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If anything, I would say that Yang's ideas are far beyond comprehension. At least most of social democrat policies have been done in other countries and can be pointed to. UBI doesn't really have a success story to back it yet.

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21 hours ago, XRay said:

CNN got an article comparing the recommended reading lists between Obama and Trump. Not really surprising that Trump is pushing crap that supports his political agenda while Obama recommended more educational books.

Well one list is by a respectful dignified intellectual one is by a narcissistic moron.  Hopefully Trump's choices or properly labeled as fiction, calling them nonfiction would be an outright lie.

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Tulsi Gabbard: Impeachment is hurting and dividing the country.

Data says a different story. Impeaching the motherfucker was part of why some of the newly elected Democrats were put in Congress in 2018.

As for the subject of Medicare For All being terrifying to some voters, only if you're believing the lies of the fear-mongering side. The "government controlled" healthcare option does seem scary when you frame it that way but another to look at it is simply putting your tax dollars to work for you on healthcare and if "government controlled" healthcare was really that bad of an option, why haven't the boomers and their parents that have benefited from it since its inception turned against it? The answer is that privatizing such an essential thing when one side wants to do away with all regulation to prevent scums from grossly inflating prices is dangerous and it's a major part of what's gotten us where we are today on Healthcare: Spending more per capita than other countries that already do Universal Healthcare while making it a choice for some to see a doctor or go bankrupt or even just paying $6,000 - $26,000 for childbirth depending on whether or not you have insurance.

Edited by Dr. Tarrasque
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10 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

As for the subject of Medicare For All being terrifying to some voters, only if you're believing the lies of the fear-mongering side

She did say scary to those who don't understand how other 1st world countries work. The problem isn't necessarily related to parties as much as people not researching how healthcare and government works outside of the States. Undecided voters tend to not look into candidates and policies until the last minute, so seeing concepts they may not understand like Medicare for All may sway these voters away from candidates that are less radical to maintain some of the status quo.

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15 hours ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

Tulsi Gabbard: Impeachment is hurting and dividing the country.

Data says a different story. Impeaching the motherfucker was part of why some of the newly elected Democrats were put in Congress in 2018.

If her goal is to never see the White House, Tulsi is doing an impressive job.

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"Donald the Dove, Hillary the Hawk"

"I voted for Trump because I knew for a fact Hillary would put us in another war"

Edit: btw yes, I'm aware Suleiman is far from innocent. But murder is murder, and Obama didn't take out Bin Laden in hopes of selling tickets for the next campaign rally. 

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11 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

But murder is murder, and Obama didn't take out Bin Laden in hopes of selling tickets for the next campaign rally. 

osama also wasn't, you know, basically the 2nd in command of Afghanistan

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Hope this was more Pentagon's call, cause I know those guys at least have working brains and are aware of the situation and the many factors.  If this was Trump's call, he probably just fucked up a lot of peoples lives.  

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32 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

Damn. This is gonna cost like—3 universal healthcares. (*laughs in cant-afford-it-because-of-drugs-and-Mexicans*)

Republicans: We can't afford universal healthcare, we can't afford more funding for public education, or free college.  Who is going to pay for it?

Fucking stop starting dumb ass wars then if you are so concerned about spending money.  This fat orange turd draft dodger born with a silver spoon in his mouth, sure is easy to order thousands of troops like little disposable toy soldiers to die or whatever to stroke is ego.  Throw that fat ass in the front lines.  

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Nice to see a redux of the old argument "Saddam is a bad guy" as justification after the whole WMD lie ran its course.

If bad guy was criteria for assassination, we would have a long list of state figures to go through.

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Well that is the right's lame stupid argument.  There are many 'bad guys', why don't we just kill all of them?  Here is likely the real reason.

Weak, ineffective, inability to negotiate yeah that sounds like this scumbag right here.  Let's throw in coward, dumb, mentally deranged, and a narcissist who only acts in the best interest of himself.  

Start a war, get re elected.  Not like this guy is going to even break a nail so why should he care.  

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If you guys re-elect him this year, everyone can pretty much kiss the world goodbye.

Then again, fucking nationalists and/or conservatives are getting elected all over the planet. The world definetly wants another war again with how every nation just wants to vote fucking conservative, and with how the enlightened centerists everywhere would vote extreme right rather than center left.


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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

If you guys re-elect him this year, everyone can pretty much kiss the world goodbye.

