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To censor or not to sensor. (Localization for North America)

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Other than male Kamui/Corrin's supports with Soleil change nothing, but that support change that, change the hell out of that.

I wonder what the poor NoA translator did when they came across that.

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If the questionable stuff bothers you THAT much, speak with your wallet and don't buy the game.

This is such a ridiculous mentality to have. How are they supposed to know why someone isn't buying the game? For all they know, that sale was lost because there wasn't enough fanservice.

​Speaking out on message boards and the like is absolutely, absolutely necessary in a situation like this.

Edited by Twylis
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This is such a ridiculous mentality to have. How are they supposed to know why someone isn't buying the game? For all they know, that sale was lost because there wasn't enough fanservice.

​Speaking out on message boards and the like is absolutely, absolutely necessary in a situation like this.

if the internet has tought me anything a stunt that gets the attention of the press is the best way to get your point across, like the three hundred cupcakes that where identical except for being colourred red, blue, or green. Harmless and quirky is the superior battle strategy.
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I would not be surprised if the game receives the woolseyism translation treatment. An example from this type of translation that was beneficial in my mind is how Zelgius explained his surviving his duel against Ike in Radiant Dawn. In the japanese version, it was said that the reason why he survived was because his warp powder malfunctioned, while the localized version had Zelgius explained that he let Ike win.

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This is such a ridiculous mentality to have. How are they supposed to know why someone isn't buying the game? For all they know, that sale was lost because there wasn't enough fanservice.

​Speaking out on message boards and the like is absolutely, absolutely necessary in a situation like this.

I'm specifically addressing the people in these boards who have pretty much decided on what should or should not stay on the game when localized. I mean, if the game is released completely uncensored here, what exactly are these people going to do? Buy it anyway? Refuse to support it and thus not buy it? Or start a petition for all the offensive content to be patched out?

The reason I want the game localized without censorship is because I want to judge the game on its own merits. I don't want to play a dumbed down version simply because some people probably can't handle certain moments in the game. I want to witness these moments myself and if I don't like them, I will say so in my review, but let ME be the judge of that.

It's the same thing I said on the other thread. People constantly complain that Nintendo won't localize Mother 3, but at the same time make this long-ass lists of reasons as to why it hasn't been localized (and a lot of those reasons probably wouldn't even be issues had people not pointed them out).

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If anyone is worried about this content being in the western release, they should know that it's at least optional.

I know a lot of people are upset about the inclusion of "fan service." and it seems all the controversy is overshadowing the core game itself, but of what I've played of this game so far, all of it seems completely optional. I've just been playing chapter by chapter, and I've yet to see a shred of fan service, unless you count Camilla. None of it seems to be forced, and it's only there if you go out of your way to unlock it.

Should Nintendo censor this game? Either way, I don't really care as long as the core gameplay is still there.

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I would be really surprised if they scrap skin shipping or the bath house considering a hefty amount of development time and money probably went into those. I personally don't think those things are really the issue, if we were to consider there is any issue all. It's pretty subjective I think. I personally think the main thing that is making them seem so "bad" is not the concept or actually gameplay aspects of the system. It's the dialogue attached, lol.

I honestly would not mind at all if the localization took some creative liberty to change the dialogue on a lot of the skin shipping and some "c-s" supports characters. It would probably appeal to a broader audience and end of the day. Nintendo and the developers are a company and a business. It's likely their aim to appeal to as many buyers as possible. That isn't to say there aren't any good supports..... There are a great supports, but also some really really questionable ones. Some even plain cringe worthy, although that may just be personal opinion haha. Many characters are also one note and have little development which is unfortunate. I'm sure that the characters who do have great supports will make up for the few shallow folk though.

Edited by Sorrona
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You can dress underage characters in very skimpy clothes then watch them bathe. At the very least, they will make the bathwear accessories less revealing.

Also... Kamui and Soleil.. I'm upset that anyone has to read that...

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I think some of the supports will be altered. Some of the lines are just so... creepy (to me; Camilla / Zero).

Maybe some of the amie lines? I know in general they're not that bad, but when you reach a S-Support with someone, they really become sexual, and I really don't like it. Honestly, I wouldn't not buy the game if it was left uncensored, but I would prefer if it did, because some of the lines make me feel uncomfortable, and that's just reading (or listening) it.

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You people are confusing. Do you really believe the previous FE games were direct translations without a a single major change to dialogue or character?

Exactly. There's more to a translation than literally conveying the exact things the characters said in the original. Sometimes things have to be changed, either because they don't translate well or other reasons. And it offers room to improve things by making changes that aren't strictly necessary but results in a better product overall.

Absolute accuracy is meaningless. If someone actually cares that much about what the characters said in the original version, then anytime they're even aware of a change, it'll mean they've learned what the original said anyway. The benefit of making it a tiny bit more aesthetically pleasing to those people is nothing compared to making the game a better experience for the rest.

