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I actually can't believe this is happening. America made a big time mistake. Here's to surviving the next four years...

I have a beer in my hand right now.

Okay, if a miracle prevails and somehow rights for anyone who isn't white and male don't slide backwards, what else has Trump promised, exactly? Last I read his tax proposals were unworkable and nebulous, and his stance on pretty much everything has been so vague.

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If we see laws affecting access to contraception and Plan B, I do see that as affecting women's rights, yes.

I also see, from a non-legal perspective, this granting validity to sexism (especially in the workplace) and sexual harassment. I mean, if the president thinks it's okay...

Trump better not do that shit. Forget about women's rights (Though it's still important), preventing lower class women from having affordable access to contraception will have awful effects on this country's economy.

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I'm not really into politics, but I'm sure the president doesn't have all the powers, right?

This is democracy, not dictatorship.

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Well when half of Florida is underwater because of climate change they have only themselves to lay the blame on.


Also, Trump is ahead in Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Arizona, with a virtual tie in Pennsylvania. This is over.

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I'm not really into politics, but I'm sure the president doesn't have all the powers, right?

He has less powers than our Prime Minister. I think he cannot make a budget without the approval of the Congress or something like that.

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I'm not really into politics, but I'm sure the president doesn't have all the powers, right?

This is democracy, not dictatorship.

True, but it says a lot about American society that he's winning. There's also the fact that he'll be coming into GOP-majority house of representatives and senates, as well as getting to appoint Supreme Court members. The impact he'll have is exaggerated a fair bit, but it's certainly not going to be good.

Edited by The Blind Idiot God
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I'm not really into politics, but I'm sure the president doesn't have all the powers, right?

This is democracy, not dictatorship.

Thing is, from the looks Republicans are likely seizing the Senate and the House of Representatives as well, so he's going to probably have carte-blanche on most things except for the more crazy projects he may think about doing.

EDIT: Also, seems like PA is flipping red too.

Edited by tuvarkz
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There's literally no reason to live without gay marriage. I'd rather kill myself for the good of my people that have any regressive anti-LGBT legislature passed.

This is a dark day for my proud and strong community. I can only look back at the traitors who voted for Trump in our community, and I guarantee many other minority groups are doing the same thing.

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Not on this particular issue, but people give the president waaaaay to much credit, for like, everything.

We have three branches of govt for a reason, and our individual local/state govts affect us exponentially more as individuals.

No matter who wins, I think we'll all get along. I also don't believe in running, because if you love the US you stick with it and try to make it better. There's being loyal to the government and then loyal to your country, which are completely different things.

Well, that's why I said non-legal; it's more the mentality of the general populace (although even if Clinton had won, it's not as if those voters and their bigotry would vanish).

I don't agree with running, either, really; I've been debating returning to the U.K. regardless of who wins for much more personal reasons. But I don't think we'll all get along. How can you get along with people who would vote to restrict your lifestyle? (General your; not yours or mine personally).

Trump better not do that shit. Forget about women's rights (Though it's still important), preventing lower class women from having affordable access to contraception will have awful effects on this country's economy.


I'm not really into politics, but I'm sure the president doesn't have all the powers, right?

This is democracy, not dictatorship.

No, but we're also looking at a republican controlled senate and, most importantly, the president gets to nominate the next Supreme Court justices.

budweiser right?

good old american beer. i didnt vote but my mates and i bougth an 18 pack so we did our job

It's a mexican chocolate stout but it was brewed in Michigan so is that a plus or minus for patriotism?! ;)

CykesDono, please do not kill yourself. I am really sorry, though.

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They won't have the white house. They won't have the senate. They won't have the house of representatives. The supreme court will be conservative. They won't hold most state governments. They won't be able to stop anything that doesn't require a super majority.

Fuck. All minorities living in America are so fucked if this happens (I'm still hopeful ;_;)... smh

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. . .and it looks like Hawaii's polling places stayed open longer than expected, and that the ballot machine's malfunctions were widespread. Not like we'd vote for someone who wasn't Democrat, anyway (according to my newspaper, we've been doing that since 1988).


Fuck. All minorities living in America are so fucked if this happens (I'm still hopeful ;_;)... smh

Yep. Fuck Hawaii indeed. Good luck to the people we send to Washington DC. . .assuming the incumbents get in, that's two Asian ladies.

Edited by eggclipse
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To be fair though, while not democratic, I don't think most of the GOP really likes trump either.

Honestly, the most likely thing to happen over the next 4 years? Nothing useful.

If Trump can't do much while in the White House(good or bad) because of disagreements, that doesn't sound too bad...less power he has, the better!
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True, but it says a lot about American society that he's winning.

Actually, American society has never have a lot of prestige in the eyes of the other countries to begin with. And for having two worst possible candidates like Hilary and Trump is enough to say a lot about American society already.

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Actually, American society has never have a lot of prestige in the eyes of the other countries to begin with. And for having two worst possible candidates like Hilary and Trump is enough to say a lot about American society already.

You really hate Americans, don't you?

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If Trump can't do much while in the White House(good or bad) because of disagreements, that doesn't sound too bad...less power he has, the better!

Problem is I only see the most egregious of things getting blocked. If he tries to get anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-immigration and other such things through, I doubt the GOP will try and oppose it.

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My personal disliking for Sanders made me think he'd be worse than Hillary on a general election, but seeing those results, I now seriously think he'd be doing better.

if only more people realised this sooner I probably wouldnt be sour grapes

Hilary is one of the worst politicians I've ever seen

you reap what you sow

Edited by Tryhard
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Actually, American society has never have a lot of prestige in the eyes of the other countries to begin with. And for having two worst possible candidates like Hilary and Trump is enough to say a lot about American society already.

Always wanted to know this, where are you from?

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But I don't think we'll all get along. How can you get along with people who would vote to restrict your lifestyle? (General your; not yours or mine personally).

That's the challenge, and joy, of living in a constitutional republic. As long as we live peacefully, we have the right to live as we choose, and we celebrate differences no matter how silly or disagreeable.

They may vote to do so; and if 51/49 decides one way, you now see the dangers of democracy, which the US is not supposed to be.

But still; the supreme court has already sad marriage bans are unconstitutional, I believe, so, yeah. I don't understand completely the way others live, but instead of trying to say anyone who voted for trump was a white bigot, I dunno, try being as compassionate as you want them to be?

It's all about US in the U.S. I believe in what makes this country great, and that's freedom. Trump or Hillary could have won, they are not my leaders. I am.

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