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Best Peg Knight


Peg Knight  

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    • Florina
    • Fiora
    • Farina

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I personally think Farina is worse as a character. Being greedy = fail.

(In my book at least) it sure beats being potentially homosexual. (And having the reasons Gustave stated below.)

Edited by Little Al
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I don't like Farina, either, but at least she doesn't have an over exaggerated level of shyness. Florina is so shy that I find it hard to believe that she can actually stab the enemy in front of her.

I like Fiora better than both of them.

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Aside of EXP, she's indeed not helping any ranks.

I'm going to say Fiora as well, since I feel that in this case, superior supports (Kent > Lyn) > a bit more availability. Not to mention Florina sucks in Noble Lady of Caelin, Whereabouts Unknown and Port of Badon due to archers/nomads/ballistae or strong pirates vs. her pitiful hp/def. Which means she starts being useful after that, which is when Fiora joins, so Florina's availability lead isn't worth anything anyway.

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She's not that bad in Noble Lady, there's like two Archers total and neither rush, and quite a bit of Mercs/Cavs. And she'll get to build supports. And Florina is the only way to complete Port of Badon in a good amount of time while still getting all the yummy villages and EXP. Or if you don't want the EXP, she's even more valuable.

But I find support building to be vastly overrated in FE7 ranked runs anyway. Seriously, the only supports I ever manage to build to respectable levels are ones like Kent/Sain and Eliwood/Hector that are thrown on your plate. Having more flexibility to kill enemies where handy is much more to your interest than stat boosts.

Florina has great offense while Fiora has existing durability...

I'd say Fiora's durability is worse if anything.

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She's not that bad in "Noble Lady Of Calein"

Hell no, on the oppisite, she rocks.

When I started the chapter, my first move was to use Florna, so I send her to attack a mercenary, and she started with a fearsome critical, she owned most of the enemies, including archers and cavaliers.

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Hell no, on the oppisite, she rocks.

When I started the chapter, my first move was to use Florna, so I send her to attack a mercenary, and she started with a fearsome critical, she owned most of the enemies, including archers and cavaliers.

Now if she had a better personality (if you call her extreme shyness, and her possible attraction to women, a "personality"), and/or if she could have supported with Sain, both options would make me like her more than I do already. (Which is not much, F.Y.I.)

Edited by Staraptor
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I'd say Florina is the best of the three. She's available for most of Lyn's mode and Eliwood/Hector's mode. Too bad I can't stand her as a character. :(

Yeah, I don't really like her as a character either. I don't use either of them much but I'll use Fiora from time to time.

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Florina was the only reason I completed ch16 within the turn limit, since Hector moves remarkably slowly through the forest that is clogged with cavaliers.

But yeah, I seem to remember the ballistae being rather restricting on what Florina can do that chapter. I just planted Guy on a forest tile and let the ammo run out.

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I usually use one of the cavs with vulneraries to do that, since they can be in range earlier. Or I rush the ballista, because that way the Archer has no time to dismount it. Meaning easy kill.

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Fiora did considerably well for herself in my latest playthrough, being Eliwood's main support, Florina does ok but -does- have the devil's luck when it comes to surviving concentrated attack, Farina does well but some of her growths are a bit too balanced and not quite as quick or strong against magic as Fiora so that's who I vote for, with the Delphi Shield, few things short of an angry berserker can match her -go Hawkeye! lawl-; Fiora, the Anti-Bolting, do you have yours? ;)

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Florina..obvious reasons..I love peg knights so much..

Florina is in the game since the beginning and has excellent speed and defense (once leveled)..I have had her fail on me before but it wasnt a terrible failure..i level all three because that triangle attack wins

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I voted Florina because of her being so early in the game, she is pretty good, I normally use both Fiora and Florina, and they don't tend to disappoint me.

Fiora - the hottest, beautiest, strongest peg.k on GBA.

Oh I beg to differ, maybe she is the beautest and hottest peg. k. in FE 7 but on GBA??? not really.


Now, now, Tana is the prettiest beautiest and hottest peg. k. in GBA then Syrene and THEN Fiora.

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Now, now, Tana is the prettiest beautiest and hottest peg. k. in GBA then Syrene and THEN Fiora.

I'd take several steps further and say that she's the prettiest fictional girl ever in my opinion.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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Sorry, sir. Tana is underage, she is hot but her hottess cant compare to a matural lady like Fiora. And, plz, Syrene's clothes make her fail and she is kinda old for her age, that's bad.

Most of all, Fiora make me feel horny more than Tana and Syrene. It's should be: Fiora>Tana>Syrene.

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Well, as it was already pointed out, Florina joins pretty early in the game, and you won't have any other flyer for a long time, so yeah, Florina is the most useful.

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Sorry, sir. Tana is underage, she is hot but her hottess cant compare to a matural lady like Fiora. And, plz, Syrene's clothes make her fail and she is kinda old for her age, that's bad.

Most of all, Fiora make me feel horny more than Tana and Syrene. It's should be: Fiora>Tana>Syrene.

Well ages really are weird, I actually think that Fiora doesn't even pass the 20s and it doesnt matter if tana is underage she is ficitional, Im a platonical pedophile :P but well this kinds of things are really subjective.

On topic, I don't really think that Farina is worth the gold, she isn't that good and her personality isnt that great either, come to think of it the 3 peg.k have horrible character traits (Fiora is passable though)

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Farina is worth the gold because of the triangle attacks...i cant tell you how much that rips ass especially near the end of the game!

(and yes Tana is the best looking in the GBA ones..cuz the best looking Peg knight of all time (besides Shiida) is Sigrun :P )

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I chose Florina, give or take.

Florina > Farina > Fiora.

Florina comes in way early, I always manage to get her at level 13 when she returns. When she promotes, she becomes a powerhouse, caps STR and SPD, and still manages to make Hector the Greatest Lord smitten. Oh, come on, guys.

Farina. If she pairs with Hector, it'll be great. With two outspoken parents, Lilina will be one wife... She's very solid and definately worth the gold. The only reason I didn't top her over Florina is because she usually doesn't cap SPD for me. IDK why, they say their Farinas have capped SPD all the time...

Fiora is great compared to the FE6 pegs, but she's the worst one in FE7. Her speed only averages 19 upon promotion, which is NOT GOOD for a pegasus knight, who should cap spd at level 14-17. Okay, she's hot, but she can't make Hector fall for her, so she's a NO-GO.

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florina, because shes the only one iv used.

plus, i dont wanna pay that much money for a pegasus knight, so i probably wont like farina. generally, i dont really like pegasus knights, but florina is pretty good for me so far.

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Farina is worth the gold because of the triangle attacks...i cant tell you how much that rips ass especially near the end of the game!

(and yes Tana is the best looking in the GBA ones..cuz the best looking Peg knight of all time (besides Shiida) is Sigrun :P )

The triangle attack is cool and everything but isn't really that useful, not a very heavy reason to hire farina (but I still hire her for supports) and I don't know this Shiida girl you are talking about but Sigrun isn't that pretty, I dont like her that much, Tana is way more beautiful, Id even say that Syrene is better looking :P

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