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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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bought some nendos and art for friends

bought an art book for another but it's coming in the mail

gave my parents some money in the bank because none of us really know what physical object we want, i just asked for food i don't normally get hahaha (bc mom is a health nut)

bought myself a new 3ds #treatmyself

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I made a picture for Ike and Kate's room since they need some more art up in that place

and by art I mean animal blobs


there's more but those people know they're getting slightly late crimmas presents

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i drew some stuff for some goons and got chocolate for some other goons and for my secret santa giftee i got a one direction poster

also i got flight rising stuffs for several people on sf

merry crimmas

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I gave my mother a bracelet, my sisters various jewelry and cardigans, an AC/DC vinyl for my best friend, and a Game Stop gift card for another really good friend. I did split the costs for my sisters' gifts with my sisters though.

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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For my three brothers, I got one a glaceon plush, the other a leafeon plush, and the other a pancham plush~! I thought it'd be cute to use a little theme for it

For Integrity I sewed vests and bought ties to go with them~!


you don't understand how "integrity" the purple vest with pink tie combo is

and of course you can't leave out the juicy detail shots



and I "drew" Specta's soulmate


holy shit this is thoughtful.

uhhhh well i bought someone a plush elephant. and another a garrus poster. i didn't get anyone in my fam bam anything though (secret santa events). i should have, though, and i now feel bad.

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I didn't give anything to anyone. I already gave a suku to Ein not too long ago anyway, because I'm not a patient person to wait for Christmas to do so. And I suppose a nemuneko, but I dunno, that was rather spontaneous.

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I bought someone a beautiful shawl and another person fifty Nintendo bucks

hey esme did you get undertale yet if not i'll buy it for you like i said a while back it's 2 dollars off

nothing! yet, anyway. i gave my mom a few dollars to buy a scarf for my sister but i don't count that because the scarf wasn't my idea or anything.

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hey esme did you get undertale yet if not i'll buy it for you like i said a while back it's 2 dollars off

nothing! yet, anyway. i gave my mom a few dollars to buy a scarf for my sister but i don't count that because the scarf wasn't my idea or anything.

I actually already got it from someone else. Thanks for the gesture, though, I really appreciate it. :)

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[04:34:29] <euklyd> Integrity can I ask you something

[04:34:42] <Integrity> yes

[04:34:50] <euklyd> ok so like

[04:35:04] <euklyd> my dad was like "hey euklyd could you put together an album of [this sort of music] for me for christmas"

[04:35:04] <euklyd> and by [this sort of music] it looks like he meant basically like

[04:35:04] <euklyd> dance-pop-y sorta stuff

[04:35:04] <euklyd> I kinda offhand said like "oh so basically kpop"

[04:35:07] <euklyd> and he of course said "no I'd rather have english lyrics tyvm"

[04:35:13] <euklyd> so of course I'm trying to spike it with

[04:35:22] <euklyd> kpop artists singing in english

[04:35:28] <euklyd> do you have any suggestions off the top of your head

this is probably the most interesting gift I could think of, even if it turned out kinda lamer than I wanted b/c I wasn't able to find a couple of the things I was looking for in time

I guess I also got my dad the spiritual successor to his favorite 6DoF shooter he played back in the day

my dad gets all the cool stuff

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