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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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i have a big coat, it is big coat or not coat

i actually don't layer very well

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND ELEVEN: What was the most recent dream you had you can recall?

it's been a few hundred since we did this and it's always fun

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I was a girl in this one. Some old man pulled a knife on me at work and forced me into the bathroom. He wanted me to have sex with him, but I refused. He tried to stab me. I turned the knife around on them and stabbed them instead, then escaped and told a manager. They grudgingly admitted I made a good decision.

About two weeks ago.

Edited by Makaze
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I had a dream where a lil bean's plan was successful.

me too sylv, me too

The last dream I had I was taking a walk with some guy that looked like the male version of me and we went places and everything was a mess (like architecturally nothing made sense) I forget what we talked about but it was fun

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it was.... something with candles

idr if I was myself or somebody else but fsr I feel like I was somebody else. I was some guy who was trying to save somebody or somebodies they knew and loved, but this villain was in the way, I think holding them hostage. He was giving me some kind of riddle or puzzle to solve and I realized that it meant I was supposed to grab all these candles around the room and stack them in a certain way? So I had to go around this room getting a bunch of lit candles and trying to stack them up and there were a bunch of distractions going on too like the world (or the villain~) didn't want me to finish solving the problem. I was supposed to come to this guy afterward and say a certain thing... as if to signify I thought I had finished the task I was given. Really though I don't remember much aside from all that. It's really vague in my mind right now I've become so bad at remembering my dreams ever since I moved in with you aiku you suck :c

Another dream I remember (that I don't remember if it came before or after the other dream) involved me being in a store and I just had a little pet... Dratini? And sometimes he'd wander around without me I think. Again though I barely remember a thing.

I have weird dreams that typically have nothing to do with the day I've just had or events I will have. Or if they do relate, they take on weird forms of it.

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I was being chased by a group of nazis on horseback for reasons that elude me.

But then I took them all on with only a knife and I killed them all.

And then I tortured the last one for fun, hehehe

Run, run, as fast as you can

You can't catch me

I'm the edgiest man

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In this one dream, this guy I knew from middle school and I were convicted felons for shootings middle school kids.(I'll skip the details on that, not there was much to begin with.)

We were sent to the 'gallows', which, in this dream was a large satanic glyph, wherein after chanting the "mantra", the devil's hands reach up from the ground and skewer you, rip you apart, then takes your damned soul to hell.

I was a witness to how it happened before it was my turn, the guy before me tried to bargain with me: "If you go before me, I can break us out." I said nothing, and we both stepped forward. Then the glyph started to illuminate and the devil's, surprisingly fat fingers, reached out for us.

The other guy was ripped to shreds, as you'd expect. But the, unusually fat fingers, couldn't rip me apart(go figure), so what happened instead was I was dragged down into hell, and while I was looking around at all the lost and damned, my head was impaled by a particularly thin beam, and I died.

So I continued on as my soul, and witnessed my body get crushed and burned, but for some reason, my body was repaired by what I assume to be a soul collector, with some specific goal in mind... not that I can clearly remember what that was.

Then I woke up.

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Something about Kenshiro facing an ancient horror deep within the Earth's crust. It was a giant spiky turtle thing that caused destruction with the slightest of movements.


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Something about Kenshiro facing an ancient horror deep within the Earth's crust. It was a giant spiky turtle thing that caused destruction with the slightest of movements.

What is the giant spiky turtle standing on?

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yesterday i kept waking up and lapsing back into sleep and i had the same dream each time but the endings kept changing

in each of them, i escaped a subway or s/t with my uncle and grandma and i had to run a few blocks to get to a dock and board a ship

the first time i lost my uncle and grandma in the subway and ran into a huge red monster thingo as soon as i got above ground

the second time i lost my grandma and made it a block or two before runnin into the same monster again

i lost track but eventually i began to save my grandma and get progressively farther before hittin the monster goon

but the very last time i had the dream i decided to take a different route out of the subway, and i met this goon who showed me a direct way to get to the dock

idt i actually kept the dream going long enough to see myself board the ship, but i'd like to believe that i did

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Most recent, huh. Well, that would be me dreaming that I was playing Dynasty Warriors 8. But it seemed whatever stage and character I was playing with kept changing at random during the dream.

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yesterday i kept waking up and lapsing back into sleep and i had the same dream each time but the endings kept changing

in each of them, i escaped a subway or s/t with my uncle and grandma and i had to run a few blocks to get to a dock and board a ship

the first time i lost my uncle and grandma in the subway and ran into a huge red monster thingo as soon as i got above ground

the second time i lost my grandma and made it a block or two before runnin into the same monster again

i lost track but eventually i began to save my grandma and get progressively farther before hittin the monster goon

but the very last time i had the dream i decided to take a different route out of the subway, and i met this goon who showed me a direct way to get to the dock

idt i actually kept the dream going long enough to see myself board the ship, but i'd like to believe that i did

wow how do your dreams get so focused like that

(grats tho)

i put milk in my cereal and i didn't want milk so i cried

tragic ;~;

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I had two last night. In the first one, it was like a normal day except everyone was speaking french, and I was somehow speaking french back, even though I don't know a word of it.

The other one, I was browsing these forums and eclipse was trolling me. Every time I posted in a topic, she would instantly lock it. After about the hundredth time, I sent her a PM and she banned me for 11 years.

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809: Do you enjoy the rain?
It depends. I find walking through the rain (when it's not too bad) quite relaxing actually. On the other hand, I hate cycling through the rain.
810: How do you layer up in the cold?
Depends. Inside, it's usually warm, and when it isn't, I just add shirts and vests until I am warm (it usually doesn't go beyond three layers).
Being outside is difficult though. When I'm not moving, I get cold very quickly, but when I am moving, I get warm very quickly. So when I go for a walk, I wear a coat when it's below 15° C and gloves when it's below 10° C.
When I go cycling at temperatures below 10° C, I wear a coat over a short-sleeved T-shirt, and gloves. It gets way too warm for me that way, but cycling is my primary method of exercise, so that's a good thing.
811: What was the most recent dream you had you can recall?
I'm really bad at remembering dreams, so I try to write them down. Let's see what the last one was...
I was on a ship with Korean refugees, migrating to China. But immigration from Korea was illegal in China, so everyone had to pretend they weren't Korean.
We all got off the ship and had to pass by some coast guard, giving him false identities so he wouldn't discover that we were Korean. Everyone parted ways after we passed the guard. I had to climb long stairs up some steep slope (it was so steep that it was hardly a slope anymore) to get off the beach.
When I was halfway up the stairs, the coast guard found out that we were Korean and started chasing after us. I realized I had to flee for my life now, but instead I decided to sit down, take a cake out of my backpack and eat it first.
Then I woke up.


i have a habit of wearing a skirt + kneesocks when it's cold and not learning my lesson, ever

Younger me always wore sandals, regardless of weather. : )

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