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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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[spoiler=prev questions]Q671: wasn't sure what to put but then I saw CR's post and oh my god Maximum Ride went downhill so drastically

Q672: it's ok but not that amazing

Q673: Birthright -> Conquest. Fucking sick, especially but not limited to in comparison with my expectations going in.

[00:12:12] Char_Aznable: euklyd Lotus what do you guys think of fates

[00:33:02] euklyd: Char_Aznable: FUCKING SICK

[00:33:10] Char_Aznable: i hav been skipping the plot

[00:33:16] Char_Aznable: but holy shit i hope FE's gameplay moves in this direction

basically this

except the plot isn't even as terrible as people say smh

Q674: Yes, generally whatever local public radio station for NPR (and its affiliates). In my case KQED. Also use Pandora for KPop stuff. Will check out iTunes Radio tho thanks Specta.

Q675: Driven: probably like 50 mph. Been driven: 80s?

Q676: I used to plan out papers for ages with extensive outline revisions and shit, but in college it's been way closer to firstdraftonlydraft. I guess I go back and fill in blanks I leave but that's about it.

For things that matter (application essays) I'll revise the fuck out of it tho.

Q677: lol. Cleaning happens before I have guests over, sometimes. Spring is generally not the time for that.

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I clean whenever I get the urge to clean but it has nothing to do with the seasons. And then there is no real spring over here. Only summer and winter.
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I don't even know what spring cleaning is tbh

My room almost never gets messy (it's small so all it takes is a few shirts on the floor to look messy) but I usually clean it before it gets too bad.

The whole rest of the house is a completely different matter that I have nothing to do with

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We have cleaning ladies ive never done spring cleaning whatever it is

I didn't know these existed for houses

Anyway; I clean on my own initiative and fairly thoroughly, generally for about an hour at a time. It's unrelated to season, though.

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i'm feeling it rn, tbh. it's very regularly more like spring break cleaning than spring cleaning though

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-EIGHT: What's your favorite season for fashion?

cuz everyone dresses different when it gets cold except white guys who always seem to be wearing baggy shorts and flip-flops around campus it's fucking 15 out justin what the actual hell dude

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