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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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this was one of the very few times i felt motivated to write and reading that just killed it, thanks ebony dark'ness dementia raven way

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i have read like the first paragraph

i intend upon reading it some day though

i have a friend who plans on reading it aloud at some point so maybe he will read it for me

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i couldn't listen for more than like, 40 seconds

I haven't, and I won't.

5 seconds in and I nope'd the fuck out

bruh have you ever had a really bad flu and then wailed really loudly for four hours straight then gone to read my immortal for ten minutes

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bruh have you ever had a really bad flu and then wailed really loudly for four hours straight then gone to read my immortal for ten minutes

nah i'll try it one day

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