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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I am extremely passionate about the word: Modesty

For the past years I was (and currently) dedicating my life on many words/quotes/code of conducts (etc.) but the word "modesty" is my absolute favorite courtesy of my childhood (too make it short, discipline + respect + sports & academics =childhood). I believe that this word reveals hidden talents that I never really took to thought such as: Archery, sewing (lol this is one of most embarrassing talents), volleyball, repairing computers etc. It was either a quote vs. a word, but I would delve into the quote way[\b] too much.

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I am extremely passionate about the word: Modesty

For the past years I was (and currently) dedicating my life on many words/quotes/code of conducts (etc.) but the word "modesty" is my absolute favorite courtesy of my childhood (too make it short, discipline + respect + sports & academics =childhood). I believe that this word reveals hidden talents that I never really took to thought such as: Archery, sewing (lol this is one of most embarrassing talents), volleyball, repairing computers etc. It was either a quote vs. a word, but I would delve into the quote way[\b] too much.

that's not a person

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that's not a person

You don't know that lol

*necks self* I thought the topic issued anything & at the same time read "someone" as something my bad.

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this is not "a paragraph"

Here I'm gonna post a fixed version.

Right on the nose. Like, I mean...I have things I actually am passionate about, I just don't feel like I could really, you know...'on command' passionate about them. Does that make any sense? Iunno, it might. Like, I like chemistry, and physics, and biology, I just think science in general is cool, and I like superhero stuff, and I like having ideas and running my mouth and comedy and the select few TV shows and movies I like which I love talking about. I like talking, you see, that's the loophole use, but, you know, silliness aside, things. I have a penchant for ending sentences I haven't structured well in something along the lines of 'you know, things', because, well...why not? It's a better ending than nothing, I suppose. But yeah. I like talking and things, but sometimes I just don't want to talk. Maybe it's just because I've been a little tired the past few days, stopping me from going on a more focused instead of this more general rambling. But hey, you can talk yourself into a passion, you know? I mean, I feel a bit more like talking about science now that I've done all that warm up rambling. See, something I really like about physics is the units. They all...work out, you know? Like, all units in SI are arrangements of the seven SI base units, and from those seven you get tons of different units! Newtons, Ohms, Hertzes, all of them are arrangements of some of those seven base units. It's like French sauces, kind of. However, unlike French sauces, the units can be taken apart after being put together, you can dissect them into their components. For example, Newtons can be broken down in Kilogram Meters per Seconds squared, I think that's cool. One of the fascinating things about physics, science, and math in general, is how stuff just...works out, like I've already said, but, like...to put it in a better way, force is mass times acceleration, that's a very clean, simple calculation. And yeah, I know that the reason a lot of this works out is just that it was designed to, but...I mean, come on, isn't that cool? Trigonometry works for both Snell's law and triangles, one to any power is one and any number to the zero power is one, the world may be complicated, but it can broken down into all these deceptively simple processes. I like that. It's neat. Pretty much everything in the body happens as an arrangement of four elements, and that's fascinating to me. Like, 60% of the body (by mass, I think) is oxygen, like, carbon is around 20%, Hydrogen is around 10% and Nitrogen is around 7% or something. I mean...just...woah. And chemistry is pretty amazing too, as that fact implies. Like, let's take chlorine and sodium: The former will form acid upon entering the repository system and the latter explodes violently on contact with water. But them together, however, and you get NaCl, more commonly called salt, which is largely safe to put in the body, which is mostly water. That's even more incredible when you consider that, in water, the Chlorine and Sodium aren't really even in a compound, they dissociate into free floating ions! It's just...kind of stable, all the sudden, because of the exchange of a single electron. Fluoride will pretty much eat your flesh because it's so reactive, but add six of it (or, technically three pairs of it, since Fluorine only exists in pairs because it's that reactive) to a molecule of sulfur and boom! Sulfur hexafluoride. That sounds like it should be the deadliest thing ever, but nope! It's incredibly stable, you can literally put it in your lungs and, for the most part, be okay. You know how some people inhale helium to make their voice higher? Inhaling sulfur hexafluoride makes your voice sound low, and doesn't kill you! That's amazing to me, like...all these destructive, reactive forces can be mixed and arranged to do all these incredible things. They can be made even deadlier, they can be made harmless, they can be made into medicines that kill bacteria, or even into bacteria! And, you know, there's the very stable noble gases, but even those can be made to react! Fluorine can make some noble gases react with it, and you can have a Helium and Hydrogen mix into Helium Hydride, a substance so reactive we haven't been able to have it exist as a liquid because it will destroy anything you try to put it in. It's just...I'm taking AP Chem right now, in case it doesn't show. But I love that class, because you get exposure to a bunch of stuff like this! I'm taking physics with it, in case that also doesn't show, and I think it's incredible, you know? I think I went overboard, too.

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Wow what nobody ever posted since then?

