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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Usually I wear the same type of things to school.

T shirt of varying colors (I have a couple of gray and black ones, a blue, and I think a white one) with the shirt's logo and a kind of hard to see design, black jeans, black-grey letterman type jacket without the letters, sneakers.

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I have too many outfits I like! I prefer my komon kimono (casual) over my regular clothes but if I had to pick one favorite outfit no matter the occasion, I have my two dream furisode with my favorite motifs (two because it depends in the season).

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I have a favorite general outfit combo.

T-shirt, underneath a plaid button-up shirt of some kind with the sleeves rolled up. Blue Jeans in some complimentary shade... Then black shoes and some jacket, along with my fingerless gloves if going out.

I quite like superhero shirts and clever/amusing shirts as well. Like I have a Batman t-shirt, and a T-shirt that says "Hello. My name is... AWESOME!" which is an amusing icebreaker, or a shirt I wear when I feel like I need to feel good about myself, or amuse myself. ;)

...sometimes man... You just gotta roll with feeling AWESOME. ;)

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Yes, definitely.

There are other outfits I "like" about equally, but this is my go-to outfit for way more occasions, that I feel comfortable wearing basically anywhere.

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Yes!! A bunch! But we'll pick what's proooobably at the top at this moment.

Right now it's black blouse tucked into short black and white ruffle hem skirt with pumpkins on it, ghost earrings with jingle bells, black tights or black thigh highs depending on mood, black boots or heels depending on mood, and silver bangles

and I just realized an orange flower headband might look qt with it so I'll have to wear it again soon to test this

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open black duffle coat over a v-necked white pullover, dark blue skinny jeans, black sneakers

yo suave af

just waiting on it to get colder so i can be more consistent with this, but usually with a checkered or plain colored shirt tucked into my chinos with either a sweatervest or cardigan. everyday is dress shoe day, usually those boat shoes and depending on whether i feel classy or not, i'll go with a pea coat or another coat that isnt a pea coat but kind of formal

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it is a blue sweater and blue slacks

despite not being my favorite color, blue is my favorite color to dress in

doc martens are optional

QUESTION SEVEN HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO: Post a graph or chart you like for whatever reason.

i don't care why you're posting it, give me lies, damn lies, and or statistics

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