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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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That first pic is wonderful, thank you very much.

I loved it! That's easily the cutest Witcher cosplay I've seen, who knew Caranthir was such a cat lover?

Edited by Rxmonste
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I guess cats. A few too many dogs have attacked me in order for me to still feel comfortable around them, though I must put part of the blame on extremely incompetent Dutch dog owners.

When it's a choice between good dogs and good cats though, I'll pick dogs. They're fun.

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guild wars two: heart of thorns is a very good game and i've spent two days drinking beer and playing it now

i am a cats man slightly more than dogs, but i love dogs

that said

Dogs. I trust them more to not gain human level intellect and take over the entire world.

fuck you smokin man, cats are dumb as shit lmao they just look smart

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE: What would your ideal picnic include?

this is a romantic question, you are not going on this picnic alone.

unlike in real life.


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Food, usually sandwiches and the like, a tarpaulin to lay everything on, plates, something to drink (in other words, the usual stuff).

What? More like who.

Yes, we all know you'd want to invite Tangerine along with you. You don't need to keep going on about it, y'know.

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Wait, a picnic involving just 2 people? That sounds boring. I need like 5 people. I gueeeeeess they can all be beautiful women if you really want...meh.

If I'm limited to one dish, I'd prefer some sort of pasta salad (nicoise is great) over sandwiches. Cheese and some crackers are also good. No wine. I also like to have tortellini at a picnic, if no pasta salad is forthcoming. Some fresh fruit...red grapes would be great.

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Yes, we all know you'd want to invite Tangerine along with you. You don't need to keep going on about it, y'know.

I knew someone was going to make that assumption, but I wasn't expecting it to be you.

But anyway, the person I have in mind is a girl I know in real life. Inviting Tangerine to a picnic would be highly impractical since she and I live in different countries, y'know.

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I knew someone was going to make that assumption, but I wasn't expecting it to be you.

But anyway, the person I have in mind is a girl I know in real life. Inviting Tangerine to a picnic would be highly impractical since she and I live in different countries, y'know.

Well, sometimes a short hike before a picnic can be nice.
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Mumu was wanting somebody to make the assumption~~~~~

Clear sunny sky with a very pleasantly not too hot not too cold temperature, grapes to eat, good sandwiches, a blow pop(?), a man exercising, performing the dance of his people to woo women who happen to walk by....... oh wait, I'm not supposed to talk about an ideal picnic I've had?

Honestly all of those are very ideal though~ But to add on, maybe a more scenic setting than a park in a city. Like MOUNTAINS or FORESTS (with all those buggies~!) or generally anything in nature since I seem to like everything about nature... and and CORN ON THE COB

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There's this campground called "El Capitan" a couple hours from where I live. There's a path that leads to a beautiful, rocky beach. If you go left past the creek, there's another path that splits in two. The path on the right leads to this secluded part of the beach. There's a ledge and some tall grass there, along with an old, wooden table. Since you're on a ledge, you have a perfect view of the ocean and also a small farm that looms above the highway. I don't think many campers know about that spot, because there's lots of grass growing around the table and it generally seems like it hasn't really been disturbed very often.

I can imagine having a picnic there, preferably in the evening right before the sun sets. I can also imagine crunching on toasted rosemary bread! Haha, just thinking about that place makes me nostalgic and hungry.

Other than that, ideally, we'd have a lot of good food prepared. Preferably things that can be assembled like sandwiches and salads-- nothing too heavy. Ohh, and basil lemonade~! Yes!

Edited by Esme
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all my closest friends + delicious food tbh

alternatively a massive SF picnic with all my friends here + delicious food, since I see my IRL closest friends pretty frequently even without picnics

Ohh, and basil lemonade~! Yes!

is basil lemonade as delicious as it sounds, or is it moreso?
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all my closest friends + delicious food tbhalternatively a massive SF picnic with all my friends here + delicious food, since I see my IRL closest friends pretty frequently even without picnicsis basil lemonade as delicious as it sounds, or is it moreso?

It's out of this world!

Lemons, water, salt, sugar and one of those machines that minces things into a fine pulp (Not a blender, although I'm certain you can use one of those, too.) are all you need. Oh, and ice.

It tastes refreshing and the salt keeps it from being too sweet.

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