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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Some kinda computer club in university for a bit but we didn't do much there. And then I got lazy or maybe people stopped going there while I was there.
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  • Band
  • Concert Choir


  • V.I.P.
  • Italian Club
  • Concert Band (at least til my 2nd yr)
  • Concert Choir
  • Drama/Theatre
  • Football (if that counts)


  • Amnesty International (basically human rights)
  • Student Government
  • Student Leadership

Uni (currently):

  • African Association
  • Gospel Choir
  • Hip Hop Dance

There are others but they escape me atm

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nassella_leucotricha this shit takes me back; I spent like, a week every summer doing basically nothing but throwing this stuff at my cousins


- my circle of friends made a "philosophy club" that was basically an excuse to have a classroom to hang out in during lunch once a week. we also got club funds we never used and eventually were like "oh we should use this uhhhhh does anyone want to go on a field trip to see prometheus?" we talked about philosophical matters as well but nobody but us was in the club so lol. good times.


- fencing club, even served as its representative on the club committee thing (because nobody else was free)

- I would say "nerd club" but that honor would go to the "video game and anime club" which was like, actual unwashed neckbeards


- ACM (IEEE for computer science)

- Super Smash Bros club

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Weird, I watched VH1 all the time as a kid and I don't remember this song at all.

at least in about 1997-1999 they played in that order every single day around 3:30 AM

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My high school had just been built when I went in (connected to a middle/grade school), so there weren't any clubs whatsoever. There still aren't. Moreover, club activities like the ones you guys have described were elective classes that we had to take for credits. Baring that in mind, I've taken art, choir, video production, web design, java programming, and a couple others that I'm blanking on, but never as an extracurricular. Just some bullshit elective to occupy the day. Go figure.

In college, I joined a couple actual clubs. Mostly my school's game, anime, and Super Smash Bros. clubs, but they still count, right?

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i revived my school's german club and then left to do better things like not be in any clubs

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX: What's your home page? Why?

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firefox start page

too lazy to change it and too used to it by now

this, except chrome because i use chrome

speaking of using chrome i need to stop using chrome

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serenes because google did this thing where it froze my browser ages ago so i changed it to an arbitrary other site i used frequently


never changed it back even tho that issue lasted literally one day

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The schools I went to would have that as their home page and I kinda liked it as a start page, I had the option to search something if I wanted to and it's also a very simple clean page that loads quickly as well.

I almost never use it straight away though~! It's mostly just out of habit and for aesthetic

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