea. A map between her bosom.

No it's not. It's just a weird sash thing.

The map itself was folded and packed between her bosoms.

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Can this forum go one whole day without a new thread about Camilla's boobs?

Who cares if she puts stuff between them, ask anyone with boobs and the majority of them will tell you they've used them as a pocket at least once. These topics are seriously getting old.

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Can this forum go one whole day without a new thread about Camilla's boobs?

This, so much. Can this forum go one whole day without a new thread about Camilla or her appearance in general?

The next person who posts a thread about Camilla will face potato apocalypse. Who's with me?

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Oh boy, here we go again.


I'm going to post this every time this topic appears.

The next person who posts a thread about Camilla will face potato apocalypse. Who's with me?

How 'bout the dead horse apocalypse?

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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I-It's a map ? I though it was a belt... and the first time I've seen it I though it was something else...

Oh well, that's cute from her I think. Somewhat weird but not that much.

Edited by B.Leu
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I had a headcanon that Camilla stashed junk in her tits. Its like an Outrealm Gate in there. She also keeps an incredibly embarrassing letter from Marx to her, from the time he had to spend a whole summer with their aunt. He was about 10 and the aunt made him slop pigs to teach him "respect". She whips it out when the war gets too rough to remember the good old days. And to embarrass the hell out of Marx when necessary. Shes also got a few dozen ribbons in her boobs just in case Elise's hair gets messed up. And a sewing kit.

Camilla is such a mother duck.

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So, apparently if you S-rank Camilla and perform a perfect chest rub on her, she revealed what's really between her breasts.

I managed to score a screenshot; it's not for the faint-hearted, so make sure you're prepared for it.


Whaaaaaa???? Get out of there this instant, Asama!

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Whaaaaaa???? Get out of there this instant, Asama!

Oboro as your lord I order you to get some therapy this obsession with Asama seems unhealthy

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Oboro as your lord I order you to get some therapy this obsession with Asama seems unhealthy

not as bad as a certain manakete's obsession with Frederick's massive dong
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yall are too damn extra like this wasnt "omg camilla's LORGE BREST give me HUGE OEGIAMOM" it's about a very cute detail in a support focusing on the map not the fact that its between her boobs. personally I think its really cute and not at all like Tharja because she was a stalker and Camilla's more like "i care about this person a lot without making them uncomfortable or stalking them"

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I had a headcanon that Camilla stashed junk in her tits. Its like an Outrealm Gate in there. She also keeps an incredibly embarrassing letter from Marx to her, from the time he had to spend a whole summer with their aunt. He was about 10 and the aunt made him slop pigs to teach him "respect". She whips it out when the war gets too rough to remember the good old days. And to embarrass the hell out of Marx when necessary. Shes also got a few dozen ribbons in her boobs just in case Elise's hair gets messed up. And a sewing kit.

Camilla is such a mother duck.

Hammerspace cleavage headcanon accepted.

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Can't we have just have one day to just not have fanservice at all.

That'd be the ideal situation, but it may be expecting too much of this subforum. One step at a time.

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So, apparently if you S-rank Camilla and perform a perfect chest rub on her, she revealed what's really between her breasts.

I managed to score a screenshot; it's not for the faint-hearted, so make sure you're prepared for it.


Whaaaaaa???? Get out of there this instant, Asama!

10/10 Perfection.

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... a map with all the gorgeous locations she wants to travel with the Avatar? My I was surprised at that haha.

This sort of obsession/love or the Avatar is much much deeper than Tharja's for the other Avatar. Its more lovelier too. I mean the map between the chest is hilarious! Camilla can be so cute sometimes.

I am now wondering when did she think of such an idea. A map between her bosom.

If you know eneogh about Tsukuyomi's kid then you should know just how obsessed Tharja really is.

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The unhealthy obsession the op have for carmila is worrying. That is the 2nd thread you have posted about her, not sure what you are trying to do, bait people or whine about her design lol.

Who doesn't have an obsession with Carmila?

Spelling mistakes aside

"2nd thread"

"Unhealthy Obsession"

There's like

half a dozen other users on here who have posted about Camila more than this guy.

Some have also taken it to more... uncomfortable places

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I missed this last night.

Like the last Camilla thread, this one's going to Far from the Forest. Unlike the last one, it should've started there, because it is spam.

TC, if I have to move one of your spammy thread where it belongs ONE MORE TIME, you're being warned for spamming.

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