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You people are confusing. Do you really believe the previous FE games were direct translations without a a single major change to dialogue or character?

Minor changes that are made to appeal to a western audience or fixing things that were factually wrong in the original version are expected changes and I have no issues with those. It's illogical not to expect them.

Flat out CENSORSHIP, however, is a different thing. Some people want Camilla's introductory cutscene to be removed completely. I don't support that.

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Flat out CENSORSHIP, however, is a different thing. Some people want Camilla's introductory cutscene to be removed completely. I don't support that.

Instead of removing her introductory cutscene they should just photoshop a random curtain into it I mean what

Whatever the localization does, I don't imagine I'm going to be super bothered by it. I took a chill pill, so I can't think of anything in particular that'll get me upset anymore.

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Flat out CENSORSHIP, however, is a different thing. Some people want Camilla's introductory cutscene to be removed completely. I don't support that.

While I'm not a fan of the entire scene, I don't support it being completely removed either. I just want Nintendo to give her like tights or leggings or something

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At first I wanted as little changed as possible from the Japanese version. I can't say that now with Soleil's supports being so stupid and gross. I really think the localization team needs to completely rewrite some of the supports or just cut them out. I'll have to see about the whole incest thing though. Does Kamui really view the Nohr siblings as family or what?

Also, I think I heard he isn't related to the Hoshido family at all?

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Just press the skip cutscene button if you don't want to view it. Censorship is ridiculous and doesn't help anybody. If you, as a customer, don't like something in the end product you should be able to complain to IS/Nintendo yourself about it before some other person arbitrarily decides to pre-speak for the customers and self-censor. If enough people speak loud enough they'll consider you when making the next game.

But you need the actual product un-censored to be able to do any of that effectively.

Edited by lysander
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Censorship is always something I've had a problem with. Not just in games but in music, tv, etc.

(this is gonna be a bit long winded and off topic but bare with me lol) ((or not that's fine too))

In America back in the 20th century, Television, Music and Video Games were a type of art form, a way of expression and story telling. Whereas now in the 21st century for some reason people and parents want to shield children from the "harsh" realities called life and personal experiences, heck even cultural differences.

One set of examples I think sums this up perfectly is censorship in Pokemon. There was an episode in the first season that got banned because Jessie and James had guns and were threatening people with them I even think they shot at them a few times but my point is why is that so "bad" when every other episode they have some kind of giant robot, gadget or trap that try and kill Ash and the gang and kidnap Pikachu? That and blatant unlogical censorship like calling a rice ball a doughnut or changing a rice ball to a sandwich.

That and the twisted logic that nakedness>violence. I have no problem with either one and I don't want anyone telling me I do otherwise. I know some of you will disagree with me and that's ok after all we are all human and we have our own opinions I just hate it when someone claims that theirs is the "right" one.

Nooooow back on topic.... where were we... Oh yes FE: If/Fates censorship/localization changes.

I'm pretty much almost certain that NOA and NOE will tweak some of the support conversations and Camilla's intro CGI to be "less graphic". Skinship could go either way I think.

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I want the game as it was made, with 0 censor.

While I am a big fan of the skinship and supports mechanic (even if some get awkward), the main reason why I don't want it to get censored is for the sheer principle of getting the game as it was originally intended. If Nintendo made a good game, I want the good game. If they made a shitty game, I want the shitty game. I want to be able to judge by myself what I think of the game, I don't want NoA doing it for me.

If they do censor the game, I might accept some minor changes like in Awakening, but I will be totally pissed if they take out whole mechanics of the game just because America can't have guts for anything that might raise the pants of a few teenage boys (even though games like Call of Duty get through without getting anything censored even when they are far worse than this game)

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My personal fear about this is that if they find some things too explicit, instead of changing the lines, they may just scrap the feature. A couple of the features that may be scrapped is the bathouse and the skinship program. Frankly, I don't like the lines given during some of the skinships, but I feel like it's a unique feature and has good potential.

What's your opinion on what should be censored and what should not?

No offense, but outside of them censoring Tharja's behind, I don't know why people think the bathhouse and ability to strip units (I know you didn't specifically say that) would get removed for being too "explicit". I wonder how many non-FE RPGs people who consider that explicit play, because characters wearing sexy clothes/bikinis is something found in a lot of RPGs rated T.

And I'd say censor nothing. I want it translated pure and if anything disturbs me I can just ignore it.

That Pieri line is completely mistranslated wrong. This is why you have to be careful with fan translations :/


"I want to tear open your chest and see inside".

And THIS is why people should at least wait for the official translation before judging character's supports. Although that's still creepy, it's not nearly as sadistic as the fan version.

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I think the main thing is the huge gap in the american rating system through ESRB (T=13+, M = 17+) compared to europe where the game will just be PEGI 16 like most jrpgs. I'd rather Nintendo just let it be rated M if that's what the ESRB decides, though the introduction of a new T-15 rating would also help things a lot.

Edited by lysander
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