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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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i follow local politics because i work at the local parliament, and national because shit has gotten pretty serious lately

don't really follow state and international politics though

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Even though I live abroad, I follow the politics of my country.

Although I am not really happy about it, especially since it tends to concern more than just my country.

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I follow national politics. Newspapers in the Netherlands play along with the politics of theatrics that politicians adopted ten or so years ago, so there's very little in-depth information to go around, but I still try.

Local politics I haven't had a reason to care about for years now. My county doesn't even house Syrian/Eritrean refugees so it's not like there's anything interesting happening, anyway.

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Very well-informed at a national and international level, fairly limited at a local or even territory level. Aiming to learn about the actual guys I'll be voting on next election, not just the parties they represent.

I just ignore politics altogether. It really isn't my strong suit. I'm better off just being my own person. :)

Congratulations on your own person being unable to make an informed vote on the direction your nation should take.

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Depends on just how you define "local" and "national." The Kingdom of the Netherlands is technically a federation, but then it's also kind of not, because of its strong unitary character.

I don't follow municipal or provinical politics very much (I also switch between living in my parents' house on the weekends and a room I rent in the city where I go to college on weekdays, so I live in a different municipality and province half the time).

I follow country politics pretty well, and I'd like to say the same for kingdom politics, but it's really hard to get any good info on that. I have little idea what even goes on on Aruba, Curaçao and Saint Martin.

I'm a major constitutional law (and by extension, politics) geek though, so I always like following this stuff, and feel like I should be more engaged in it.

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Nah, I'm still informed. I just don't really care.

Look, no offense, but you're being confusing. You said you "ignored politics altogether." There really isn't a way to be informed on something while ignoring it altogether.

EDIT-I guess if it's something static and unchanging, you could've learned about it at one point and then started ignoring it without beginning to become uninformed. But the political scenery does change.

Edited by Sane Young Dog Man
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Yeah, sorry. By "ignored," I meant "I didn't care." I am aware of most of the changes, yes, but I don't care too much for them. So far, none of it is effecting me, so therefore, I'm just ignoring it all.

I know I am a confusing person, so I don't take offense to that. I'm just not very good with words most of the time. :P

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Nationally, fairly well. TheEnd and Nobody have said it, the political scene in Brazil is hard mode right now, so we gotta keep up.

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I probably know more than the average person, but I don't enjoy thinking about it.

This. I do know more than the average person, and im extremely well-informed in various different political factions. National, local, and some internationally.

But i dont enjoy thinking about it. It makes me salty as fuck. But i gotta know whats going on.


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modestly well on both counts, better on national

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-THREE: How well do you follow international politics?

this was intended to be q793 all along and you guys just kept saying stuff about international politics so fuck it i'm sticking to my plan

by the way, we're back to a morning update schedule

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