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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Comprehensive school: It wasn't the best thing in the world. Lessons were mostly fine, but the social aspect was quite bad for me

College: The course I took ended up being something I quite disliked, so lectures started to feel like a chore. I only toughed it out because I was fed up with constantly giving up on stuff mid-way. Classmates, though? I felt like an outcast most of the time. So no, I didn't enjoy college. If I do ever decide to go back, I hope it ends up being a better experience for me

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If there's a topic I am interested in then I will enjoy learning about it but otherwise I don't get as excited for school as ^you two do~

it probably helps that I am at least mildly interested in so much shit


I may also just be a massive fuckin nerd who, hell, deserves to be shut in a locker?

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Public school just gets worse and worse with standardized testing.

Also people like to beat the shit out of each other around here, we had lots of fights and this girl got jumped.

Of course at the other nearby school someone picked up a metal chair leg that had broken off and beat another girl's head with it.

Overall I don't mind it too much, but its boring just doing pure memorization when I don't care about the subject.

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middle and high school otoh was the most soul-crushingly awkward experience of my life and i would not relive it even if you paid me a million dollars. i don't get people who wax nostalgic about high school

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I like learning, not schooling.

Schooling is literally the reason why I dred both reading and writing, merely out of seeing both as just chores. That reasoning is what caused me to struggle from Middle, all the way to High School, out of just not doing the work. To think where I'd be, had I only tried more. If I were to name one thing I liked about HS is how much easier it was to get into things and socialize, tho a portion of the options were pretty lame. That school drained out my love for playing the Alto Sax that I still have. If there's one thing I miss big time was Football in my senior year

College on the other hand? Aside from always having time management to consider, its pre great. I actually LIKE what I was learning. Due to my ways in HS, I had to start at the community level, but unlike my classmates, I was luckily going to school for free, thanks to grants (minus summer courses). While I did consider it sub-par, a lot of growth happened in those 3 years, and now I'm starting Uni. And loving every second if it! [:

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they probably had good experiences there

mystery solved


i love college

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO: What's your immune system like?

in other words, do you get sick easily? are you always the first to catch a bug going around work, and then it makes its way all the way around work and you get it again at the end? are you penicillin man and never get sick, ever?

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I don't get sick. At least since I was five. Before that I was sick most of the time but now I can stand in the rain with a t-shirt and shorts for an hour and I don't get sick.
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I generally don't get sick (and as far as I can remember, my body was pretty tough in terms of handling illnesses). If I do, it's minor stuff that makes me feel like shit but overall isn't too bad (probably more attributed to the immune system doing things that make me feel like shit as opposed to whatever I caught).

I can do a lot of stupid, reckless things, up to and including allowing wounds to fester (except they don't anyways), without catching something or the like. I only wonder how much longer I can keep this up.

I don't get sick. At least since I was five. Before that I was sick most of the time but now I can stand in the rain with a t-shirt and shorts for an hour and I don't get sick.

Exposing yourself to the cold in such a manner would more likely increase the risk factor for something like hypothermia (cannot catch a cold or similar by just exposing oneself to cold air for prolonged amounts of time - must actually be a host close enough to transmit the illness or the like, though it may weaken the immune system temporarily if only due to reduced circulation). As long as you don't do that often chances are you'll be fine anyways unless your body's not that resilient against the elements (for any number of reasons).

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It used to be incredibly weak, I'm sure asthma helped with that.

But I guess getting so beat up when I was a child is what helped it grow really tough. Sometimes everybody around me gets sick but I don't. Sometimes everybody around me gets really really sick and I get sick as well but my symptoms are pitifully weak compared to them.

I think there are only a couple times over the past several years that I got sick badly. One of the times was because my local restaurant can't really survive without me so they insisted I come to work anyway, which ended up pushing me too hard so I had to bail out on them a day because I couldn't possibly go to work with a temperature of 104F

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