Then again, fucking nationalists and/or conservatives are getting elected all over the planet. The world definetly wants another war again with how every nation just wants to vote fucking conservative, and with how the enlightened centerists everywhere would vote extreme right rather than center left.


Those "I'd rather vote for more wars and tax cuts for the rich than do anything to help my neighbor" centrists can go fuck themselves.

Trump's getting us into another stupid war, and everyone with half a brain cell was saying this would happen. Hope all the pointless dead bodies and recreating the exact same circumstances that lead to our last recession were worth it just for that "Maybe he won't be so bad?" vote.

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I couldn't say what will happen, but I highly doubt that Iran would want a ground war. They may have a strong military, but their style seems to be more covert, proxy wars and unconventional warfare.

That said, you know that if there's any sort of retaliation, that's when the US government will exert its ways.

It's funny, I was hearing about how the theocratic government was beginning to lose its favour with Iranian people. If there was any possible action you could take to rally the country around the hardliners, that would be it.

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On 1/4/2020 at 12:25 AM, Shrimperor said:

If you guys re-elect him this year, everyone can pretty much kiss the world goodbye.

Then again, fucking nationalists and/or conservatives are getting elected all over the planet. The world definetly wants another war again with how every nation just wants to vote fucking conservative, and with how the enlightened centerists everywhere would vote extreme right rather than center left.


We will.  We're stupid, racist, sexist and love war.  Most boys grow up with toy soldiers, and role play wars and battles.  Our national anthem is a war theme.  Trump thrusting us into a major war just clinched his re election, something the hypocritical sack of shit accused Obama would try to attempt.

Why the worldwide conservative pushback?  Perhaps feelings 'progress' has moved too quickly.  It likely has most to do with social issues rather than economy or other things.  Many prejudice people, and how gays, transgenders are becoming more and more accepted, how minorities and women are getting in more positions of power and portrayed much more respectfully in the media bothers a lot of people.  

If Iran wants payback I vote we tie up Trump and send him to their front door.  We'll see how much of a 'tough' guy he is then.  

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4 hours ago, Lewyn said:


Why the worldwide conservative pushback?  Perhaps feelings 'progress' has moved too quickly.  It likely has most to do with social issues rather than economy or other things.  Many prejudice people, and how gays, transgenders are becoming more and more accepted, how minorities and women are getting in more positions of power and portrayed much more respectfully in the media bothers a lot of people.  

A small minority of transgender people give the rest a bad name by either competing in sports where they have an advantage over biological women or suing salons for refusing to wax their genitals, so people think all trans people are like that.  There is also the controversy with bathrooms and giving kids puberty blockers or hormones.  Plus many people will only ever know one person who is trans, and if they're a crazy wacko, that's the impression they get.


Some also think people referred to as transgenders, rather than transgender people is a slur.

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8 hours ago, Rezzy said:

A small minority of transgender people give the rest a bad name by either competing in sports where they have an advantage over biological women or suing salons for refusing to wax their genitals, so people think all trans people are like that.  There is also the controversy with bathrooms and giving kids puberty blockers or hormones.  Plus many people will only ever know one person who is trans, and if they're a crazy wacko, that's the impression they get.

This is certainly true. Those stories make the news, and you have to remember, transgender people are a minority. Most people do not personally know any transgender individuals, and these stories are all they have to base their understanding on.

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Identifying a discreet minority as “The Enemy” and blaming them for everything going wrong instead of identifying and fixing real problems is always the rightwing reactionary response to economic displacement and social upheaval. ‘The Jew.’  ‘The Negro.’ ‘The Chinaman.’ ‘The Mexican.’ ‘The Gay.’ Oldest trick in the book. 

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2 hours ago, dragonlordsd said:

This is certainly true. Those stories make the news, and you have to remember, transgender people are a minority. Most people do not personally know any transgender individuals, and these stories are all they have to base their understanding on.

Sadly that's the case. Many trans people are afraid to come out due to the massive stigma attached.

1 hour ago, Shoblongoo said:

Identifying a discreet minority as “The Enemy” and blaming them for everything going wrong instead of identifying and fixing real problems is always the rightwing reactionary response to economic displacement and social upheaval. ‘The Jew.’  ‘The Negro.’ ‘The Chinaman.’ ‘The Mexican.’ ‘The Gay.’ Oldest trick in the book. 

Not even the gays want to associate with trans people anymore.  There's been movements to kick the T out of LGBT, because they think it will make the rest more socially acceptable. 

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