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Wow, what? That's seriously strange. Why would they think Obama is a Muslim and why would they think he's not born in the US? Dont they like...you know, listen to his speeches about god, religion and all?

If I had to give a reason, I would say it is because politics in the United States --and perhaps the rest of the world-- has become something of a sport. Much like casual fans in football who cheer for home team but know nothing of the intricacies of the teams or the players, most Americans fall on one side of the line that divides Democrats and Republicans. And while they'll hold a view on hot-button topics on either side, they will often pay no attention to the candidates beyond the blurbs they see on popular news networks or hear about through word of mouth.

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They think Obama is a muslim because his complexion is darker and his name isn't 'Murican.

John McCain was born in bloody PANAMA and actually had sort of an issue about his citizenship during the election but no one really paid attention lol.

Edited by Crysta
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Rick Perry is the first Republican to leave the race. I'm stunned that Jim Gilmore held on longer than anyone, but oh well.

In related news, the next GOP debate will take place Wednesday night for anyone interested in that. I think they've recognized the potential for money-making these debates have due to Trump; CNN is running commercials to promote it and charging some ridiculous amount for advertisers during the debate's runtime.

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I kind of hope Colbert turns his show back into the Colbert Report for one night only just for Trump.

As is probably common knowledge by now, Scott Walker dropped out today after a new poll showed him below 1%. His whole story is kind of weird because just a couple months ago he was, what, first or second in the national polls? Certainly shows how quickly times change when it comes to these things.

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I heard a lot of the issue was that his campaign was set up for a frontrunner and was too big to manage. Once Walker started debating and saying contradictory things about birthright citizenship and considering a border wall with Canada and such, he definitely was not a frontrunner anymore.

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So, US politics has reached the point where a comedian does better journalism than anyone on CNN.

this has been the case for one long-ass time by now

I heard a lot of the issue was that his campaign was set up for a frontrunner and was too big to manage. Once Walker started debating and saying contradictory things about birthright citizenship and considering a border wall with Canada and such, he definitely was not a frontrunner anymore.

also, from what i heard, he's used to campaigning in an extremely white state and particularly relying on the strength of suburban milwaukee—one of the most whitebread, wealthiest, segregated, and heavily-republican suburban areas in the country—and its influential local AM radio hosts, and never really considered how to campaign outside of this environment

anyway, looks like walker is set to return to Madison with a wad of Delta Sky Miles to haunt the capitol tunnels, a wraith occasionally seizing hapless passersby at underground crossroads and demanding they tell him if they’ve seen Ronald Reagan, what causes male-pattern baldness and how big Canada is.

don't have the tweet on hand, but it was a slam dunk: "first two out? walker, texas ranger"

Edited by I.M. Gei
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That was the most soft-spoken interview I've ever seen Trump give on Colbert last night. Still, Colbert did a good job with what he had, though I thought it was a little strange how he genuinely seemed to be buddying up to Trump at some points. The Trump or Colbert game made up for everything, though.

I think Scott Walker can pretty confidently be deemed Tim Pawlenty 2.0 at this point.

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a political neophyte surgeon who speaks with the dizzy wonderment of someone trying to describe their dream from last night while taking mushrooms for the first time.

is pretty much my favorite Ben Carson description of all time

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No. Trump gets all the negative hype because he acts like Trump. When you run as a Republican espousing Republican ideals and Fox News can't stand you, there is a problem.

Fox can't stand him because he funds himself and does whatever he wants instead of falling in line with the Koch Brothers.

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It's one slightly biased view. I suggest looking online for. . .everything - the conservative, the liberal, the moderate, and the extreme. Learn where the popular candidates stand on what issues.

For example, I'd sooner vote third party than Bush/Clinton - I don't want them to get their hands on the NSA, ever.

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of course, it's necessary to view whatever you read with the utmost scrutiny: is this based in reality? does this have a good handle on facts, recorded history, statistics, etc.? not everything you read will be, and many things you read will be disingenuous, misleading, or flat out wrong; not all opinions and perspectives are created equal, and it's necessary to be vigilant here

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Especially on the stuff you agree with. Confirmation bias is a pain.

In other words, find stuff you disagree with, and ask yourself whether or not maybe, just maybe, they're right. Seek out stuff you agree with and ask yourself if maybe, just maybe, they're wrong. It's like playing mafia, but there's no host to flip a role PM.

Sooo. . .you'll see that I expressed dislike about Bush earlier in the topic. It wasn't because I don't care for him as a person/because he's a Republican/his family. It's based on the fact that his stance on cryptography is "but it helps the bad guys too!"

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There's a part of me that's always felt kind of bad for Boehner. Right-wing congressmen have pretty much been slamming everything about him from day one just for so much as attempting compromise with the Democrats. He's probably relieved to leave and get out of Ted Cruz's crosshairs.

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