Well anyway

Specta is a super fun person! It's very enjoyable talking about ~FASHION~ with her! She's also a good person to talk to about concerns because she's very rational and open-minded. I think that's why she deals so well with people as well, because she knows how to be understanding. She's very passionate about the stuff she loves like ~FASHION~ and chickens and linguistics C: She has lots of interesting stuff to say on the stuff she loves. Which means she has a lot to say about me~! I love her too she's awesome <3

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I have a good friend, who shall henceforth be referred to as Vicero, that I play video and card games with. But that's not all we do. He's one of the few people with whom I feel having a serious discussion is worthwhile, and we both share music tastes and a dumb sense of humor. Vicero listens to me rant about Fire Emblem and Monster Hunter and biology, and I listen to him rant about Halo and Pokemon and political science. He's also one of the nicest people I know, much nicer than I am, and we just have a lot of fun when we're able to hang out. I also appreciate the fact that Vicero is okay with my occasional lack of responses to our text/internet conversations. He's a cool dude.

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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Serenes Forest dot net user Pride is one of the most loveliest people ever that I've had the privilege of knowing. He's a very entertaining individual, you never know what he'll say or do next but its never a bore. He is honest and not afraid to call you out whenever you're fucking up but he is also very understanding and supportive! Even though I am a terribly stilted person who is lacking in social skills, I feel like whenever he is around I can be at least a bit more comfortable in expressing myself. I miss him a lot when he's gone for a long time but he still always checks up on me at some point and is not a fair-weather friend in the slightest! There may be a lot of ribbing amongst us but there is just so much about Pride to like and be ecstatic about, there is not a day where I don't think of him.

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Suku is the lord and saviour of the world. It's the cutest thing ever and always so irresistible. It takes your soul when you least expect it and then lazes on it. I could not imagine getting bored of this cute bovine.

Uh, well, that probably wouldn't count so...

Ein is the closest person to me and he's always so understanding. He's always been listening to my troubles and always being there for me when he can. He always tries his hardest to help me calm down and feel better. He's done so much for me that I could not repay, but motivates me to do the same for him. I can only hope I can do the same. He always makes me smile when I talk to him, and when I can see him, it always makes him happy from the deepest part of my heart. I've never felt truly happy since many years ago. His love always reassures me in times of stress and anxiety. His companionship drives away the loneliness. He is always able to make me feel like I can be myself and be comfortable with him. He makes me capable and comfortable to be myself at all times. I love him so much, and I know he feels the same.

Edited by Kagerou Imaizumi
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I'm pretty ignorant about space in general, so it was cool reading through your post. Are planets really limited to those few archetypes or are there other variations you didn't talk about? Wait, I always figured our solar system was fairly unique as far as we knew, is it not?

there's so-called 'super-earths' as well, which are just big rocky bodies. essentially, there's only 3 types of planets -- rocky, gaseous, and icy. (this is because of how solar systems tend to evolve.) as a function of distance, we can expect to find rocky planets closest to the sun, then gaseous, then icy. 'hot jupiters,' 'hot neptunes,' etc. are similarly sized to planets in our solar system but are for some reason migrated so that they closely orbit their star (within 1au, so shorter than the orbital period of the earth).

i personally don't think we have a large enough sample to really determine whether our solar system is unique or not. according to current numbers, stars on average have at least one planet, so our solar system deviates from that pretty strongly. we don't quite yet have the tech necessary to find lots of smaller-sized planets. a number of telescopes can do this (but of course time is limited), so brand new telescopes launching in the coming years (listed here), namely tess and the james webb space telescope, should be able to find many interesting things! i know i'm excited! :D

i have no idea who to write about for the qotd.

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I am genuinely, deeply happy I met Kate. She's one of the most kind-hearted and sweet human beings I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. She's a ridiculously calming force to me and that's something I'm so grateful for. She's also just so good about humoring me and my interests and never makes me feel like I'm a burden. This was harder than I thought to put into words I am bad at these I love you girl you're a lovely part of my life ;__;

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I, noted user Reinfleche, joined Serenes Forest when I was only a lad, over seven years ago in fact. At twelve years old, I made many naive mistakes, and was not the most mature. Over the following summer however, I took somewhat of a leave of absence and returned cooler for it. Recognizing faults and improving them is a sign of good character. Since then, I've been a more subdued person, making more clever and insightful comments (sometimes) and generally just being a total beast when it comes to the topic of anything at all. I really appreciate Reinfleche's achievements and contributions as a quality user, because I have a healthy level of self-esteem, and it is important to think highly of yourself. As such it seems only fair that I am the best subject available for this sort of question of the day. Sure, there are other people who did this kind of post, but it turns out I'm just cooler and also wrote a better composed paragraph with some sweet honest facts.

Edited by Reinfleche
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i thought too long and now i don't have time to before sleep :(


how the fuck have we not done this

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I, noted user Reinfleche, joined Serenes Forest when I was only a lad, over seven years ago in fact. At twelve years old, I made many naive mistakes, and was not the most mature. Over the following summer however, I took somewhat of a leave of absence and returned cooler for it. Recognizing faults and improving them is a sign of good character. Since then, I've been a more subdued person, making more clever and insightful comments (sometimes) and generally just being a total beast when it comes to the topic of anything at all. I really appreciate Reinfleche's achievements and contributions as a quality user, because I have a healthy level of self-esteem, and it is important to think highly of yourself. As such it seems only fair that I am the best subject available for this sort of question of the day. Sure, there are other people who did this kind of post, but it turns out I'm just cooler and also wrote a better composed paragraph with some sweet honest facts.

rein is all growed up. :')

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