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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I had two last night. In the first one, it was like a normal day except everyone was speaking french, and I was somehow speaking french back, even though I don't know a word of it.

The other one, I was browsing these forums and eclipse was trolling me. Every time I posted in a topic, she would instantly lock it. After about the hundredth time, I sent her a PM and she banned me for 11 years.

You know you spend too much time on the forums when you start dreaming about spending too much time on the forums XD

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811: What was the most recent dream you had you can recall?

I'm really bad at remembering dreams, so I try to write them down. Let's see what the last one was...
I was on a ship with Korean refugees, migrating to China. But immigration from Korea was illegal in China, so everyone had to pretend they weren't Korean.
We all got off the ship and had to pass by some coast guard, giving him false identities so he wouldn't discover that we were Korean. Everyone parted ways after we passed the guard. I had to climb long stairs up some steep slope (it was so steep that it was hardly a slope anymore) to get off the beach.
When I was halfway up the stairs, the coast guard found out that we were Korean and started chasing after us. I realized I had to flee for my life now, but instead I decided to sit down, take a cake out of my backpack and eat it first.

What kind of cake was it?

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I literally cannot remember. That being said I can remember having a dream sometime relatively recently, which is more than normal, and I remember it was about something mundane but pleasant.


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Q810: where I live, at most I'll need a decent jacket. I have other stuff like gloves and a heavy jacket for bundling up if I go elsewhere.

Q811: I have difficulty remembering most of my dreams, but I think last night's dream had something to do with organic chemistry and RPG puzzles.

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I remember almost none of my dreams unfortunately. I should start writing them down.

Most recent was I had an evil twin who tried to escape and do something bad so I hunted him down. I don't remember much else about it tho

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dreamed last night i was stealing rotisserie chickens from masquerade balls to feed starving stand-up comedians. it was like a heist film and various celeb faves/crushes were on lookout duty or creating diversions. it was easy tho cuz the masquerade masks the rich ppl at the balls had on were shit masks that didn't have eye holes fsr (what does it mean ??). it ended with a parachute scene and landing in a getaway truck with a sack of chickens. (...also fwiw this diddy dirty money song w/ justin timberlake was playing in the background cuz i went to bed with it on repeat, v dope and passionate)

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I had two last night. In the first one, it was like a normal day except everyone was speaking french, and I was somehow speaking french back, even though I don't know a word of it.

The other one, I was browsing these forums and eclipse was trolling me. Every time I posted in a topic, she would instantly lock it. After about the hundredth time, I sent her a PM and she banned me for 11 years.

Of course that wasn't me, if I ban you, it's a special kind of ban that extends three generations down your family tree! Tee-hee~! :P:

Oh, right, topic. All I recall are locations, and that's because my brain refuses to go anywhere else. I think the most recent dream I had was a beach, with the tide slowly taking over the sand.

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It was a nightmare, sort of? I was on vacation at a nice resort, but I somehow missed all of the trip and it was the last day all of a sudden. I was confused and upset because it was over before it even started.

I feel like I have that dream a lot. :dry:

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Last night. I was in my house when I started hearing gun shots going off really fast. My house started getting raided by terrorists and my dad got shot. :(

I locked myself in the bathroom and called 911 and then I woke up.

I didn't like that dream at all. :(

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From what I remember I was on a cruise ship, I think I socialized some and there was a giant area with a swimming pool, I was wearing a two-piece swimsuit but at some point the lower half just dissapeared like.......????????????????????? it was awful I freaked out and was running around and trying to find the bottom half while staying hidden but despite doing a bad job at it it seemed like nobody noticed me at all thankfully STILL AWFUL

and then at night there was some outside area with a pier attached to the ship for some reason and a tiny boat tied to it and somehow there were lights floating above the water idk how that works but it was pretty who cares

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i had scored the dankest ounce of weed in existence. i did absolutely nothing with it, but i was very vividly happy that i was in possession of the dankest weed ever grown by man or nature.

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWELVE: What's the largest audience you've ever addressed?

presentation skills, go

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Speech class is a requirement at my college and part of it was addressing large crowds. I had to give a speech to all of the people taking lower level communications courses at my college, which was probably ~150 people never been so fucking nervous in my life.

Edited by Griffonite
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Uh if performances are indeed included then an entire middle school which would include just 7th and 8th grade and also it was a small school. I wanna say about 400.

But if it's just presentation, probably no more (or at least not much more) than 30.

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